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Friday, June 30, 2023

End of June

Woke up and got ready for work. Got the boys ready and my wife took them to school so I can do the trainings. It went well for the most part today. There were some technical issues but we were able to work around them. During a break we set up the pool and canopy,  it's supposed to be hot this weekend. 
(Morning: loaf, water, coffee)

Pool set up, had lunch, had a few meetings. Finished the day strong and not returning to work until Thursday. Jumped in the pool with Gabriel to play for a bit. Got out and showered. Had to go get some burgers for tomorrow. 
(Afternoon: sushi bake, coke, water)

Got back home and ate more sushi bake, chilled and watched TV. About to go to bed, early wake up tomorrow for a movie.
(Nighttime: sushi bake, water. Ice cream)

Thursday, June 29, 2023


Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready for school and took them over.  Came home to work on some videos and mowed the grass in the backyard preparing for the weekend. I had to go get the boys early since Gabriel had a stomach ache.
(Morning: coffee, water. Loaf)

Worked some more, had lunch and logged back in to work. Set up for tomorrow and now logging off.
(Afternoon: carne patties, white rice, coke, water)

Hit up Target and grabbed some things. Came home, showered and had dinner,  watched TV and now off to bed. 
(Nighttime : Starbucks drink, fries, egg rolls. Nachos, cranberry and vodka. Water)

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Hump day

Woke up and got dressed. Grabbed my things and got ready to go to work. Headed over to BART and hopped on the train. Went to the office and set up and we started training. It was good today and we ended around 11:30.
(Morning: cookies, coffee, water)

Had lunch and logged back in to do training videos. Finished those up and headed over to BART to come home. Got here and changed the boys so we could go to swim class.
(Afternoon: pizza, zoa, water)

After swim class we dropped off the boys. Went to Costco and came home. Had dinner, had both boys shower. I showered and relaxed watching TV. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: hot dog, salad, soda. Water)

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Woke up, got dressed and headed over to BART. Caught the train and headed to work. Got there and set up in the conference room for training. Began the training and it went ok today. There were some hiccups here and there but we powered through and extended it until about 11:30. After I warmed up my food.
(Morning : crackers, Madeline, water, coffee)

Ate the leftovers from last night. Relaxed before going back in to work to handle a few meetings and watch some training videos. Packed up and came home to put the trash bins away and we were off to have our anniversary dinner.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, pizza, meatball sub, chocolate)

Had a good meal and came home. Relaxed a bit and took a shower. Hung out with Gabriel for a bit before we sent him to bed with Javi. Now watching TV and going to bed soon. Another training day for me tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: rib eye, mashed potatoes, veggie, calamari, bread, water)

Monday, June 26, 2023


Woke up and got dressed. Got my things ready for work and headed over to the BART station.  Hopped on the train and walked over to 1440 to start the day with the training group. The morning training was a bit crazy but it ended well, after I went to look for Amilcar. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had a quick chat with Amilcar and walked over to my building. Had lunch and set up after. Did some training videos and had a few meetings. Packed up and headed home. Got home, wished my wife a happy anniversary,  it's our 14th today and we took the boys over to swim class. Swim class was good. After we headed to Porky's for the Marlins team party.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  peanuts, zoa, water, big Mac, fries, chicken nuggets)

Got the there and ordered pizza and a meatball slider. We had fun, handed out trophies and took pictures. Headed home to bathed the boys and I showered. Took out the trash and watched TV for a bit. Tired, going to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, meatball slider, fruit punch, water)

Sunday, June 25, 2023


Woke up and made eggs for the boys. Showered and got ready. Had coffee and waited to go to a birthday party. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went to Union City for Gabriel's classmates birthday party. He had fun, after we went to grab some tea and came home. 
(Afternoon: water, pizza, wings, chips, cake, cookie, iced Thai tea)

Went out to dinner, came home. Got Gabriel ready and I showered. Hung out a bit and sent them to bed. Got things ready for tomorrow. About to go to sleep.
(Nighttime: sushi, water)

Saturday, June 24, 2023


Woke up, showered and had coffee. Played some Luigi's mansion with Gabriel and got him ready for lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch at the Olive Garden and came home to watch the Giants game. Got ready to go to a birthday party for Gabriel's classmate. We got there and had a really good time. Came home after.
(Afternoon: pizza, Cheesecake, tequila and fresco. Water, sunkist, olive garden)

Got home and chilled. Changed Gabriel and changed myself. Watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water. Pasta)

Friday, June 23, 2023


Woke up and got ready for work. Took the boys to school and came back home yo have coffee and a muffin. Logged in to work, watched some training videos and attended some meetings before grabbing lunch.
(Morning: water. Coffee, blueberry muffin)

Picked up the boys and grabbed som panda express. Came home and ate. Logged back into work and did a few mote training videos before going to a last meeting before logging off. After work we went to Target to get items to make s'mores 
(Afternoon: Panda express,  water)

Came back home. Started the fire and made some s'mores and the boys have been out here playing. Watching the Giants game and having a few beets and pretty soon going inside the house to watch TV before bed. 
(Nighttime: beer, S'mores, water)

Thursday, June 22, 2023


Woke up and got ready for work. Got the boys ready and drove them over to school after I picked up Javi's friend. Filled up the Camry with gas and came home to have coffee and start working. Today was a rough day. After some Morning conversations my lap top decided to no longer support wi-fi so I had to call IT so they could fix it. 
(Morning: coffee)

Picked up the boys, came home to do some training videos and had lunch. Took a nap and logged back in. Had a meeting and ended the day. We went to the park to play and to Target afterwards. 
(Afternoon: Bean soup. Water)

Had a refresher and came home. Showered and had dinner. Watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: carnitas tacos, water. Brownie)

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Hump day

Woke up and got ready for work. Packed my lunch and grabbed my coffee and I drove over to the BART station. Got on the train and got to the city, walked over and set up at my desk. Around 9 I walked over to 1440 for a meeting and donuts.
(Morning: coffee. Water, donuts)

After our meeting after the meeting I walked with Amilcar over to V Cafe so he could get lunch. I walked back to my desk and worked a bit. Had lunch and watched some more videos. Packed up and headed home.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice, zoa, water)

Nighttime :
Took the boys to swim class and came home to give them showers. We went to Cardenas to grab a few items and came home to eat dinner. I showered and watched some of the Giants game and some TV before bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, carnitas, chicharron, tortilla)

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

back at it

Woke up and got ready to go to work. Made coffee and headed over to BART to catch the train. Got to work and set up. Did some prep for training and took a break with Kathleen as she was returning from vacation. Watched another video and went to drop off a cell phone I was given.
(Morning: coffee, muffin, water)

Walked over to V Cafe and met Amilcat. Had lunch and good conversation. After I went back to work and watched more videos. Got ready and headed home. The BART ride was fine. Got home and brought in the trash bins. Did a round of hitting off the tee. Played catch with the boys and had them practice pitching.
(Afternoon: water, Philly cheesesteak)

Had dinner and put away my lunch for tomorrow. Showered and watched some of the Giants game. The came from behind again and won. Watched some more tv and now off to bed. Early start again.
(Nighttime: water, coke, carne molida, white rice)

Monday, June 19, 2023

Day off

Woke up and went to watch a show. Showered and we headed out to Costco for some items. Grabbed lunch and came back home.
(Morning: water)

Had lunch, rested, went to the park and to Target. Came home and took a nap, I was tired and had a headache. After I went to play football with the boys in the back and took out the trash.
(Afternoon: pizza, wings, water, Sierra mist, beer)

Showered and changed Gabriel. Ate more pizza, a chocolate muffin and had milk. Finished Black Mirror and now going to bed. Back to work tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water. Milk. Chocolate muffin, pizza)

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father's day

Woke up and was greeted with coloring pages and some other items Gabriel made for Father's day. I went to shower and when I came out Javi gave me a hand made card and a baseball as a gift. I stores those items and we finished getting ready to go have lunch.
(Morning: water)

Drove to Livermore to gave lunch at Cattlemen's. The meal wasn't too good, it was below what we expected. After we came home, I watched the Giants game and they won. Swept the Dodgers. After we drove over to Clancy's for ice cream.
(Afternoon: steak, salad, bread, beans, potato,  beer, Mai Tai, water)

Played catch with the boys. Came in to rest. Watered the grass in the front and watched some TV. Now going to bed. Another day off tomorrow before going to work.
(Nighttime: water, cookies)

Saturday, June 17, 2023


Woke up and gave Gabriel breakfast. Had coffee and relaxed. Started laundry and went to shower. My sister got here and we went to a lemonade stand that was being put in by one of Javi's teammates. After that we headed over to Bayfair mall.
(Morning: coffee. Water, brownie)

We watched Elemental and after came home to rest. We went out to get food and came back to eat. We went one more time to grab some items my wife and sister saw on line and returned home again. When my Mom and sister left I took a nap.
(Afternoon: popcorn. Coke, tacos, torta. Water)

Showered and finished laundry. Watched the Giants game and they #BeatLA 15-0. Watched some TV and about to go to sleep. 
(Nighttime: water)

Friday, June 16, 2023


Woke up, showered and got dressed. Headed out to get the boys lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water. Bagel)

Went to watch the flash. Came home and went to have lunch at Sizzler's. After we went to the park.
(Afternoon: salad bar, popcorn, coke. Water)

Showered. Watched the Giants game and. Own off to bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Thursday, June 15, 2023


Woke up and changed. Maxe coffee and logged in to work had a meeting where we were basically told again that we don't know what we are doing. So today I went off,  I had enough. After I watched some videos and found some documents for training.
(Morning: water, bagel and cream cheese, coffee)

Grilled some burgers and hot dogs for lunch. Played catch with Gabriel and logged back in to work to do more videos and have another meeting. Logged off and done for the week. After I logged out Javi and I cleaned the front yard and I took him to grab some Jamba Juice for helping out.
(Afternoon: water. Cheese burger, Jamba juice)

Got home and rested. Went out to Walgreens with my wife and came home. Cut a glass for my mom and glued some items that broke. Showered and changed the boys. Watched TV and now going to bed. Watching The Flash tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: wings, water. Beer. Brownie)

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Woke up and got dressed. Headed out to BART to catch the train to work. I got to my desk and set up. Found out that they had canceled the forum meeting so I had extra time to watch some training videos. I met Karla at Peet's for coffee and she told me she was going to move to another department. It was sad, but I am happy for her.
(Morning: water, coffee, coffee, peanut butter sandwich)

Had lunch and worked on completing more videos. Around 4 I packed up and headed home. The BART ride today was good. Passed by to see the line at the car wash but it was long so I just came home. We took the boys to swim class and dropped them off at home before going to Target.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, peanut butter sandwich, peanuts)

Had both boys shower, I showered and had dinner. Talked with Arnel for a bit and now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: pizza, shrimp pasta Alfredo, water)

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Woke up and changed. Grabbed my coffee and headed out to BART. Hopped oh the train and headed to the city. Got to Civic Center and walked over to work. Handled some requests for updates and I was able to do some videos. 
(Morning: coffee, water, peanut butter cups)

Had lunch, talked to my mom, took a nap and logged back in. Had another meeting to go to and did a demo. Watched more videos and ended the day in another meeting. Headed out to BART to go home. 
(Afternoon: zoa, spaghetti and meatballs. Peanuts)

Got home, put away the bins. Had dinner and we went to the park to play basketball. Came home and played in the back with Gabriel. Showered and hung out for a while.  Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: Tacos, cran grape and vodka, water, doritos, cookies)

Monday, June 12, 2023

New week

Woke up and went to get greasy for work. Grabbed my things and headed over to BART. Caught the train and headed into the city. When I got there I walked over to my building and set up. I applied for a new position and sent my interest for a new program for my same position. We'll see how things go and where I land. After that I had a meeting, I set up a quiz for later in the day and did some more training videos

(Morning: coffee, water. Peanuts)

Had lunch and watched a show. Talked to my mom for a bit and logged back in to watch another video before my 2 pm meeting. After that one I took a break and watched another video. The last 30 minutes of my shift I was leading a meeting before leaving. I hopped on BART and just my luck there was this person who decided it was a good idea to smoke weed on the train. I had to deal with that most of the ride. I got to my car and drove home to drop off my bag and drove over to the boys swim class. They did good today.
(Afternoon: water, zoa, peanut butter sandwich)

Got home and took out the bins. Had dinner and showered. Sent the boys to bed and now going to watch TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: quesadillas, beer, water)

Sunday, June 11, 2023


Woke up and went to make breakfast for the boys and hung out. I went to shower and did some yard work and cutting some branches before we went out to grab some food.
(Morning: hot dog and egg, coffee, water)

Picked up lunch at Texas Roadhouse and came back home. Bad lunch and played catch with the boys outside. They did some hitting as well. Watched some of the Giants game before going out a bit again. We went to the Nike outlet to get the boys some shoes and came home. I did some laundry and we took a walk around the neighborhood. 
(Afternoon: pulled pork dinner. Cesar salad, loaded mashed potatoes,  water)

Showered and finished laundry. Watched a movie and had a snack. Had the boys change and go to bed. Now watching TV until I go to sleep. 
(Nighttime: water. Doritos, cupcakes)

Saturday, June 10, 2023


Morning :
Woke up and had breakfast. Watched the end of a documentary and tool a shower. We headed kver to the park to play basketball and for them to play around.
(Morning: water, coffee, chorizo con huevo, bread)

We drove to Union City and had lunch at Chili's. Hit up Walmart and came home to rest up. Watched Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Waiting to go to Target. 
(Afternoon: water, margarita, burger,  fries)

Had some ice cream, came back from Target and had dinner. Helped Javi shower and now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: cranberry grape and vodka, chorizo con huevo, doritos. Water, cookie)

Friday, June 9, 2023


Woke up and got dressed. Kids are out if school,  so I just hung out until I had to log in. Had a meeting and set up for later in the day. Watched some videos for training and went for a walk. Rested up and chilled. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Finally had lunch and took a nap. Logged back in, did another video and helped Karla with the 4-5 shift. After work we got ice cream at Clancy's and went to Costco. 
(Afternoon: Chicken, biscuits, water, orange soda, milkshake)

Came home and put things away. Had dinner and played catch with the boys in the back. Changed and watched TV and rested. Now watching some videos and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water. Jack and Coke, hot dog, Sierra mist)

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Rite of passage

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready for their last day of school. We took them over and went to grab some Starbucks. Came home, my wife left to work and I headed back to church to attended the rite if passage ceremony. It was a nice event for the kids. Javi is now officially a 5th grader and Gabriel is a 1st grader. After we came home and I got Javi ready for his doctor's appointment. 
(Morning: water. Caramel Macchiato)

Saw his doctor and got some items from the pharmacy. Picked up lunch at Popeyes and ate. Rested a bit before we went to watch the new Transformers movie. It was good, we enjoyed it. When it was over we came home.
(Afternoon: water, popcorn,  coke, grape Shasta, chicken sandwiches,  Cole slaw, biscuits)

Got home and relaxed. Went out to pick up food with my wife. I showered and ate a little Chinese food and we watched TV. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, orange chicken, fried rcie) 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Hump day

Woke up and got dressed. Grabbed my bag and headed out to BART. Caught the train and headed over go Peet's to grab a coffee and breakfast. Got to my desk, set up and had breakfast. Logged in and started watching training videos. Walked over to 1440 around 9:30 and hung out until a meeting we had. After that meeting I was going to buy lunch but the city made me lose my appetite. 
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, chorizo con huevo pastry, water, cheese croissant)

Took a nap and chilled. Watched some more videos and headed home. Got to BART and drove to wash the camry and came home. We went to the park and grabbed some tacos for dinner.
(Afternoon: water, peanuts, cookie, pop tarts. Coffee)

Had dinner, took the truck to get washed. Showered, changed Gabriel and sent the boys to. Bed. Now watching  some TV before bed.
(Nighttime: Tacos, jack and Coke, water)

Tuesday, June 6, 2023


Woke up amd got dressed. Grabbed my things and headed out to BART.  Caught the train and arrived to the city. Walled over to my building and set up. I started to watch some training videos and had some conversations with some folks and waited to eat lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, donut, cookie)

Had lunch, talked to my mom, took a nap and finished up some more videos. Packed up and headed over to Civic Center station to go home. Got home and played catch with Gabriel. Javi joined a bit later. 
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, water. Zoa, cheetos, peanuts)

Showered amd helped Javi shower. Had some food and did laundry. Watching TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: cold cuts, cookies, water, grape soda)

Monday, June 5, 2023

Back at work

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed over to BART. Hopped on the train and got to Civic Center. Walked over yo my desk and set up. Started watching videos and had a meeting with one if my unit mates. Now going to watch another video before taking a break.
(Morning: water, coffee, cookie)

Had lunch and took a nap. Watched more videos, attended a meeting and watched another video. There was a fire alarm so we had to go out for a bit. When we got back I finished up and headed out to BART  to go home. Got home and waited for my wife to be off so we could go for a walk.
(Afternoon: pizza, Gatorade,  water, arroz a la valenciana)

Took the walk, played catch with the boys outside. Changed Gabriel and I went to shower. Watched some TV before sending them off to bed. About to go to sleep as well.
(Nighttime: water, grape Shasta, cold cuts, cheers, cookie)

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Packed day

Woke up and showered. Got ready to go to church to celebrate the retirement if the boys school principal. It was a nice service and we stayed a bit before leaving to go to the closing ceremony. 
(Morning: coffee. Water)

Came home, picked up the food and went to the ballpark. We missed the closing ceremony but were in time for the food. We stayed and hung out for some time before coming home to rest. After some rest we went to the movies to watch the new Spiderman movie.
(Afternoon: pulled pork, soda. Gatorade, bread. Cold cuts. Coke. Popcorn)

Came home, played catch with Gabriel. Had the boys shower. I showered. Had dinner and watched TV until bed.
(Nighttime: beer, cold cuts, water)

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Double pizza parties

Slept in, got up and made breakfast for the boys. Cut my hair and showered. Got ready to go to a birthday party for Gabriel's classmate. 
(Morning: egg, cheese and bacon sandwich, sausage, water, coffee)

We got to the place in San Leandro. It was a karate dojo. They had the kids do an obstacle course and some quick moves. Gabriel broke a board with his fist. We had pizza and we came home to pick up Javi and my mother in law and we headed down to Daly City for my brother in laws birthday pizza party.
(Afternoon: water, pizza, zoa)

We had a good time and after we came back home. Gabriel wanted to practice pitching again so I had Javi get the catchers gear on to help him with that. We played a game of catch and after washed up and got ready for bed. Watchung TV and soon going to sleep.
(Nighttime: beer. Pizza, wings, garlic knots, water, root beer)

Friday, June 2, 2023


Woke up, got dressed. Took the boys to school. Came back to have coffee and log in. Attended meetings all morning and finally took a break.
(Morning: coffee, water, brownie)

Had lunch, picked up the boys, had to go back to school to pick up Gabriel's backpack and came home to attend another meeting. Finished up work and took a nap.
(Afternoon: water, coke, chicken sandwiches, whopper jr)

Went to Target and came home. Played catch with Gabriel. Cut the grass in the back and plated more catch. I had him try pitching and he did pretty good with it for starters. Watching TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, peanuts, cookies)

Thursday, June 1, 2023


Woke up and got dressed.  Got the boys breakfast and got them ready. Dropped them off at school and came home to have coffee and log in. Had a meeting showing the team how to update a website and also talked about upcoming training. 
(Morning: water, coffee, brownie)

Went for a walk with my wife. Picked up the boys. Had cold pizza and finished working. After we were planning on going out but decided to stay in.
(Afternoon: pizza, water)

Had nachos and watched a documentary. Showered and watched a show with my wife. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, beer, nachos)