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Wednesday, September 29, 2021

lockdown day 562


Woke up and got dressed. Got breakfast ready for the boys and got them ready. Took them to school and came home. Made coffee and logged in to work and got ready for the training. It went well today, answered some questions, gave some information out. After we wrapped up and now going to pick up Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, Water)


Went to Target, picked up Gabriel. Came home to check in again. Waiting for my wife to get home and for time to go get Javi. Picked up Javi and came home. Finished up work and got Gabriel ready for practice. 

(Afternoon: Peanut butter cups, coke, water)


Practice was good, after we came home. Heated up dinner for the boys, got some chicken wings from KFC. Helped Javi with his homework and I changed Gabriel. Took a shower and now Watching TV. Finished that up and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: beer, water, popcorn, chicken wings)

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

lockdown day 561

Woke up and got dressed. Made the birthday boy breakfast and got the both ready for school. Dropped them off and went to Union city to pick up Krispy Kreme donuts for Javi's school. Dropped those off and headed to Kaiser in SSF to drop off my wife's sleep study thing. Came back towards this way and had breakfast at Black Bear Diner. Picked up cupcakes and came home.
(Morning: coffee, water, eggs Benedict, buscuit and gracy)

Went to pick Gabriel up and now we are home. Waiting for Javi to get out of school. Picked him up and came home. Rested a bit and I had him start his homework. My wife took Gabriel to the doctor, I took Javi to practice. After practice we had cupcakes for his birthday.  My wife took him home, I picked up dinner.
(Afternoon: water)

Picked up In and Out burgers and came home. Put away the baseball bag and had dinner. Showered after and helped Javi shower  put the boys to bed and watched the Giants game for a bit. They won, now off to bed. 
(Nighttime: double doubles, mango juice, pink lemonade,  water)

Monday, September 27, 2021

lockdown day 560


Woke up and got the boys ready. Set up lunch for the both. Gave them breakfast and took them to school. The drop off was quick and easy. Got home and was able to make coffee and log in to the meeting. The training went well, it was 2 hours. We helped a few people out with their tasks and now just waiting for time to pick up Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee)


Picked up a Stacked grilled cheeseburger and a root beet. Got Gabriel and came home. Right now we are hanging out and waiting for my next break to go pick up Javi. Picked him up and came home to finish the day out. Had some chicken and rice and watched some football before going to Target.

(Afternoon: Stacked Grilled Cheeseburger, Root Beer, chicken, rice,, Water)


After Target we got some Taco Bell and came home. Put things away took out the trash and had dinner. Showered and changed the boys. Sent them to bed and watched TV. About to go to bed.

(Nighttime: taco bell, water, mango juice)

Sunday, September 26, 2021

lockdown day 559

Woke up and got dressed. for the boys. Got Javi ready and we went to the game. It was good for about 4 innings and then it wasn't. After we watched Gabriel play and came home.
(Morning: coffee, nachos, chips, water)

Went to pick up some food from Texas Roadhouse. I asked my wife to check the order, she said she did but when we got home,  my food was missing. Chilled and napped and waited for the Niners game.
(Afternoon: blooming onion, left overs, water)

Watched the game, bathed Gabriel,  helped Javi shower and I showered as well. Niners lost, played very slow. But it was a good game. Now Watching TV. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: cake, water)

Saturday, September 25, 2021

lockdown day 558

Woke up, took my medication, started blowing up the balloons and went to set up the back yard. Tool a shower and we went to pick up the donuts, cake and items at Target. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Got those items and came home. Started making burgers and hot dogs. Had some food, had some cake. We sang Happy Birthday to Javi and we took off to Round 1 for bowling. We had to wait so we played  some games and I helped the kids with bowling. After we came home.
(Afternoon: sprite, root beer, water, cheese burgers, wings, cake)

Hung out with Oscar, Monica and the kids. My Mom and sister left to go home. Had some food and some beers, now hanging out watching TV trying to decompress. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, double cheese burger, cake)

Friday, September 24, 2021

lockdown day 557

Woke up and got dressed. Got Gabriel's things ready and took him to school. Came home to do training and had a meeting after. Chilled a bit and got ready to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning : water, coffee, chocolate muffin)

Picked up Gabriel and came home. Worked on a few things, had lunch and ran out the clock. Practice at 5 today 
(Afternoon: carne molina, white rice, refresher, water)

Practice was good, after we went to Halloween city and to party city. Came home and had dinner. I showered and bathed Gabriel, helped Javi shower and put things away. Watched TV and finished laundry. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: pot stickers,  wine,  water, chips)

Thursday, September 23, 2021

lockdown day 556


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got things ready for the boys and gave them breakfast. Had them change and we went to drop them off. Came home and started working. We did the training and it was not good. There were issues with the live cases like we knew there would be. We voiced our opinion but that is getting us nowhere. After the training we set up for the next one.

(Morning: Water, coffee)


Went to pick up Gabriel and came home, quick trip to Target and got the items to make spaghetti. Now working and about to review some items for tomorrow. On my next break I go pick up Javi. Picked him up and came home, did some work and logged off. Played catch with the boys, helped Javi with his hitting and took off to Costco. 

(Afternoon: Spaghetti, water, iced caramel macchiato)  


Picked up items at Costco and passed by the dollar tree and picked up sushi. Came home and had dinner, showered, changed the boys and put them to bed. Now Watching TV and going to bed after. 

(Nighttime: beer, muffin, sushi, water)

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

lockdown day 555

Woke up and went to get dressed. Really tired today. Got the boys breakfast,  made their lunch for school. Had them get dressed and now going soon to drop them off.  Training is going OK, very irritated right now with some BS that is going on with it. Hopefully they change that up. After the training we regrouped for a bit and decided to meet later to talk about the next few days.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went to get Gabriel and came home. Gave him some bean soup. Waiting for Javi to get out so I can go get him and have lunch here. Picked him up and passed by 7-11 real quick. Had lunch and a slurpee, now checking in to work again and going to run out the clock. Well, the bs continues, we have to do something that we feel we shouldn't. We made our voices heard and it is what it is. If they complain, they will learn why they shouldn't be messing with me.
(Afternoon: Bean Soup, white rice, chocolate, water)

Practice was goodm played catch with Javi while Gabriel practiced. He played with some of his teammates while we waited for practice to be over. We came home, I ordered some food and showered. Had dinner and now Watching some TV.
(Nighttime: water, beer, super nachos, steak fries)

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

lockdown day 554

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys breakfast and got them ready for shcool. Took the over and came home. Started training and it went OK, we were able to push it to 2 hours. After we answered some questions and I waited for time to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Picked up Gabriel and passed by getting Panda Express. Came home to eat lunch and went into another meeting. On my break I went to pick up Javi and now running out the clock. Practice later today.
(Afternoon: coke, water, panda express)

Practice was good. After we came home and I showered and had dinner. The boys went to bed and we watched Ted Lasso. Going to bed now.
(Nighttime: beer, water, popcorn, grilled cheese sandwich)

Monday, September 20, 2021

lockdown day 553

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys breakfast and changed Gabriel. Got their school things ready to go and my wife took them. I have training to do today so since it's the first day, I stayed to prepare. The training went well, was about 2 hours. Now waiting for time to pick up Gabriel 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went to Target real quick and got some items for the weekend. Went to get Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and chilled. Now working and waiting for my break to go get Javi. Got him and came home, did more work and got easy for tomorrow. Training continues. 
(Afternoon: Chicken flautas, water, root beer)

After work we went to Party City and Target. Got some items for Javi's mini birthday celebration. Came home, watched some of the game and showered. Put the boys to bed, had dinner, washed dishes, took out the trash. Now Watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, popcorn, pizza, flautas)

lockdown day 552

Woke up and went to take a quick shower and got ready for the game. Got Javi ready and left Gabriel's things ready and we took off to the game. The game was fun. Javi played RF the whole game. Went 0-3 but had some good swings and his AB's were much better. They won the game and we went over to watch Gabriel's game.
(Morning: water, coffee, Madeline)

After Gabriel's game we came home. Ordered some pizza and had lunch. Doing some laundry and about to meet my co-worker to go over a training question. Forgot to mention I watched the last of the Niners game which they won.
(Afternoon: root beer, water, pizza, wings, crazy bread)

Watched SNF and cut my hair. Showered, had dinner. Played a bit with the boys before they went to bed. Watched more of Ted Lasso and the Walking Dead. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, pizza, caramel corn, chips)

Saturday, September 18, 2021

lockdown day 551

Woke up and made the boys pancakes. Took a nap and showered and started getting ready to go to the park.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went to the park and practiced with the boys. Hit some grounders, played catch and both of them hit. After we went to Chili's for lunch and came home where I took another nice nap.
(Afternoon: root beer, water, loaded mashed potatoes, bacon burger, chips. Guacamole and dessert)

Woke up and made the boys dinner and now relaxing before bed. Watched a bit of Black Widow and now Watching the rest of season 1 of Ted Lasso before going to bed. 2 games tomorrow and Niners football.
(Nighttime: Dino nuggets, cheese sticks, water, beer)

Friday, September 17, 2021

lockdown day 550

Woke up, got dressed. Got breakfast for the boys, got them ready and we took them to school. Camd back home to go to a meeting about training and practiced our ppt and documents. Getting ready to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Got some Iced coffee and picked up Gabriel. Came home to have lunch and attended another meeting. Got some clarification about some things and now running out quick to get Javi. Returned home to have our unit meeting and got ready to go the the Giants game.
(Afternoon: shrimp fettuccine Alfredo, Iced coffee, water)

The drive down was good. We got to the parking lot and walked over to Oracle park. Chilled for a bit waiting for first pitch. Bought Gabriel a hat and my brother showed up with his girlfriend and kids. The game was good, we stayed up until the 8th inning and headed home. Listened to the game on the radio and finished watching at home.   On watching smackdown. Oh and yeah, the Giants won on a walk off in extras. It was Gabriel's first game. 
(Nighttime: beer, hot dog, water, string cheese, chocolate)

Thursday, September 16, 2021

lockdown day 549

Woke up earlier than normal since Gabriel had spilled some water on the bed and wanted to eat a Madeline at 6 AM. Went to get dressed and now getting things ready for the boys. Took them to school and passed by Starbucks to get some coffee before logging in to work. Had a quick meeting and finished up some items for training. Still very concerned about the training. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went to pick up Gabriel and picked up some Popeyes chicken. Had lunch and had another meeting before going to get Javi. Came back home and finished work and after we picked up some Halloween items at Walmart and got gas.
(Afternoon: popeye's chicken, Fanta, water)

Came home and helped Javi with some homework. Showered and had dinner. Now going to watch TV. Watched Nora from Queens, the finale of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, What we do in the Shadows and Dark Side of the Ring about the plane ride from hell.
Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, pizza roles, cheese sticks)

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

lockdown day 548


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got snacks ready for the boys, got them breakfast and took them to school. Today Javi gets off at 12. Came back home and made coffee, attended a quick meeting and now reviewing items for the training. 

(Morning: Water, Coffee, peanut butter cups)


Left to go pick up Javi at school, after we got Gabriel and went to McDonald's to get the boys some Happy Meals. Came home and had lunch, now working on some items for training. Going to have Javi start his homework and practice a bit. After work we took Gabriel to practice and it was a good practice. 

(Afternoon: Big Mac, Filet-o-Fish, water)


After practice we picked up sushi and came home. I swept up some leaves outside and watered the lawn. Had dinner and showered. Changed Gabriel and had Javi change for bed. Put the to sleep and watched Ted Lasso before bed time.

(Nighttime: sushi, beer, water)

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

lockdown day 547


Woke up and went to get dressed. Gave the boys breakfast and got them ready for school. The drive was good, drop off was quick. Got home and made coffee and logged in to work so I could get to my items done for the training. We had a meeting and it went back to being to square one. This training may be a mess. Getting ready to go get Gabriel, might get some Starbucks.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


We went to Target to get some tortillas for lunch. Picked up some Starbucks and went to get Gabriel. Now we are home, had lunch and now working on some items for training. Before getting Javi I had Gabriel practice hitting off a tee and he hit me in the hand. Hurts like hell. Picked up Javi and came home and finished up work and we went to practice. 

(Afternoon: Tacos, Iced Caramel Macchiato) 


Practice was good, they have a long way to go, but we are there for some fun and to have the kids learn. We came home, had Javi shower and I showered after. Made some dinner and watched NXT 2.0. Going to bed soon.

(Nighttime: pot stickers, baked beans, beer, water)

Monday, September 13, 2021

lockdown day 546

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready and took them to school. I didn't feel good and I called out.
(Morning: water)

Woke up and had lunch. Went to pick up Javi and now resting again. Got up and went to play catch with the boys, set up the hitting net and they did that. Came in to start dinner.
(Afternoon: water, sopa de res, white rice, peanut butter cups)

My wife started making some taco meat I bought yesterday.  I finished it up, had dinner, took out the trash, washed dishes and cleaned up before showering. Now Watching MNF. The game was good, after we watched Cold Case Files and finished watching RAW where Big E won the title. It was great. Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: mango juice, water, tacos)

Sunday, September 12, 2021

lockdown day 545

Woke up and gave the boys their donuts and milk. Had mine with coffee. Now waiting for kickoff. The game started off shakey, a fumble on the first snap, but the rest went pretty well. Showered at half time and watched some more.
(Morning: donuts, coffee)

My Mom and sister came by while the game was on. If started to go off the rails but the Niners won. On to week 2. After the game we went to Clancy's ice cream parlor. I did not get any. We came home to drop off Gabriel and my wife and we took off to Cardenas. But first we got some Halloween decorations at the dollar tree. Came home and finally ate.
(Afternoon: sopa de res, white rice, water)

After my Mom and sister went home. I tool a nap. We went to Target and came home. Changed Gabriel and I showered. Now Watching The Walking Dead. Finished that and now off to bed. Not feeling too good at the moment, let's see how the night goes.
(Nighttime: water mango juice, zebra popcorn)

Saturday, September 11, 2021

lockdown day 544

Woke up and made some breakfast for the boys. Eggs, bacon and sausage. About to make coffee. Today has started out bad for me. Actually it's been a pretty bad few days. Going through a spell where I don't feel respected at work, don't feel wanted at home, no one listens or cares. Too busy with their own things. I know it will pass, but it does suck. I went to shower and now going outside for a bit to play catch with Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water, bacon, eggs, sausage)

Orders some food from Famous Dave's, going to pick it up soon. Came back home and had lunch. Resting up, going out to get some donuts. Got the donuts and came home, watched some more TV, took a nap and went to the park. Now we are back home.
(Afternoon: ribs, ribs tips, brisket, corn bread, Mac and cheese, potato salad, beans)

Had some mango juice, started playing madden. Stopped so they could watch a movie. Got the boys some corndogs and went to shower. Ate some leftovers and now having wine. Did some laundry and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: mango juice, water, wine, chips, ribs tips, brisket)

Friday, September 10, 2021

lockdown day 543

Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the boys breakfast and had them change. Took the boys to school by myself and passed by Starbucks to get some coffee. Attended a meeting, did a shadow. Reached out about an order that I didn't get and they said they would refund me, so I ordered me a customized 49ers jersey. After the shadow we went to get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Afternoon :
Picked up Gabriel and came home, had lunch and attended my unit meeting which was total bullshit. Anyway, trying to relax and refocus. Going to get Javi later. Picked him up and came home. Had another meeting and after work we went to costco.
(Afternoon: white rice, chicken fajita, sprite, dissapoiCostco.

We got our items and passed by getting milk shakes. Came home, put things away and had dinner. I had pho and pizza rolls. Showered and watched TV, now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water,  mango juice, pizza rolls, pho)

Thursday, September 9, 2021

lockdown day 542

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready for school and gave them breakfast. It's Javi's picture day. We dropped them off and came back home to work. Did a few things and shadowed an EW. Now getting ready to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning : water, coffee, peanut butter cup)

Picked up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and went to another meeting ran out real quick to get Javi and returned home to finish out the work day.
(Afternoon: ground beef patties, white rice, water)

Ordered some Buffalo Wild Wings and they were not too good. Wingstop is much better. Now watching the Bucs vs Cowboys on the NFL kickoff game. The game was good. The Bucs won. I took a shower and chilled the rest of the night. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: Buffalo wings, beer, water)

lockdown day 541

Woke up and got dressed. Got things ready for the boys and got them breakfast. Changed Gabriel and had Javi change for school. We dropped the boys off and came home. Had some internet issues but was able to make it to the forum.
(Morning: coffee, zinger, water)

Went to Walgreens to pick up some pictures. Picked up Gabriel and came home to chill. Around 2 I called my wife to see if I was going to pick up Javi. She was already there. Had lunch and finished work, now changing Gabriel for practice. Practice was good, short for the first one. After we came home.
(Afternoon: coke, water, crab sandwich)

Got home and rested, watched some TV. Went to Walgreens to pick something up. Came back home and showered and now trying to troubleshoot the TV.
(Nighttime: cupcakes, chocolate, water)

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

lockdown day 540


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the boys items ready for school and got them ready to go. They had breakfast and we took them to school. The drop off was good and we came home to make coffee and check in to work. So far it's been a frustrating day, but we will power through. Reviewed some materials and we took off real quick to get some items for a school donation for Javi. 

(Morning: Coffee, chocolate, water)


Got the Chili and Beef Stew for the donation. Picked up Gabriel and came back home to finish up some work. Had some lunch and went to go get Javi, it was a good quick pick up, now waiting to be off to take Javi to practice.

(Afternoon: Water, lasagna, coke)


Practice was good. Tested out the arms of the kids to see who could throw from the left side of the infield. We came home, had Javi shower and do homework. Read to Gabriel and I showered. Put them to bed, now Watching TV. Watched NXT and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: pizza rolls, beer, water, brownie)

Monday, September 6, 2021

lockdown day 539

Woke up and chilled. Got things ready for the day. Set up some drinks in the cooler and packed some snacks. Changed and got the boys ready. We were going to Don Castro lake. We drove over and met Oscar, Monica and the kids and went swimming. 
(Morning: water, Iced Tea big Mac, fries, nuggets)

Did some more swimming and relaxed in the sun. Soon packed up and headed home. Stopped by 7-11 to get some slurpees for us and came home. Put things away, bathed the boys and took a shower. Had an early dinner and played outside with the boys. 
(Afternoon: slurpee, water, coke, doritos, lasagna, beer)

Resting and watered the lawn. Took out the trash and put the boys to bed. Looks like Gabriel may be a little sick. Hopefully he has a good night. It's not looking good so far.
(Nighttime: beer, water)

Sunday, September 5, 2021

lockdown day 538

Woke up and had coffee. Chilled with the boys for a bit and played Mario Party. Took a shower and started to make lunch for the boys.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Made spaghetti and meatballs,  had pupusas for lunch and we went to put gas in the truck and to Target. After we came home.
(Afternoon: pupusas, water. Snapple)

Chilled and made some chicharron for dinner. Set up the fire pit and made s'mores and had some beers. Put out the fire and washed dished. Watched the Walking Dead and going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water, beer, tortilla, chicharron, s'mores)

Saturday, September 4, 2021

lockdown day 537

Woke up and made coffee. Watched Spiral and after took a shower. Got ready to go to the movies.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Watched Shang-Chi and it was good. After we drove to my sister's place to get the boys. We got there and went to serramonte and walked around a bit before going to eat at Celia's.
(Afternoon: coke, popcorn, nachos, water, beer, chile Verde, chips and salsa)

Drove back home and now relaxing. While we were relaxing someone knocked on the door. It seems my jersey was delivered to the wrong house. Glad they dropped it off. It looks real nice. Anyway, off to bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Friday, September 3, 2021

lockdown day 536

Woke up and got dressed. Got things ready for the boys and we went to drop them off. I dropped off my wife at home and went to Kaiser to get my blood drawn. On the way home I picked up some coffee and came to chill. Took a walk and waited for time to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Picked up Gabriel,  had lunch and took a nap. Now waiting for time to get Javi so we can get them ready to go to Daly City. Got to Serramonte and we went to Dick's to get Javi a new glove. Going to break it in this weekend, practice starts next week. Got to my sister's and chilled before heading to dinner.
(Afternoon: water, bean soup, rice, cake)

We drove to Benihana's and had dinner, it was good. After we drove home, called the boys, watched a show and finished up the Giants game, they #BeatLA in extra innings. Now going to bed. Tomorrow we go to the movies before going to get the boys.
(Nighttime: Benihana trio, water, Dr. Pepper, beer)

Thursday, September 2, 2021

lockdown day 535


Woke up and got dressed. Got things ready for the boys and had them change. Dropped off the boys and came home to have coffee and go into a meeting. Meeting was pretty quick and we have some direction now. Waiting for time to go pick up Gabriel.

(Morning: Coffee, Water)

Afternoon: Picked up Gabriel mad cheeseburgers for lunch and checked back in. Answered some questions and ran out quickly to get Javi, the line was super short. Now finishing up work and will be off for the next 4 days. Finished up, gave the boys some food and we went to Home Depot to check out some screen doors.

(Afternoon: water, cheeseburger)


Got back home, had dinner and changed the boys. Made a brownie and showered. Put the boys to bed and now we are watching our shows while doing laundry.

(Nighttime: pot stickers, ice cream, brownie, water)

lockdown day 534

Woke up, got dressed, made corn dogs and nuggets for the boys for lunch. About to get them dressed and we are dropping them off. The drop off was good, passed by Starbucks getting coffee and came back home to log in and attend the forum meeting. Meeting was good, felt a bit long, but anyway. After I got ready to go get Gabriel real quick.
(Morning: Iced Caramel Macchiato, water)

Went to Target and picked up Gabriel, came home, swept some leaves and rinsed off the Camry. Now working and waiting to go get Javi. Came back home after the pick, it took a bit long today. Gave Gabriel some food, saw that there was not enough for all of us, so I left the food for Javi and I had avocado with tortilla and cheese. The items I ordered from Target and Disney came in today. Putting things away and waiting for my wife to get home. Done with work for the day.
(Afternoon: Chocolate, water, avocado, tortilla, cheese)

We went out to get burritos. Came home and had dinner. Played a bit and showered, watched tv until it was time to go to bed. Also did laundry.
(Nighttime: Beer, Burrito, water)