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Monday, January 3, 2011

Something new for me for the New Year

So, last year (2010) I was deciding on what new adventure I should take on. I had already done Facebook, I was considering a Twitter account, but then I thought "how about a blog?" So, after a few days of pondering if I should do this, or better yet if anyone would care if I did this, I decided to go for it. This may help me throughout this year, to give me a place to express random thoughts or even deep thoughts that may come about in my mind. So, here I am , now wondering what to write...
How about I start off by sharing some resolutions I have for 2011...
1) lose weight.. I know every one says they are going to do this, but I have a wedding to get ready for and I need to look good for those flashing lights
2) Read the Bible cover to cover...This is probably the third time I have said this, but I think this time I will do it. I feel the need to get closer to who I believe in.
3) Get in a better place financially... who doesn't want this??
4) Take time to enjoy everymoment....
5) Try new things

Now, for a preview of topics I will cover throughout the year....
My Church Wedding to my beautiful Bride (U)
San Francisco Giants
San Francisco 49ers
Family, friends, anything....

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