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Monday, July 31, 2023

New week

Woke up and changed. Logged in to work and reviewed some emails. Had a meeting and took a quick break to go sign the boys up for Fal Ball. Finished thr Morning and had lunch.
(Morning: coffee, brownie, water)

Had chicken tacos and rested. Logged back in to work and had another meeting. After work I played catch with the boys and had them hit a few rounds off the tee. After I took a nap.
(Afternoon: Chicken tacos, water)

We took the boys to the park and came home. Had dinner, showered and changed Gabriel. Watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Chilli dogs, coke, water, doritos)

Sunday, July 30, 2023


Woke up and went to hang out in the living room for a bit. Watched TV and played a game with Gabriel. 
(Morning: water)

Had lunch and went to shower. We were going to play catch but there were bees in the yard. So I checked the sprinklers and reset them to hit the grass and tested them out. After a nap we went to a play place for the boys.
(Afternoon: meat patties, tortilla, white rice, coke, water)

We went to Target before coming home. I watered the front yard and put a treatment in the back yard. Showered and watched a few shows. Had dinner and off to bed.
(Nighttime: Peanut butter sandwiches,  peanut butter cups, Dr. Pepper,  milk, water)

Saturday, July 29, 2023

there's always room for one more

Woke up and showered. Went to the boys school to get some uniform items. After we got Starbucks and headed down to my Sister's. 
(Morning: water, iced coffee)

Picked up lunch for the boys. Hung out a bit and we went to the movies to watch the Haunted Mansion. After we picked up the boys, myrna and my mom to go eat.
(Afternoon: popcorn, coke, water, McDouble)

Ate at Red Robin's and we drove home. Watered the grass, showered and now watching  Twisted Metal.
(Nighttime: pig out burger, fries, water)

Friday, July 28, 2023


Woke up and got ready to go to work. Caught the train and walked over to Peet's for coffee. Got to the training location amd had a good quick Morning. 
(Morning: coffee. Water, pastry)

Had lunch and finished training. Headed over to BART and came home. Washed the camry and we went to the park and to the mall.
(Afternoon: Chicken katsu, rice, soup, water, tea, peanuts)

Grabbed some popcorn and came home. We all showered and changed. Watched some TV and did laundry. Going to bed.
(Nighttime: popcorn. Water, brownie)

Thursday, July 27, 2023


Woke up and got ready to go. Headed down to work. Peet's was closed so I got Starbucks instead. Went to training and it was fun today.
(Morning: coffee, water. Pastry)

Had lunch with my unit and Karla. Finished training and walked over to BART. Came home and played catch with thr boys. Had them hit and pitch. We also went to Target. 
(Afternoon: Chicken katsu sandwich,  salad, brownie, water)

Showered and had dinner. Changed Gabriel and bow Watchung TV until bed.
(Nighttime: whiskey and Coke, chicken, water)

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Hump day

Woke up and changed for work. Headed over to BART. Got to work, grabbed some coffee and went to training. It was fun today.
(Morning: coffee, water, peanuts)

Had lunch and took a nap. Finished training and walked over to BART. Got to the station and picked up some Starbucks. Got home and had dinner. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  brownie, shrimp Fettucine Alfredo,  water, iced chai)

My wife wanted to get wingstop. Got home and showered and had some wings. Watched TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: wings, fries, veggie stick, water)

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

In person training

Woke up and got dressed. Had some coffee and headed out to catch the BART train. Got to the city and walked over to the building where we start Instructor lead trainings. Today was good, we learned a lot in the morning and took out lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water, pastry, peanuts)

Had my sandwich and took a quick walk. Finished training and headed to BART and came home. Pit away the bins and went to the park.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  water, brownie, peanuts)

Got home and watered the lawn. Made my lunch for tomorrow. Showered and had dinner. Now watching TV.
(Nighttime : water, pizza, smart popcorn, pastry)

Monday, July 24, 2023

Back at it

Woke up and changed for work. Had coffee and checked emails. Helped my unit mate add some items to a website and took a break to go fill up the truck and take Javi to Target. Came home and finished up some work before going to grab lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Ate and checked back in. Did some more catching up and finished for the day. Tool a nap and went to Costco. Came back home and put things away.
(Afternoon: burrito, sprite water)

Helped Javi shower, I showered wnd had a snack. Watched TV and going to bed soon. Early start tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: bread, chocolate milk, water)

Sunday, July 23, 2023


Woke up and changed. Went over to watch the Barbie movie. Washed the camry and came home to go to lunch.
(Morning: popcorn, fruit punch, water)

Drove to a restaurant in Alameda that is similar to Benihana's. Had lunch and came home to drop off the boys and my mother in law before going to Target. Came home and rested.
(Afternoon: water, Caramel Frappuccino, steak, chicken, shrimp, fried rice, water)

Watered the front lawn. Mowed the grass in the back and noticed one of the sprinklers was broken. I ran out to grab one and a spare. Changed it and noticed that another one was broken. So I fixed it and finished mowing the lawn. Showered and did some accounting and now catching up on some shows.
(Nighttime: water)


Woke up, finished packing and had breakfast. We checked out and we were off to the airport. 
(Morning: food and coffee)

Caught the first plane and it was smooth. Landed in Phoenix and passed customs and grabbed some lunch. Caught the next plane and we were close to being home.
(Afternoon: big Mac, double cheese burgers, coke)

Got to SFO and got picked up and we dropped my sister off and drove home. Put things awaynand showered. Went to bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Friday, July 21, 2023

last night here

Woke up and changed. We met Adri at the buffet. After we ate we went to the pool and go our seats for the beginning part of the day. We jumped in the pool and my wife hung out with her friend until she had to go.
(Morning: food and drinks)

Had lunch and more pool time. Came up to the room to shower and start packing. Rested up before heading down for dinner.
(Afternoon: food and drinks)

We had dinner and got our face painted for a party that didn't happen here. It wasn't explained to us that the event was off the property,  so we opted not to go with the boys. Had some more drinks and came up to do some more packing. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: dinner and drinks)

Thursday, July 20, 2023


Woke unand got ready to go to the lobby. We are going snorkeling. It's my wife's 40th birthday and we were doing what she wanted. We got on the boat and headed out to the location to snorkel and have fun.
(Morning: food, drinks)

We finished off the snorkeling and swimming and came back to rest up. We went over to have some drinks before dinner.
(Afternoon: drinks and food)

We had dinner and drinks. Watched a show. Now up in the hotel and resting. One more full day here.
(Nighttime: dinner, drinks)

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Hump day

Woke up and went to eat breakfast. After we went to the beach and jumped in the ocean. When we were done we went to the pool and swam for some time. 
(Morning: breakfast)

Rested and showered and rested some more. We got ready for dinner and soon left the room.
(Afternoon : lunch, drinks)

Had dinner and dessert. Hung out in the plaza and had drinks and watched some shows. Now back in the room, ready to rest up.
(Nighttime: dinner drinks)

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Another day

We got woken up by a fire alarm. Someone was smoking in their room and caused everyone to evacuate. After we got the all clear we went back to sleep. We woke up and had breakfast and went to the pool.
(Morning: breakfast)
Afternoon: swm for a long time. Adri showed up and we hung out. Had lunch and back to the room to shower.
(Afternoon: lunch, drinks)

Had dinner and walked on the beach. Listen to live music and watched the circus show. About to go back up and go to bed.
(Nighttime: dinner. Drinks)

Monday, July 17, 2023


Woke up and we changed to go have breakfast. After breakfast we found a spot to sit for the pool and swam.
(Morning: breakfast)

Had lunch and came up to shower and nap. Went down to get a reservation for dinner.
(Afternoon: lunch)

Had dinner and watched a show. Came back up to rest.
(Nighttime: dinner)

Sunday, July 16, 2023


Woke up and my sister told us to the airport. We checked in, got through security and waited for the plane. I had a breakfast croissant and coffee and the plane ride was smooth. 
(Morning: water, coffee, breakfast croissant)

We got to Phoenix and waited. Got on the last plane and made it to Puerto Vallarta. Got to our hotel and waited for the room. Had lunch and some drinks and went to change.
(Afternoon: buffet, drinks)

Nighttime: swam and went to shower. We had dinner and returned to the room. Tired and about to go to bed.
(Nighttime: buffett and drinks)

Saturday, July 15, 2023

packed and ready to go

Woke up and started the last of the laundry. Showered and put the covers on the last items on the yard and hung out until my wife came home.
(Morning: water)

Had lunch, relaxed and played Madden. Watered the lawn and packed up the truck and we were off to my sister's to look for parking. It took me about an hour and and change to find a spot. Came In and waited for our food.
(Afternoon: Chicken, rice, tortilla,  root beer, water. Monster)

Had dinner and played uno. Sleeping early since we are up at 3.
(Nighttime: rib eye, mashed potatoes, Cesar salad, beer, water blooming onion)

Friday, July 14, 2023

Vacation has begun

Woke u and got dressed. Got the boys ready and we were off to drop them off for their last day of summer school. My wife and I headed over to the movies to watch Mission Impossible and it was a fun movie. After we went to get some cash out of the bank and got some lunch before getting the boys.
(Morning: popcorn, water. Hi-c)

Ate and picked up the boys. I took a nap on the couch and later we got ready to go out real quick to get some last minute items for the trip.
(Afternoon: Chicken, iced Caramel Macchiato, water)

Picked up dinner and came home to eat. Showered and now finishing up laundry and packing. Tomorrow is our last day here before we head to Puerto Vallarta. 
(Nighttime: cheese burger, fries, beer, water)

Thursday, July 13, 2023

last shift before vacation

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready and my wife took them to school. I started the training and it went well. Released the group and folded some clothes. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Hehe boys came home and I gave them food. Ordered some sandwiches and waited for my wife to get here to eat. After lunch I checked into work and finished the shift. Officially on vacation now.
(Afternoon: Sandwich, coke. Water)

We went to get ice cream and hit up Target. Came home. Cut Javi's hair, all of us showered and now just relaxing before bed. 
(Nighttime: sandwich, beer, water)

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hump day

Woke up and went to get ready for work. Got my things and headed over to BART. Caught the train and got to Civic Center. Walked over to 1440 to be the in person trainer. At 9 I did a quick presentation at forum and returned until 11:30 when I went out for lunch with Amilcar. 
(Morning: senorita bread, water, coffee, kind bar. Kit kat)

Had some Pad Thai and Thai Iced tea. Walked back to work and did a case review for tomorrow. Packed up and headed home. Got home and we went to the park. 
(Afternoon: pad Thai, Thai Iced tea, water, chocolate)

Got home and showered. Had dinner and watched some shows. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: Tacos, beer)

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Anther day closer

Woke up and got dressed. Grabbed my things and drove over to BART. Hopped on the train and headed to work. Went to pick up my headset and walked over to 1440 for training. The morning was good. We ended early and I was able to walk around and talk to some people I haven't seen in a long time.
(Morning: cheese Danish, water. Coffee)

Picked up coffee on the walk back to my office. Had lunch and worked on a few things. Collected my things and headed out to go home. Got to Bayfair and picked up some slurpees got home and played catch with the boys before going to Target. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich, water. Iced Caramel Macchiato,  chocolate)

Came back from Target and put things away. Had both boys shower. I showered. Watched the end of the all star game (NL won 3-2) and had dinner. Relaxing and about to go to bed soon.
(Nighttime: pupusas, water)

Monday, July 10, 2023

another day down

Woke up and went to change. I asked my supervisor if I could train from home ans she let me. The boys stayed in from school because they didn't feel well. I started the training and it went ok today. After training I started watching videos.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Took a walk and had lunch. Checked back in to work and watched a few more videos. Logged out and rested for a bit. Watered the front lawn and after played football with the boys.
(Afternoon: pizza, torta de carne, white rice, tortilla,  sprite, water)

Cut some branches and other items in the back yard, took out the trash bins and went to shower. Changed Gabriel and had a snack. Watching TV before bed. Busy day at work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime : pork rinds, water, cookies)

Sunday, July 9, 2023

one week away

Woke up and went to make coffee. Cleaned the garage with Javi and went to mow the lawn in front. Came in to the house to chill a bit.
(Morning: coffee, water, bean soup)

Started watching the Giants game and packing for the trip. We are a week away. The Giants won 1-0 on a Logan Webb shut out. Showered and we went to have a late lunch/early dinner at Chili's. Came home and chilled. Took a walk around the neighborhood. 
(Afternoon: margarita, water, burger, fries)

Showered and watched the penalty kicks for USA vs Canada. USA won. Did some laundry and watched my wife play Zelda. Finish getting ready for tomorrow and now going to watch TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, cookies)

Saturday, July 8, 2023


Woke up and went to shower. Got ready to go watch Insidious The Red Door. Got there and watched the movie. It was ok. After I came home 
(Morning: water popcorn, fruit punch)

Played a baseball game and had lunch. Washed dishes and we went to the park for a bit to play basketball and whiffle ball. The boys played some more and we came home.
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs, fruit punch)

Had the boys shower and I showered. Watched TV in the room with them until we sent them to bed. Watched TV and now going off to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, garlic knots, beer, water. Cookies)

Friday, July 7, 2023

Lucky 7

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready for school. My wife took them since I had to train at 8. I logged in to work and we did the training. It was good today, glad this week is over.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch and checked back in. Did some Korean training videos and after work played catch witb the boys. Rested up before grabbing dinner.
(Afternoon: Bean soup, white rice, cheese, water)

Gassed up the truck, went to in and out burger and came home. Had dinner and relaxed. Showered and watched Rookie of the Year. Changed Gabriel and now watching TV. Going to bed soon,  up early tomorrow to watch Insidious the Red Door tomorrow morning. 
(Nighttime: Sunkist, Double doubles, water, red vines)

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Back to work

Woke up and got dressed. Chilled with the boys until my wife took them to school. I had an early training to do. Got on and I was able to stall a bit for my supervisor so she could do a demo. On a break I started laundry. 
(Morning: coffee, water, snickers)

After training I hung out with the boys a bit, prepared the pork belly for later and logged back in to work for a few meetings and set up for tomorrow's training demo. After work I started to cook the pork belly to make chicharron. Played catch with the boys outside and we went to Target. 
(Afternoon: water, sprite, chicharron, tortilla, string cheese)

Washed dishes and went to shower. Watching TV and pretty soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

one more day of rest

Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school and got the truck washed. Came home and went right back to sleep until about 11:30. We went to get the boys and came back home for lunch.
(Morning: water)

Had lunch and chilled with the boys for a bit. Took a nap and started getting things ready for swim class. We took them over for the last class and it was good. We picked up food for dinner on the way home.
(Afternoon : Arroz a la Valenciana,  root beer,  water, chocolate,  pork rinds)

Got home, had dinner and watched a show. Showered.and had Gabriel shower. My wife had Javi shower. Watched some TV and now off to bed. Have to log in to work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: burrito, Sunkist, water)

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

4th of July

Woke up and went out to hang out with the boys. Watched some TV. Had coffee and gave them breakfast. Texted my old friend Craig and wished him a happy birthday and he told me he just officially retired. So I am very happy to hear that. After I got ready and we went to Cardenas to grab some items to take to my sister's. 
(Morning: coffee, loaf, water)

Had lunch and drove down to Daly City. We got there and went to swim. The pool was cold but it warmed up as we got in. Had lunch and came home.
(Afternoon: taco bell, flautas, tacos, fruit punch, water)

Got home and helped both boys shower. I put away the pool and cleaned up a bit. I showered and played some games with Gabriel. The fireworks started early and they are loud. Not sure how much sleep we get tonight. 
(Nighttime: wine, chips, platain chips, water)

Monday, July 3, 2023

Day off

Woke up and went to shower. Tool Javi to get his blood drawn at Kaiser and came home. I stayed with the boys while my wife and mother in law went to Milpitas. 
(Morning: water, chocolate milk, donut)

Hung out with the boys. Gave them lunch and played a math game with Gabriel. When my wife came back we went real quick to Target and got some Starbucks coffee.
(Afternoon: iced Caramel Macchiato, lunchable, string cheese, root beer, water)

The boys had swim class and after we went to eat Chinese food. Came home and showered. Did some laundry. About to go to bed soon.
(Nighttime: Chinese food, water)

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Santa Cruz

Woke up and got ready. Packed up the truck with drinks and snacks and we were off to get donuts before heading to Santa Cruz. The drive was a bit long due to traffic but we pretty much got there at the same time Amilcar and Olga did. We found a spot on the beach and set up. Took the boys near the water so they can play amd went to lay down.
(Morning: donuts, coffee, water)

We grabbed  lunch and chilled some more. I took a nap and hung out while the.boys played with sand. Packed up and came home. The drive was slow but steady. Got home and took a shower.
(Afternoon: burger, garlic fries, coke, water)

Had Gabriel bathed and had dinner. Hung out with them in the room for a bit before they went to bed. It's hot, watching TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: ribs, chicken, shrimp, ice cream, water, beer, water)

Saturday, July 1, 2023

1st of the month

Woke up and got ready to go watch Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Had coffee and headed out. The movie was fun, I tried out the D-Box seat. I passed by 7-11 on the way home to grab some ice. I set up things in the backyard to grill.
(Morning: water. Coffee, hi-c, popcorn)

My wife, kids, Mom and Sister came back from the movie theater. I started laundry,  the grill and started grilling. Had lunch and jumped in the pool. When my Mom and sister left we cleaned up and Javi's friends Mom invited us to go swim at their pool so we went over to swim.
(Afternoon: carne asada,  chicken, beer. Water, root beer floats)

Came home, put things away, continued laundry, everyone showered and now resting up for tomorrow. It's still hot.
(Nighttime: water, sprite, ribs)