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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Eddie Checked in at: His Blog

Here is a not so recent, but increasing trend... "Checking in" it's a little application on your phone or whatever mobile device you have that tells everyone where you are... Thank goodness because everyone was worried about your current location. They should not call it "Checking in" they should rename it "Stalkers assistant". What ever happened to just going somewhere and then running into someone and saying "Hey I didn't know you were here"? now, it's "I checked in here, with so and so, and blah blah blah" and the response is "Hey, I saw you checked in here an hour ago" What does "checking in" prove? it proves you are not at home, an open invitation to those who want to do you harm. I guess soon people will "check in" when they use the restroom, pass gas, or even have sex!! What ever happened to your own privacy?
The funny thing is, that the people who use these "check in" applications are normally the ones who complain about people being "all up in their business" and how people are "nosey"... Guess what? you open up the door to that house, no one to blame but yourself. On the other side of the coin, if you are going to be "checking in", why not do it all the time? when you enter a room, take a shower, get the mail, tie your shoes, etc. I guess I maybe old fashioned in the sense that I don't want people to know where I am at and honestly I really do not think they even care where I am. Got to go now, have to "check in" to my location, so the world can breathe a little better now that they know where I am....

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