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Monday, November 20, 2023

Thanksgiving week

Woke up and got dressed. Drove over to BART and caught the train. Got to the city and walked over to 1440 Harrison. Busy morning printing items and getting set up for training. I wasn't training but I was in the room observing. The training felt not as good as it could be, it was a combination of things. Anyway now it's lunch time. 
(Morning: pop tart. Water. Coffee, bar)

Had lunch with Amilcar and talked about some things. Went back upstairs to see the rest of the training. They finished early and this group was not taking advantage of their time. I said a few things to them before I left and I caught Muni to Bart and came home.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, sandwich, peanuts, cracker jack)

Got home, took out the trash. Had dinner and played a few games with Gabriel. Loaded the truck with my mother in laws bags as she is going to Orlando and I went to shower. Had the boys shower and hung out until my wife came home. Now watching TV. Working from home the next 2 days.
(Nighttime: spaghetti and meatballs, pupsa, orange juice, water, cookies)

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