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Thursday, September 2, 2021

lockdown day 534

Woke up, got dressed, made corn dogs and nuggets for the boys for lunch. About to get them dressed and we are dropping them off. The drop off was good, passed by Starbucks getting coffee and came back home to log in and attend the forum meeting. Meeting was good, felt a bit long, but anyway. After I got ready to go get Gabriel real quick.
(Morning: Iced Caramel Macchiato, water)

Went to Target and picked up Gabriel, came home, swept some leaves and rinsed off the Camry. Now working and waiting to go get Javi. Came back home after the pick, it took a bit long today. Gave Gabriel some food, saw that there was not enough for all of us, so I left the food for Javi and I had avocado with tortilla and cheese. The items I ordered from Target and Disney came in today. Putting things away and waiting for my wife to get home. Done with work for the day.
(Afternoon: Chocolate, water, avocado, tortilla, cheese)

We went out to get burritos. Came home and had dinner. Played a bit and showered, watched tv until it was time to go to bed. Also did laundry.
(Nighttime: Beer, Burrito, water) 

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