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Saturday, January 22, 2011

King of Pop

It's 11:43 pm on a Friday night, and I have decided to watch some of the first disc of Michael Jackson's Vision DVD set. Right now as I write Michael is beginning to sing 'Thriller', the memories that this brings to me are so much fun and really bring a smile to my face. I can't help but get a little emotional that MJ is gone. Although I never met the man, I feel a closeness to him that I don't know if I can truly make anyone understand.
Michael Jackson IS the soundtrack to my life, all it took was Thriller to get me hooked. Growing up my Mom would play the making of Thriller for me and I would stick to the television and watch it over and over again. I was and still am a big fan. I love all of his music, his dance moves, his videos, everything. Hold on a moment, he is about to do the zombie Thriller dance...
Ok, I'm back. So what does MJ mean to me, MJ brings me back to a much simpler time, a time where I was a kid growing up with my family, we were all still together. MJ signifies for me family unity, a time where we all enjoyed our company and we were close. His music takes me back to when I was younger, carefree and innocent and his dance moves; which I have tried to imitate numerous times still amaze me.
I remember the day that MJ passed away, I was waiting to get my hair cut at a barber shop and my friend Arnel called me to tell me that he was dead. It was unreal, I heard what he said, but I didn't want to comprehend it. I got my hair cut, listened to the barber (Sam) speak his opinions on him, but I was tuning him out. I didn't want to hear anything he or anyone had to say about MJ, I just wanted to remember him the way I did.
On the ride home, I remember listening to Billie Jean on the stereo, the part where he says "Mother always told me, be careful what you do, don't go around breakin' young girls hearts" I lost it. I cried a bit, because he was gone. I couldn't and didn't want to believe it. But I felt that MJ was closer to me at this point. There was something different about his music now, like it had a new life, I think his soul got interjected with his music and that he now lives deep within it. I remember getting home and now all of a sudden he was called by his name, Michael Jackson, not 'wacko Jacko' and all of these other hurtful things and it made me so upset that I refused to watch any television coverage.
I sat down and watched his videos, remembering the times that he had and remembering him having fun. It's funny, I mentioned before that my Mom would put on the making of Thriller and I would not move, now I play the video for my two nephews and they get stuck on it. It's been about a year and a half now since MJ passed and I still can't believe it.
When I heard about the Michael Jackson experience game was going to come out, I went out and I reserved it, I knew that I would love the game, just to be able to dance along with MJ, to his music and with friends and family, I knew it would be the greatest game ever. My niece and nephews love the game and we do play it, bringing MJ back to life by hearing his music and attempting to dance like him.
I still sometimes get sad when I think of MJ, all of the things he had to go through, the allegations, the tabloids, no privacy. That's why I still love to hear him, watch him and think of him. MJ passed away the day before I got married, I am still in shock over that. I never got a chance to see him dance and sing in person, I be if I did, it would have been everything I hoped it would be.
If I had a chance to speak to him, I would thank him for everything, the dancing, the music, the videos, all of the memories he gave me, I would ask him to teach me how to Moonwalk and I would tell him how much he means to me and that he was and is the soundtrack of my life. I will never get that chance, but somehow I know when I play his songs and sing along, that MJ is here with me and all of his fans and that somehow he knows how much he means to me.
Michael taught me that it doesn't matter if you're Black or White, he taught me how to be Bad, he made look at the Man in the Mirror, attempt to Heal the World and to take a moment to Remember the Time and how to be a Thriller. Michael gave me so many memories and I can't wait to share these great videos with my children and expose them to the greatest artist of all time.
Rest In Peace Michael Jackson... The one and only King Of Pop... Thank you for everything. Much Love, you will always live on in my heart, your videos and in your music.....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Taurus...and my name is...wait..WTF?

So the other day I read in the news that there is a new astrological sign and that the signs that we thought were ours, may no longer be ours...This obviously causes a problem for many (myself included) because of tattoos that we have that represent the sign that we are used to, which would not be good. I also read that some folks are so distraught that they feel the need to remove their tattoos and put on their new sign... I don't know about that. To me it doesn't matter what they say about this 13th sign "Ophiuchus" being included, it is not going to change who you are or how you act. For instance my sign would change from "Taurus" (introverted sign) to "Aries" (extroverted sign). It doesn't mean that now I will be going out all the time and socializing every minute that I can... It's just not me. There are qualities and characteristics of a "Taurus" that I showcase and I am sure that other people feel the same with their signs. But as always in life, people will do what makes them happy and offers them a sense of security. My final thoughts on this is that we use the Tropical (western) Zodiac calendar, the one they are talking about seems to be on the Sidereal (Hindu) Zodiac calendar. I am a Taurus and I will always be a Taurus, next thing you know they are going to say that Pluto is no longer a planet, and say it's a Kuiper belt object...wait Pluto is not a planet...WTF?
On a side note, I can't wait to have the conversation with my children and Grandchildren when I tell them, when I was young we had 12 Zodiac signs and 9 Planets....what will they try to change next....
In case if you were curious here are the dates and signs....
13 sign Zodiac:
January 20 to February 16
February 16 to March 11
March 11 to April 18.
April 18 to May 13
May 13 to June 21.
June 21 to July 20
July 20 to August 10
August 10 to September 16
September 16 to October 30
October 30 to November 23
November 23 to November 29
November 29 to December 17
December 17 to January 20

12 sign Zodiac:
January 20-February 18
February 19-March 20
March 21-April 19
April 20-May 20
May 21-June 20
June 21-July 22
July 23-August 22
August 23-September 22
September 23-October 22
October 23-November 21
November 22-December 21
December 22-January 19

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

You're either Nexus...or against us

A special treat tonight.. 2 blogs, yes I said 2 blogs in one day!!! So I wanted to talk about what I saw last night on Monday Night Raw. Specifically the angle of the new Nexus with it's current leader CM Punk. So a quick history of Nexus, Wade Barrett was the original leader of this faction. With Barrett as leader he would try to make the rest of the Nexus members prove themselves in order to be in the group. Eventually the remaining members were Barrett, David Otunga, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Husky Harries and Michael McGillicutty. So after the TLC PPV when Super CENA dropped 15 chairs on top of Barrett, CM Punk stepped in to become the leader. Last week, CM Punk made a deal with Barrett that if he lost his match, he would be out of Nexus... Surprise, surprise, he lost. Cut to this week....
So CM Punk was in the ring and told the remaining members that they would have to prove themselves to be part of the new Nexus (which has awesome shirts by the way). First up was McGillicutty, and basically he was jumped into the group. He took an old school beat down, just like the good 'ol days. After that Harris took a whoopin' from 4 guys, the beat him like a government mule. Otunga had to slap Big Show and take the beating, which he did. Then cut to Gabriel and Slater who were supposed to beat each other with Ken do Sticks, but they hesitated and walked away. Towards the end of the show, CM Punk was on the Titan Tron and was acting like if he was going to jump off... of course he didn't..He then cut a promo on how he thought the crowd was 'stupid' for thinking he would do it, it was a great promo to gain more next week, CM Punk will face SuperCena...
Finally after a long time the WWE has a promising angle. CM Punk has stepped up to be the best performer they have (only because Chris Jericho is not currently there) He has great mic skills ans great wrestling skills. He was great as part of the Straight Edge Society and has that heel factor that the WWE needs now. The best thing they could do is have CM Punk and the Nexus beat SuperCena to kingdom come and them continue doing it... but knowing how the WWE is, SuperCena will probably beat them all and send them to the hospital.
I am actually looking forward to see where the WWE goes with this angle. If worked properly they could get as much heat as the NwO. I don't think it will reach that status but I think they have something here that could go on to be huge. So, let's see what happens next Monday night on RAW.

Eddie Checked in at: His Blog

Here is a not so recent, but increasing trend... "Checking in" it's a little application on your phone or whatever mobile device you have that tells everyone where you are... Thank goodness because everyone was worried about your current location. They should not call it "Checking in" they should rename it "Stalkers assistant". What ever happened to just going somewhere and then running into someone and saying "Hey I didn't know you were here"? now, it's "I checked in here, with so and so, and blah blah blah" and the response is "Hey, I saw you checked in here an hour ago" What does "checking in" prove? it proves you are not at home, an open invitation to those who want to do you harm. I guess soon people will "check in" when they use the restroom, pass gas, or even have sex!! What ever happened to your own privacy?
The funny thing is, that the people who use these "check in" applications are normally the ones who complain about people being "all up in their business" and how people are "nosey"... Guess what? you open up the door to that house, no one to blame but yourself. On the other side of the coin, if you are going to be "checking in", why not do it all the time? when you enter a room, take a shower, get the mail, tie your shoes, etc. I guess I maybe old fashioned in the sense that I don't want people to know where I am at and honestly I really do not think they even care where I am. Got to go now, have to "check in" to my location, so the world can breathe a little better now that they know where I am....

Friday, January 7, 2011

Excuse me...

Well, this topic has been brewing in my head for quite some time. It has happened to all of us and I don't know how you feel about it, but it really bothers me. I am talking about restroom etiquette. I don't know what rules and regulations that Women have for their trips to the restroom, but there should be rules and regulations for Men to follow to use a restroom in public. Here a few that I thought of...
1) Be polite, when walking into the restroom check for feet in the stall, don't start pushing and banging on the door like a crazy person to hear someone say "it's busy"
2) Urinals... the only reason you should use the urinal directly next to someone is at a stadium or when there are only 2. It's called personal space. Use the every other urinal rule.
3) DO NOT TALK while using the restroom. This includes cell phones and especially talking to me. I like to think of the restroom as my fortress of solitude, not a confessional. Do your thing and get out!
4) If you make a mess, clean it up! I don't know why this isn't common sense, you are adults, clean up after yourselves!
5) Wash your hands.. Do not just wet them, or go through the motions...actually wash your hands with soap and water for more then 30 seconds...then dry them.
6) your sh!t does stink.. Light a match..I'm just saying...
It's simple people, do this and society would greatly benefit....Until next time.....

Thursday, January 6, 2011

With God in your heart...Anything is possible!

Mateo 1:21 Dará a luz un hijo, y le pondrás por nombre Jesús,porque él salvará a su pueblo de sus pecados.
Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.

So, as you know I am reading the Bible, so far it is going well, reading it slowly because I want to comprehend what I am reading. It definitely is a hard read, just because of the way it is written, but I think I am getting it so far. Just barely on Geneis 15:1 (a few pages into the Bible) I remember growing up and going to church, my family would go and there would be a time in the service when the kids would go up and recite a scripture from the Bible. The one above Mateo/Matthew 1:21 was the only one I could remember saying. still this day it plays in my head when I think of Church and the Bible. When I was young my parents tried to get me to go to catechism classes, but I believe I did not have the attention span for it.

Later in life I was able to go back and do the adult program in order to get my first holy communion and confirmation. I did it with my wife (U) with the intention of being able to get married in the Church before the eyes of God. I remember the room being cold on Thursday nights, the different teachers and their different "relationships" with God. But it was very informational. When I finally got to do my first confession I was nervous and anxious. I felt like laughing because I have seen it done in movies and have seen people go in.

At first I had a hard time thinking about what I would confess. Since the point of confession is to actually be sorrow for what you have done, it took me some time to bring up some things I had truly felt bad for.When I got into the confessional, it was dark. I placed my knee on the pew and the light came on and I could see the Father. I really did almost laugh, but I was able to do my confession and truly felt that a weight had been lifted off of me. It was a great experience and at the same time it was something that was bringing me closer to God.
I do not attend Church on any type of regular schedule, but I know that I should. That may change this year, I may start going or at least try to go. I have always felt comfortable with the relationship I have with God. I pray at least 3 times a day and I turn to him when I am in need and when I have success. Anyway, on my quest to continue reading the Bible. It probably will enlighten me and help me live my life in a better, healthier and more responsible way, because with God in your heart....Anything is possible!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy trails to you...until we meet again

Last night we took my Dad to the SFO airport. He had been here since November, he was now going back home to Nicaragua. I really enjoy the time that my Dad spends here with us, I really wish I could make it out there to Nicaragua more, but it's not exactly around the corner. I remember when my Dad made the decision to move permanently to his hometown of Jinotepe, it was a hard thing to comprehend and to understand. Some of the things that my Dad said out of frustration about wanting to leave and why he couldn't still ring in my ears and still hurt, but I understand that he didn't mean it. But when the day came that he was set to leave, I tried my hardest not to cry, but deep inside I knew that it was the end of the life that I knew. I have always been close to my Dad, I lived with him pretty much my whole life, and now not to have him there was a culture shock. I was worried about what he would be doing and if anyone would try to hurt or take advantage of him, but little by little I started to let those thoughts go and understood that he had to do what he felt would make him happy. It was just hard to swallow that being over there in Nicaragua without us (me especially) would make him happy.
   As the years went on and he visited us and we visited him, it became easier to deal with the whole situation. I still do get concerned over my Dads safety and I worry about people trying to take advantage of him. But there is little that I can do about that. So, the next time I see my Dad will be in July for my Church Wedding and after that we will see what happens. At least I am able to call him everyday to see how he is doing and what is new with him. For awhile I felt that my Dad was being selfish and abandoning us here to go live in Nicaragua, but upon further review, I was being selfish not letting him go and do whatever made him happy and he never abandoned us, he just gave us (especially me) the opportunity to try and do the same.
I love you Dad!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Something new for me for the New Year

So, last year (2010) I was deciding on what new adventure I should take on. I had already done Facebook, I was considering a Twitter account, but then I thought "how about a blog?" So, after a few days of pondering if I should do this, or better yet if anyone would care if I did this, I decided to go for it. This may help me throughout this year, to give me a place to express random thoughts or even deep thoughts that may come about in my mind. So, here I am , now wondering what to write...
How about I start off by sharing some resolutions I have for 2011...
1) lose weight.. I know every one says they are going to do this, but I have a wedding to get ready for and I need to look good for those flashing lights
2) Read the Bible cover to cover...This is probably the third time I have said this, but I think this time I will do it. I feel the need to get closer to who I believe in.
3) Get in a better place financially... who doesn't want this??
4) Take time to enjoy everymoment....
5) Try new things

Now, for a preview of topics I will cover throughout the year....
My Church Wedding to my beautiful Bride (U)
San Francisco Giants
San Francisco 49ers
Family, friends, anything....