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Thursday, January 6, 2011

With God in your heart...Anything is possible!

Mateo 1:21 Dará a luz un hijo, y le pondrás por nombre Jesús,porque él salvará a su pueblo de sus pecados.
Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.

So, as you know I am reading the Bible, so far it is going well, reading it slowly because I want to comprehend what I am reading. It definitely is a hard read, just because of the way it is written, but I think I am getting it so far. Just barely on Geneis 15:1 (a few pages into the Bible) I remember growing up and going to church, my family would go and there would be a time in the service when the kids would go up and recite a scripture from the Bible. The one above Mateo/Matthew 1:21 was the only one I could remember saying. still this day it plays in my head when I think of Church and the Bible. When I was young my parents tried to get me to go to catechism classes, but I believe I did not have the attention span for it.

Later in life I was able to go back and do the adult program in order to get my first holy communion and confirmation. I did it with my wife (U) with the intention of being able to get married in the Church before the eyes of God. I remember the room being cold on Thursday nights, the different teachers and their different "relationships" with God. But it was very informational. When I finally got to do my first confession I was nervous and anxious. I felt like laughing because I have seen it done in movies and have seen people go in.

At first I had a hard time thinking about what I would confess. Since the point of confession is to actually be sorrow for what you have done, it took me some time to bring up some things I had truly felt bad for.When I got into the confessional, it was dark. I placed my knee on the pew and the light came on and I could see the Father. I really did almost laugh, but I was able to do my confession and truly felt that a weight had been lifted off of me. It was a great experience and at the same time it was something that was bringing me closer to God.
I do not attend Church on any type of regular schedule, but I know that I should. That may change this year, I may start going or at least try to go. I have always felt comfortable with the relationship I have with God. I pray at least 3 times a day and I turn to him when I am in need and when I have success. Anyway, on my quest to continue reading the Bible. It probably will enlighten me and help me live my life in a better, healthier and more responsible way, because with God in your heart....Anything is possible!!

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