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Thursday, November 2, 2023

Dia de Los muertos

Woke up and changed. Logged in to work for the first time this week and caught up on some emails. Got the boys ready and dropped them off at school. Came home and continued working on some items until a meeting we had.
(Morning: water, pop tarts, coffee)

Had a meeting and got some assignments that I didn't agree with, but it is what it is. Had lunch and went to pick up Javi and dropped off Gabriel's things for practice. Came home and finished up work and played some basketball with Javi.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, coke, water, chocolate)

Had some more food before going to Javi's basketball practice. Came home and had Javi shower. I showered and washed dishes, put covers on the outside furniture. Watched some TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: carne molida, white rice, water. Chips)

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