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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Bull Sh*t day

Woke up and got dressed. Tool off to work and caught BART to go to the office. When I got there I set up and had a quick meeting before our all staff meeting and our regular meeting. Our regular meeting got a bit heated, I keep telling my supervisor that the training we are going to do has limited material for the hours expected but she and management don't care. So I'm not saying anything anymore. 
(Morning: bread, coffee, water)

Had lunch and chilled. Had another meeting and organized some things for work. Collected my things and walked over to BART to come home. It was hot on the ride over, I took a nap. It was in the high 80's. Got home and relaxed a bit.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  lemon lime soda,  water, chips)

Helped Gabriel with homework and had Javi shower. I showered and had dinner. Now doing our fantasy football draft. Going to with TV until bed after.
(Nighttime: water nuggets)

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