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Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tuesday night

Woke up, changed and headed out. It was cold this morning but dry. Caught BART down to the city and walked over to my building. I was able to finish up some things that I needed to do before a meeting. Took a break and talked to a few people before going to lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water, pop tarts)

Had lunch and relaxed. Had a meeting to update some materials and started researching and printing things out for training. Packed up and headed home. When I got to BART I decided to get a treat for my wife and me.
(Afternoon: water. Zoa, spaghetti and meatballs, chocolate, Creme Brule latte)

Went to fill up the truck, ordered an air fryer for pick up amd grabbed it before Javi's basketball practice. His practice was good. It went over. We came home, I showered,  he showered and I finished laundry. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: hot dog, donut, water)

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