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Thursday, November 30, 2023


Woke up and changed. Helped get the boys ready for school and my wife took them. I stayed behind since it was my training day. Training went well and my part was over quick. I did laundry and waited for lunch time to go to Target.
(Morning: coffee. Water, brownie)

Got the items from target and came home to make spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread. Finished training and emptied out the lawn mower for thr trash pick up.
(Afternoon: water, ginger ale, spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread)

Took Javi to practice. Came home and had Javi shower. We are watching TV now until bed time. 
(Nighttime: egg Nighttime, chips, water)

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Hump day

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my coffee and headed out to BART. Caught the train and headed to the city. Got to work and set up in am office and due to traffic issues I had to start the training. I started and had them start working on a case. I went to the forum and presented 2 topics and went back to the other training. Now setting up for the last day.
(Morning: coffee, water, brownie,  pop tarts)

Participated in a food event at work. Overpriced nachos is what I had. Ate and also had my sandwich. Finished up by going to another training and set up to go home. Got on BART and there was a delay because some ass hat was hiding on the tracks. Got home and put things away and had dinner.
(Afternoon: nachos, water. Zoa, sandwich,  orange chicken. White rice, shasta)

We went to Target and came home. Cleaned up a bit and showered. Played a game with Gabriel and sent the boys to bed. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water)

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

another day

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed out to BART. Caught thr train and when I got to the city I walked over to my building. Grabbed a few thubgs to set up for training. Training was good today.
(Morning: water. Coffee, brownie, pop tarts)

Had lunch and chilled. Talked to my mom and to arnel. Finished up training and jetted out to grab the BART train back home. Got home and put things away and helped Gabriel do homework and we cleaned up.
(Afternoon: Gallo Pinto, tortilla, torta Dr carne, zoa, water)

Took Javi to basketball practice. Not sure if I have dinner tonight. Have to have him shower and I have to do the same. 
(Nighttime: water)

Monday, November 27, 2023


Woke up. Changed, grabbed my things and headed to BART. Caught the train and got to the city. It was really cold this morning. Got to 1440 and passed out documents and got things ready for today. The training was ok today. 
(Morning : water, coffee, pop tart)

Had lunch and watched some videos. Finished listening to the training and went out to catch the Muni 9R to go to BART. Caught thr train and came home. Drove to the house and had dinner.
(Afternoon: gallo pinto, torta de carne, water, coke)

Took out the trash, compost and recycling. Watered the gras in the backyard. Showered and now watching a zhow before bed.
(Nighttime: water, brownie)

Saturday, November 25, 2023

War Games

Woke up and cleaned up the kitchen and did laundry. Showered and got ready to go to Union City to Javi's friends birthday party at iFly. But first we got Krispy Kreme donuts. 
(Morning: water, coffee, donuts)

The kids did indoor skydiving amd had fun. They were nervous but were up to the challenge. After we came home to grab the gift and went over to their house to have pizza and cake.
(Afternoon: pizza, cake, snacks, pepsi, water)

Returned home and started up another load of laundry. Took a quick nap and started watching Survivor Series War Games. After some time we started to clean out the office and move things. Built the lego table for the boys and finished off the show. CM Punk return to the shock of a lot of people. After hung out and folded clothes. Tomorrow another busy day.
(Nighttime: water, beer, peanut butter cups,  orange chicken)

Friday, November 24, 2023

Black Friday

Woke u.amd showered. We took off to Target to grab some gifts and then to Home Depot to get our tree. Came home and set up the tree and cleaned up the front yard.
(Morning: water)

We drove to Union City to eat at Texas Roadhouse.  Went to another Target and came home to rest a bit. Started decorating the tree and the front of the house.
(Afternoon: water, onion, pulled pork dinner, loaded mashed potatoes, Cesar salad, bread)

Packed up some of the gifts and did laundry. Watched Good Burger 2 and sent the boys to bed. Now watching Squid Games and folding clothes before bed. 
(Nighttime: turkey sandwich,  cranberry sauce, stuffing, beer, water)

Thursday, November 23, 2023


Woke up and helped put the ham in the slow cooker. Went back to sleep and woke up later to take a shower, play Madden and watch some football. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

We drove down to my Sister's and set up. We had an early dinner. Cleaned up, I accidentally bumped into a cabinet and broke a plate, I felt so bad. We came up after .
(Afternoon: Thanksgiving meal, water)

Got home and watched thr Niners play the Seahawks. The Niners won. Had a few drinks and dessert. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water tequila and soda, pumpkin pie)

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Hunger Games

Woke up and got dressed. My wife went to work early so it was me and the boys while I trained. The training this morning was ok, I had to go off on them again. I was done with them.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went to gas up the camry, hit up Target to get Gabriel some socks and underwear. Finished up training and my wife brought me a Darby Dan sandwich.  After work we went to a meet up with Gabriel's class to play and after we headed to my sister's to drop them off.
(Afternoon: Orange Shasta, sandwich)

Got to my sister's and dropped them off. Went to watch the new Hunger games movie and now getting home. Tired. Lots to do tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: coke, popcorn)

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

close to time off

Woke up and got ready for work. Logged in and started training. We did some training cases. It was ok today but these trainees are still asshats.
(Morning: coffee, water, pop tarts)

Grabbed some coffee and went to cardenas.  Came home and had lunch. Checked back in to training and finished the day. 
(Afternoon: tamales, water)

We went to Walmart and came home. I showered. Had dinner and now relaxing until bed time. One more day of training to go before Thanksgiving break 
(Nighttime: Chicken nuggets, pumpkin pie, water)

Monday, November 20, 2023

Thanksgiving week

Woke up and got dressed. Drove over to BART and caught the train. Got to the city and walked over to 1440 Harrison. Busy morning printing items and getting set up for training. I wasn't training but I was in the room observing. The training felt not as good as it could be, it was a combination of things. Anyway now it's lunch time. 
(Morning: pop tart. Water. Coffee, bar)

Had lunch with Amilcar and talked about some things. Went back upstairs to see the rest of the training. They finished early and this group was not taking advantage of their time. I said a few things to them before I left and I caught Muni to Bart and came home.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, sandwich, peanuts, cracker jack)

Got home, took out the trash. Had dinner and played a few games with Gabriel. Loaded the truck with my mother in laws bags as she is going to Orlando and I went to shower. Had the boys shower and hung out until my wife came home. Now watching TV. Working from home the next 2 days.
(Nighttime: spaghetti and meatballs, pupsa, orange juice, water, cookies)

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Baseball and Football

Woke up and changed. Got Javi ready and we were off to the little league field. We set up the bases and warmed up. We had 11 kids today, Javi played 3 innings at 1B and one at 3rd. He struck out twice and grounded out in his last at bat. We won 9-7. After we came home to change and get Gabriel to take him to his game.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Gabriel did well. He went 3-4, scored 3 runs. Made some defensive stops. His team won as well. After we came home. I watched the Niners play against Tampa Bay.  The Niners won. I went to pick up lunch and ate. Played basketball with the boys in the back while doing laundry  
(Afternoon: pupusas,  nachos grande, Gatorade,  coke, water)

We went to Target to grab some items for the week. Came home and showered. Watched a movie with the family and had a quick bite to eat. Now relaxing until bed time. Work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: fried rice, water)

Saturday, November 18, 2023

🏀 and 🥳

Woke up and made breakfast for the boys. Changed Gabriel and took a shower. Had Javi get ready so we could go to his basketball game. We got there and they lost pretty badly. Javi did good with his minutes. Had a rebound and defended well. No chances to score. Hopefully that comes soon. After we came home to rest. We have a birthday party to go to.
(Morning: water, tortilla soup)

We dropped Javi off at his friends house. We went to Sector 19 for a birthday party for Gabriel's friend. We had fun, they played laser tag and we talked to the parents. After we came home and I took a nap.
(Afternoon: pizza. Lemonade, water, cake)

We ate some dim sum and came home. I showered. Changed Gabriel and played Madden. Watched SNL and now off to bed. Baseball tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: fried rice, pork bun, dim sum, beer, tequila, water)

Friday, November 17, 2023


Woke up and got ready. Got the boys ready and my wife took them to school. I had training today. Wendid our Morning session and sent them off to lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee. Poptarts)

Had left overs and took a nap. Finished up training and after work we went to watch Trolls Band Together.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, water, popcorn,  coke)

After the movies we went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings with my Mom and Sister. After came home to shower. Watching a movie and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water, wings onion rings, carrots, celery)


Woke up and got ready. Got the boys ready for school and my wife took them. I had to train. It was an OK training day.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch and went back to training. Finished up and we went to Starbucks to grab some coffee and came back home.
(Afternoon: White rice, meat patties, Creme Brule latte,  water)

Took Javi to basketball practice and he did good. Came home, had him shower and I showered.  Went to bed early, not feeling well.
(Nighttime: water)

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Hump day at home

Woke up and got dressed. Made coffee and got the boys ready. Took them to school and passed by grabbing McDonald's for breakfast. Ate and logged in to work to test out cases. Attended the forum meeting and presented. Attended another meeting before watching Javi sing at school.
(Morning: coffee, water, hash brown, sausage mcmuffin, sausage biscuit)

Picked up lunch and ate. Picked up the boys and finished up work. We went to Costco after work.
(Afternoon: water, grape sods, burrito)

After Costco we went to Target and now we are home. About to shower and take some meds. My voice is shot and throat is scratchy.
(Nighttime: water)

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Picture Day

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and my wife took them. I got ready for training. The morning was good and it went ok. We finished the first part early and had them work on some items.
(Morning: water coffee, pop tarts)

Went to Target to grab some ingredients for lunch. Came home and logged in to work. Ate lunch and finished work. Went over to take Gabriel to take his basketball pictures and came home.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, water)

Took Javi to his picture day and came home. Showered and relaxed. Did some laundry and played Madden. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: reese's pieces, tequila with fresco, water)

Monday, November 13, 2023

Back at work

Woke up and got dressed. Gabriel woke up and I had him use the bathroom and put him back in his bed. I left to catch the BART train to work. Got to the city and headed over to 1440 and got things ready for the training group. The morning went by a bit slow and now we are just waiting for lunch time.
(Morning: pop tart, Madeline, coffee, water)

Had lunch and hung out with Amilcar. Finished up with the group and tested out some cases. Caught the 9R to go to BART and came home. When I got here I finished something real quick for work and we went to get Javi's hair cut.
(Afternoon: zoa, water, sandwich)

Went to Michael's after the hair cut and came home. Tool out the bins for tomorrow and went to our neighbors house to change a battery for her. Had dinner. The boys showered, I showered now playing Madden before bed. Training tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: ginger ale. Water. Chocolate, shrimp pasta Alfredo)

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Back home (1st lost tooth)

Woke up and went to change and start packing. Went down to get breakfast and ate. Loaded up the truck and we went to Porto's bakery to grab some items for the road and we were off. On the way I was trying to listen to the Niners game, but I couldn't get a good signal until the 2nd quarter. 
(Morning: pancakes, bagel sandwich,  coffee, oj, water, latte)

We stopped at in-n-out and grabbed lunch. After contuned the drive. Got home before 3 and unloaded and put things away. Put gas in the truck, did laundry and watched football.
(Afternoon: Double double, coke, water)

Showered and pulled out Gabriel's tooth. His first one, he was excited. After watched Loki and now off to bed. Early start time tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, pop tart) 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Universal studios day 2

Woke up and got ready. We headed downstairs to grab breakfast and drove out to the park. Oassed security and waited for the escalator to open so we could go to the lower lot for the Transformers ride. After we got on the Simpsons ride and took a break while Watchung the Kung Fu Panda show. 
(Morning: omlette. Sausage bagel, sausage. Coffee. Oj, water, pancakes)

Got on the tram and hit up the Harry Potter rides. Did some shopping and we had an late lunch/early dinner at Bubba Gumps. After put gas at Costco and went to Target before coming to the hotel.
(Afternoon: beer. Water, lobster roll, fish and chips)

Had Gabriel shower, I showered and now hanging out until bed time. We drive back home tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water beer)

Friday, November 10, 2023

Universal studios

Woke up at 1:30 and changed. Packed up the truck, got my wife and kids ready to go and we started to drive out around 2:10. The drive was good, pretty good time. We stopped at 2 rest stops and got gas once. We arrived at Universal studios around 7:30 in the morning. Had the boys change and we walked over. Got in and went straight to Nintendo world. We got on Mario Kart and did the Bowswer Jr. Challenge  and I was going to take Gabriel to ride Jurrasic World but the wait was 100 minutes. So we shifted to the Mummy. We waited and right when we were on the ride broke down and we had to get off. We got express passes for some rides.
(Morning: coffee. Water, monster)

Had quick lunch, got on Jurassic World and the Mummy right after. Went to meet my wife and Javi. Had a beer before going on the tram tour. Got on the minions ride before leaving for the day.
(Afternoon: corn dog, fries, beer, water, brownie)

Got to the hotel, got settled and had dinner at Denny's  now back in the room. Tossing a few cold ones and going to bed soon. 
(Nighttime: Chicken club sandwich,  fries, water, beer)

Thursday, November 9, 2023

The night before

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and they went to school. I logged in for training. It was a light Morning amd we got them to log in to systems.
(Morning: pop tart, coffee. Water)

Picked up lunch and the boys, came home to eat and logged back into training for a demonstration. After we let them go out to do some more system log ins and I was out. Went to go rear.
(Afternoon: Hawaiian BBQ, Thai Iced tea, water)

Packed up and took Javi to his basketball practice. Came home, had him shower,  I showered and now getting rest. Waking up early to go to Universal studios tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: chocolate,  jalapeño poppers, water)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Hump day

Woke up and got dressed. Took off to BART and hopped on the train. Got to Civic Center and walked over to my desk and set up. Did some editing for the training and had a meeting.
(Morning: water, coffee. Pop tart, donut)

Had lunch and finished up more editing. Headed home. Got to Bayfair BART and drove home. Played a quick game of basketball with the boys and cleaned up.
(Afternoon: Mac and cheese, chips, water, chocolate)

Had dinner and washed dishes. Changed Gabriel and I took a shower. Watched a movie and played Madden 24. Now going to bed. Training tomorrow before.
(Nighttime: Chicken tacos, rice, water, ginger ale)

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tuesday night

Woke up, changed and headed out. It was cold this morning but dry. Caught BART down to the city and walked over to my building. I was able to finish up some things that I needed to do before a meeting. Took a break and talked to a few people before going to lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water, pop tarts)

Had lunch and relaxed. Had a meeting to update some materials and started researching and printing things out for training. Packed up and headed home. When I got to BART I decided to get a treat for my wife and me.
(Afternoon: water. Zoa, spaghetti and meatballs, chocolate, Creme Brule latte)

Went to fill up the truck, ordered an air fryer for pick up amd grabbed it before Javi's basketball practice. His practice was good. It went over. We came home, I showered,  he showered and I finished laundry. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: hot dog, donut, water)

Monday, November 6, 2023


Woke up, got dressed and headed out to BART.  Caught the train and headed over to the city. Got off and walked over to my desk and set up. I have to set up some things for the training. Had a meeting and was able to get things set and waited until lunch time.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Pop tarts, donut)

Had lunch and had another meeting. Updated a few things amd headed out to BART. Got home and swept up the leaves in the front yard. Washed up and headed to Target to grab the ham for Thanksgiving. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich, water, chocolate)

Had dinner and showered. Changed Gabriel and we watched a show on TV. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: spaghetti and meatballs, water)

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Baseball ⚾️

Woke up and had coffee. Got Gabriel ready for his baseball game and my wife took him. I showered and got ready to take Javi to his game and we were off.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Javi's team lost 8-7. He had 2 walks and 4 stolen bases, 2 runs scored. After we came home to change and drove to Antioch to celebrate our God daughter and cousins birthday. We had a good time and came home after.
(Afternoon : lunchable, monster, Gatorade, red bull, ribs, rice and beans, salad, beer, chocolate)

The drive home was good, got here and changed Gabriel. I took a shower and now watching TV before bed. In office day tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: Peanut butter sandwich,  milk, water)

Saturday, November 4, 2023

basketball 🏀

Woke up and had coffee. Started watching crown jewel. Got Gabriel ready and he was off to his basketball game. I had Javi get ready and we were close to leaving to his.
(Morning: coffee, water, pizza, coke)

Javi's tram lost. He layer about 6 minutes or so and did great defensively. He got open on offense but they didn't pass him the ball. On our way home I told him that he did great in maximizing his minutes and let's see where we can improve. My wife said Gabriel's team won, they were off all game but got the W. Got home and napped. When I woke up I had lunch and chilled.
(Afternoon: water. Burrito)

We went to Southland mall for a bit to get a gift. Had yogurt and came home. Rested up and watched a show. Doing laundry now. About to change and watch a show before bed. Baseball tomorrow for both boys.
(Nighttime: water, yogurt)

Friday, November 3, 2023


Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready and headed out to drop them off. Picked up Starbucks on the way home and logged in to work. Had a quick meeting and it was a chill day until it wasn't.
(Morning: cupcake. Caramel Macchiato, water)

Chilled and played with the boys. Finished work and rested up until we went to pick up some pizza. 
(Afternoon: pizza, bread sticks, lemonade, water)

Went to Target and came back home. Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water)

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Dia de Los muertos

Woke up and changed. Logged in to work for the first time this week and caught up on some emails. Got the boys ready and dropped them off at school. Came home and continued working on some items until a meeting we had.
(Morning: water, pop tarts, coffee)

Had a meeting and got some assignments that I didn't agree with, but it is what it is. Had lunch and went to pick up Javi and dropped off Gabriel's things for practice. Came home and finished up work and played some basketball with Javi.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, coke, water, chocolate)

Had some more food before going to Javi's basketball practice. Came home and had Javi shower. I showered and washed dishes, put covers on the outside furniture. Watched some TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: carne molida, white rice, water. Chips)

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


Woke up and changed. Called out. Wasn't feeling good to go into work. Probably will go in tomorrow. Took the boys to school and came home. Rested before going to Target and trader Joe's.  Came home to finish laundry.
(Morning: coffee, water, cornnuts)

Picked up the boys and some lunch. Came home to eat, napped and watched a show on Disney +. Played some basketball in the backyard with the boys so the could practice. Came in and chilled. 
(Afternoon: Double cheeseburger, onion rings, coke, water)

Changed and had some dole whip, watched some shows and now off to bed. Bruce Bochy led his Texas Rangers to a world series victory, 13 years after his first with the Giants.

(Nighttime: dole whip, water, cornnuts)