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Friday, January 7, 2011

Excuse me...

Well, this topic has been brewing in my head for quite some time. It has happened to all of us and I don't know how you feel about it, but it really bothers me. I am talking about restroom etiquette. I don't know what rules and regulations that Women have for their trips to the restroom, but there should be rules and regulations for Men to follow to use a restroom in public. Here a few that I thought of...
1) Be polite, when walking into the restroom check for feet in the stall, don't start pushing and banging on the door like a crazy person to hear someone say "it's busy"
2) Urinals... the only reason you should use the urinal directly next to someone is at a stadium or when there are only 2. It's called personal space. Use the every other urinal rule.
3) DO NOT TALK while using the restroom. This includes cell phones and especially talking to me. I like to think of the restroom as my fortress of solitude, not a confessional. Do your thing and get out!
4) If you make a mess, clean it up! I don't know why this isn't common sense, you are adults, clean up after yourselves!
5) Wash your hands.. Do not just wet them, or go through the motions...actually wash your hands with soap and water for more then 30 seconds...then dry them.
6) your sh!t does stink.. Light a match..I'm just saying...
It's simple people, do this and society would greatly benefit....Until next time.....

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