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Monday, September 6, 2021

lockdown day 539

Woke up and chilled. Got things ready for the day. Set up some drinks in the cooler and packed some snacks. Changed and got the boys ready. We were going to Don Castro lake. We drove over and met Oscar, Monica and the kids and went swimming. 
(Morning: water, Iced Tea big Mac, fries, nuggets)

Did some more swimming and relaxed in the sun. Soon packed up and headed home. Stopped by 7-11 to get some slurpees for us and came home. Put things away, bathed the boys and took a shower. Had an early dinner and played outside with the boys. 
(Afternoon: slurpee, water, coke, doritos, lasagna, beer)

Resting and watered the lawn. Took out the trash and put the boys to bed. Looks like Gabriel may be a little sick. Hopefully he has a good night. It's not looking good so far.
(Nighttime: beer, water)

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