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Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Woke up and got ready to go to work. Grabbed my things and headed out. Caught the BART train and headed to the city. I got there and it was cold. Passed by Peet's to grab breakfast and off to 1440 I went.
(Morning: coffee, water, chorizo con huevo flat bread)

Had lunch and went to walk around Costco. Went back to the training room and they took an exam. I left at 4 and came home to take Gabriel to baseball practice. It was fun, but he got hurt, but he was ok.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  water, zoa, monster)

Brought in the bins. Ate and went with Javi to his basketball practice. It went over a bit, but it was ok. Came home and had him shower. I washed dishes and showered. Watching some TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: Orange chicken, white rice, pizza, macaroni salad, water)

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