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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

one more day of rest

Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school and got the truck washed. Came home and went right back to sleep until about 11:30. We went to get the boys and came back home for lunch.
(Morning: water)

Had lunch and chilled with the boys for a bit. Took a nap and started getting things ready for swim class. We took them over for the last class and it was good. We picked up food for dinner on the way home.
(Afternoon : Arroz a la Valenciana,  root beer,  water, chocolate,  pork rinds)

Got home, had dinner and watched a show. Showered.and had Gabriel shower. My wife had Javi shower. Watched some TV and now off to bed. Have to log in to work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: burrito, Sunkist, water)

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