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Monday, June 3, 2024

Hey now, you're an All Star

Woke up and changed to go to work. Grabbed my coffee and my bag and headed out. Caught BART to go to the city and got to work. Printed out some items I had to review for training and had a long meeting that went over 2 and a half hours.
(Morning: Peanuts, coffee. Water. Banana)

Went to warm up my left overs and had lunch. Talked to my mom for a bit and read. Logged back into work and I had to go to another meeting that I didn't want to be in. Reviewed some docs for a presentation I am doing tomorrow. I do not feel good right now. But on the way home.
(Afternoon: water. Minster. Orange chicken, white rice, peanuts)

Played catch with the boys in the back. Tool out the trash. Went to Costco to grab some items. Got the news that Gabriel was selected tk be an All Star for the Farms Division. I really wished that Javi would have been selected as well, he was awesome this year and is one of the best in the league. Showered and now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: cookie, water)

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