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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

last day of the month

Woke up and went to change. Drove to BART and caught the train. Got to my desk and set up. Did some work and waited for time to go to 145.
(Morning: water. Coffee, banana, monster mix)

I picked up coffee for me and Amilcar and we hung out for a bit. Met Dora in the training room and did the training. I left and got home.
(Afternoon: steak, rice, water)

Got home, did soft toss with Javi, played catch with Gabriel. Went to put gas in the truck and to Target. Came home and ate, had Javi shower. I showered and now watching TV.
(Nighttime: Chicken tacos, water, peanut butter cups,)

Monday, April 29, 2024

Training week... again

Woke up and changed. Headed out to BART and caught the train. Headed to the city and when I got there I walked over to 1440 for training. The morning went well, we had a good session before going to lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, peanuts)

Had lunch with Amilcar and chilled a bit. Finished the Afternoon session of training and headed back home. When I got to Bayfair I changed and drove over to the little league field. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  zoa, water, ice cream, cookie)

Gabriel's team won. He played 3rd base and got a solid hit. He tripped and fell his second at bat. He sat out the last inning. After we came home and I had him shower. I took out the trash and showered. Watching TV now.
(Nighttime: chips, coke, water)

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Rest day

Morning :
Woke up and showered. Made breakfast for the boys. Had coffee and went to watch Abigail. 
(Morning: water coffee)

After the movie I went to wash the camry and came home to do laundry and have lunch. We went out to have some ice cream and came home to finish laundry and start Gabriel's project.
(Afternoon: water grape soda, chicken nuggets nachos,  milkshake)

Finished painting the board. Took a shower and changed Gabriel. Watching a show before bed. 
Training tomorrow.
(Nighttime: chips, tortilla and cheese, cranberry juice, water)

Saturday, April 27, 2024


Woke up and changed. Woke Javi up and gave the boys breakfast. Loaded up te truck and Camry and headed out to the little league field with Javi. Helped with the field set up and coached 1st base today. The game was good, Javi got HBP and hit a walk off single. After we walked over to Gabriel's field.
(Morning: coffee, water, nachos, orange juice)

Gabriel's game was fun. He played SS, pitched 2 innings, struck out in his only at bat. But made w good plays. They won 3-1. After we came home to have them shower, had lunch and we went to the movies to watch Civil War.
(Afternoon: chanco con yucca, water, Gallo Pinto, popcorn, coke)

After the movie we came home. Took the boys to get icee's at 7-11. Chilled and watched Knuckles. Showered and watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: cheese sticks, chicken sandwich,  cranberry juice, water)

Friday, April 26, 2024


Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school. I took the day off and went to vacuum the camry and wash it. Came home to rest before going to watch the first Omen.
(Morning: water)

Watched the movie, picked up the boys and lunch. We ate and I rested a bit. Watched Smackdown with Gabriel. 
(Afternoon: coke, popcorn, water. Grape soda, burrito)

We went to Target and came back. I took out the recycling and noticed the the basketball hoop had fallen over. Picked it up and went to shower. Watched the Giants game which ended on a walk off 3 run Homer by Bailey. Talked to Arnel for a bit and  now watching TV until bed. Games tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water, monster mix)

Thursday, April 25, 2024

make up game

Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school and came back to log into work. Had 2 meetings this morning and reviewed items for training. 
(Morning: water, coffee, banana)

Ran out to grab some Starbucks and came home. Had lunch and finished some more items for work. Picked up the boys, helped Gabriel with homework and got him ready for his make up game.
(Afternoon: iced Caramel Macchiato, flautas, water)

The game was good. Gabriel got two hits and scored a run. Played 2nd base all game. His team won 3-1. We came home. Had dinner and changed. I took a shower and watched a show before bed.
(Nighttime: water, fruit punch, chips, ceviche, monster mix)

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Game day

Woke up and changed. Headed out to. Caught the train and got to the city. Got to my desk and put things away and set up. Did some work until lunch time.
(Morning: water. Coffee, banana, peanuts)

Had lunch that I ordered. Talked to one of the managers and I left to catch BART to come home. Got home and picked up my wife and Gabriel and we went over to Javi's  game.
(Afternoon: pancit, rice, pork skewer, lumping, water, coke)

Javi's game was good. He pitched and shut the other team down. Gave up a run, but struck out 5. He even caught a pop up. After we came home to get them bathed. We grabbed dinner and cams home to eat. I showered after and now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: Double double, milk shake. Fries, water)

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Day 2

Woke up and changed. Headed out to BART and caught the train. Got to work and set up. Had a meeting and waited to go to 1440.
(Morning: water, coffee, peanuts, banana)

Walked over to 1440, had lunch with Amilcar and grabbed a cold brew. Came back to train with raena and we did good. Headed out and came home. Picked up Gabriel and went to pick up Javi at practice. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  water, orange soda, cold brew, peanuts)

Came home, went to Costco Came back home. Showered and had dinner. Now watching a show before bed
(Nighttime: water, ceviche, chips. Nachos)

Monday, April 22, 2024

And it begins

Woke up and got dressed. Went to BART and caught the train to the city. Arrived and went to my office and set up for the morning. Had a meeting that was cut short due to technical issues and had an early lunch.
(Morning: coffee. Water, danish, peanuts, sandwich)

Walked over to 1440 and waited for training. Did the Afternoon session and after I caught the MUNI to BART to go to Gabriel's game.
(Afternoon: water)

It was a close game. We lost 1-0. Gabriel did great again. Better at bats. Had a single and was jobbed out by the umpire. Came home, took out trash, washed dishes and showered. Now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: white rice, chicken, tortilla,  chips)

Sunday, April 21, 2024

The night before

Woke up and made breakfast for the boys. I showered and got ready for our niece's party I'm Antioch. Headed out to get the boys a slurpee and drove to the party.
(Morning: coffee. Water, Gallo Pinto, eggs)

Got to the party, the boys did bowling, laser tag and games. Came back home to nap.
(Afternoon: pizza, chips, veggies, water)

Tool a nap, went to Target and came home. Played catch with the boys.  Had them shower,  I showered and now going to bed. Training starts tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: Gallo Pinto, cranberry juice, coke, sushi, water)

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Baby Shower

Woke up and showered. Got ready for the game. Went to Target to grab some snacks for Gabriel's team. I got Starbucks and I dropped it in the living room. After I had the boys get ready to go to their games and left with Javi. But I got me another Starbucks drink on the way. Got to the park and set Javi up before going to help Gabriel's team.
(Morning: water. Iced Caramel Macchiato)

Both lost today, but both played well. After we got home and got ready to go to Richmond for Vanessa and Franklin's baby shower. We had fun and ate good tacos. Came back home to drop off the boys and went to the movies.
(Afternoon: horchata, water, tacos)

The mo movie was good, after we came home to get the boys to bed and watched some TV. I started the breaking in process for Gabriel's new glove. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: popcorn, water, fruit punch)

Friday, April 19, 2024

Lucky Day

Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school and came home to log into work. Reviewed training items and cut the grass in the front yard.
(Morning: water, coffee, danish)

Cut the grass in the back yard, took a nap, picked up the boys and had lunch. Finished up work and got Javi ready for practice. 
(Afternoon: water, orange soda, McDonald's)

I had a snack bar shift but for some reason it was canceled. So I didn't have to work it. Javi had batting practice and I hung out with Gabriel. Came home and we went to another park. Came back and had the boys shower, I cut my hair and shaved. Now watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: water, McDouble)

Thursday, April 18, 2024


Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and took them to school. Put gas in the truck and came home to log into work. I had a meeting and did some things.
(Morning: water, coffee, peanut butter egg)

Went to the dollar tree and came home. Had lunch and worked dome more. Picked up the boys and  came back home. Finished up work and got Gabriel ready for practice. 
(Afternoon: water, grape soda, rice, beans, carne molida)

Practice was ok, Gabriel did not have a good hitting practice. After we came home to do homework and showered.  Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: cheesesticks, chicken sandwich,  cranberry juice, water)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready for school and drove them over. Came back home and logged into work. Had a disagreement with my supervisor and my teammates who feel the same decided to not say anything. So I was pretty irritated. Anyway, did my part at forum and waited to rest.
(Morning: water, coffee peanut butter egg)

Went to get the boys and came home. Logged back into work. Had lunch and the lights went out for 25 minutes. When they came back I finished work and practiced with the boys in the back yard.
(Afternoon: grape soda, crab sandwich,  water)

Went to Target and grabbed some gifts. Came home and had the boys shower. I showered and had a snack. Watching a movie and doing laundry. 
(Nighttime: water, cereal, cheese its)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Woke up and changed. Drove over to bart and caught the train. Got to work and set up. Uploaded a document to a website and had a quick meeting. The rest of the morning was on cruise control. 
(Morning: peanuts, water, coffee, monster mix)

Had lunch, talked to my mom and ran the clock out. Went to bart and headed home. Had a quick bite before taking the boys to practice. 
(Afternoon: tuna sandwich,  bean soup, white rice, beef jersey, water)

Practice was good, they focused on hitting. I had Gabriel practice some things as well. Now at home, made the boys dinner and I showered. Now going to watch TV before bed.
(Nighttime: cheese its, water)

Monday, April 15, 2024

Game day

Woke up and changed. Headed to work. Got there and was able to have a few meetings, print out some items and set up some training things before I had lunch.
(Morning: danish, water, coffee)

Had lunch, took a nap, finished some more things for training. When I was done I  came back home to drop off my things and went to the ball park. 
(Afternoon: pulled pork sandwich, monster mix, water)

The game was good I watched Gabriel play and was able to sneak out and see one of Javi's atbats. Gabriel's team tied and Javi's team won. Came back home to take out the bins and wsh dishes. Showered and now relaxing before bed.
(Nighttime: water)

Sunday, April 14, 2024


Woke up and went out to make breakfast for the boys. Watched some TV and took a shower and got the boys ready to go to the park.
(Morning: water, cake)

Went to Toledo Park and the boys played, picked up Popeyes and came home to eat and finish laundry and took a nap.
(Afternoon: Chicken sandwich, Cole slaw, biscuits, orange soda, water)

Played catch and had pitching practice with Gabriel. Had some wings and showered. Got the boys ready for bed and got their things ready for the game and school tomorrow. Going to bed soon. 
(Nighttime: water, wings)

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Rained out

Woke up and saw the games had been rained out. Went back to sleep and when I woke up I went to help the boys shower and get ready for the party. I showered and waited to go.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Drove over to the laser tag place and we had fun
 We ate, played and came home. I took a nap, I was tired.
(Afternoon: cake, pizza, water. Iced coffee, chips)

Watched TV and chilled. Had dinner and watched some TV. Going to bed soon. Still tired.
(Nighttime: pupusa, water, orange soda, chips)

Friday, April 12, 2024

Finally Friday

Woke up and changed, got the boys ready and took them to school.  Came back home to log into work had a few meetings and set things up for next week.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Read and watched a show on my lunch. Ate and finished up work. After work we went to Target and Costco. 
(Afternoon: pupusas, lemonade, water,  hot dog, starray)

Came back home and practiced with the boys. I took a shower and watched Smackdown with Gabriel.  Now hanging out until bed time. 
(Nighttime: water)

Thursday, April 11, 2024


Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready to go to school. Took them and went to get gas for thr camry. Came home to start working and had a meeting. Now going to make lunch. 
(Morning: water, chocolate,  coffee)

Made orange chicken amd white rice. Went to go get the boys. Had lunch and finished work. Got Gabriel ready for practice. 
(Afternoon: chimichonga, orange soda, white rice, orange chicken)

Practice was good. We came home and o washed dishes and showered. Had some food and soon going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, orange chicken, white rice, doritos)

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Hump day

Morning: Woke up and changed. Headed to work and set up. Had a meeting and did some reviews.
(Morning: danish, water, coffee)

Had lunch and read. Had another meeting and headed home.
(Afternoon: spaghetti and meatballs,  water, peanuts)

Had some Starbucks and picked up Javi to take him to his game. Waited for Gabriel to get there for his. Both boys won and we came home to shower and rest up for another day. 
(Nighttime: water, chicken, cheese, tortilla,  dry cereal)

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Another day

Wokenup and changed. Headed out to BART and caught the train to the city. Got to my desk and set up for the day. Had a meeting and now waiting for lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, danish, madeline)

Had lunch and read. Talked to my Mom and reviewed more items for training and after I heard home. There was a delay for some reason so I had to wait a bit. Got home and picked up Gabriel and drove over to have him practice and watch Javi practice. 
(Afternoon: torta de carne, white rice, zoa, water, grain bar)

Came home from practice and went to get gas and picked up wingstop. Ate dinner and showered. Now watching TV before going to bed.
(Nighttime: wingstop, coke, water)

Monday, April 8, 2024

Back to work

Woke up and got ready. Headed over to BART and got to work. Checked emails and had a quick meeting with my team before testing out some cases.
(Morning: water, coffee, danish)

Had lunch and finished up some items for an upcoming training. Left work and headed to BART to come home. Got home ans took out the trash and compost. Put away dished amd we went for a walk.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, zoa, water. Peanuts)

Had the boys shower and I showered. Had dinner and watched TV. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: water, cranberry juice, tuna sandwiches, cereal)

Sunday, April 7, 2024

WM 40 night 2

Woke up and went to shower.  Had coffee and a Danish. Put things away and got ready to drive down to the baby shower. 
(Morning: water, coffee, danish)

Drove to the city and got to the rec center. Had some food, played some games and started watching WM 40 night 2. Drove home while the matches were going on.
(Afternoon: Tacos, coke, treats, 7 up, water)

Got home and got things ready for tomorrow. Continued watching the event. Had dinner and played uno with Gabriel. Finished WM 40 and watched the series finale of Curb your enthusiasm.  Now off to bed.
(Nighttime: left over burrito, cheese its, water)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

WM 40 Night 1

Woke up and changed. Made coffee and woke up Javi and we went to the fields only to find out they canceled the game. They told everyone but our team. Came home to rest up and mow the lawn in front of the house. I did some more laundry and pit away some clothes. Now getting ready for Gabriel's practice since they canceled that game as well.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Danish)

They had around a 2 hour practice and we went to pick up lunch. Came home to eat and went to Target to grab some items. Came home and I had both boys shower. Started watching WrestleMania 40 and it was pretty good.
(Afternoon: burrito, coke, water)

I had to fix the door nob in the office since Gabriel pulled it off. Showered and watched the rest on WM. After relaxed and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: Arroz a la Valenciana, water, bread. Peanut butter cups)

Friday, April 5, 2024

leaving Las Vegas

Woke up and grabbed our things and headed out to breakfast. Ate and started our long drive.
(Morning: coffee, water, rice, beans, hash Browns, quesabirria tacos)

The drive was on and we continued. Put gas and it was snowing, raining and hailing.
(Afternoon: Monster, water)

Finally got home did laundry. Put my cpap machine away. Had dinner and watched TV with Javi for a bit. Baseball tomorrow 
(Nighttime: cheesesticks, water, cheese its)

Thursday, April 4, 2024

last night in Vegas

Woke up and we got ready to go to the pool. We hung out and after went to get ready to go explore. 
(Morning: water, danish)

We caught an Uber to Fremont street and explored that. Had a quick bite and headed back to the Wynn for an early dinner at the buffet. We ate a lot and after walked back to our room to rest.
(Afternoon: coffee, water, chicken sandwich,  buffet, coke)

We walked over to Cesar's Palace, the Belagio and came back to the room. Started to pack up for our return home tomorrow. Good time was had today.
(Nighttime: water, Gatorade)

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

MJ Live

Woke up and got ready to go to the pool. Swam a bit,  came up to shower and we went down for a late breakfast. 
(Morning: Danish, water)

Ate a Cuban omelet and had coffee. After we came back to the room to rest. When we got up we went to Circus Circus so the boys can play. After we got some souvenirs and went to the Sahara.
(Afternoon: donut. Coffee, water. Cuban omelet)

We watched the MJ Live show and I had fun. After we came back to grab some food and chilled the rest of the night. One more full day in Vegas.
(Nighttime: water. Coke. Steak, paella, platanos)

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

road trip

Woke up around 3 and started getting ready to leave. We left the house before 3:30. The drive was good, we stopped for breakfast at McDonald's. 
(Morning: water, oj, sausage mcmuffin, sausage biscuit, hash brown, coffee)

Got to Las Vegas and had lunch. Checked into the hotel and took a nap.
(Afternoon: burger fries, water. Coke)

We walked from the Venetian to M&M world, had dinner at Hard Rock Cafe, walked over to the Belagio and watched the fountain show. Came up to the room, showered and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: pulled pork sandwich, Cesar salad, water, coke, Gatorade, nachos)

Monday, April 1, 2024

Game day

Woke up and had some coffee. Watched the Bray Wyatt documentary and went to shower.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to get gas for the truck, took both cars to get washed and hit up Target for cleaning supplies. Got the boys ready for their games. Took Javi for warm ups and my wife got Gabriel there at 5 for his warm ups.
(Afternoon: water, left overs)

Gabriel's team won. Hr got an infield hit. Struck out, pitched 2 innings and did well. Javi's team lost, but Javi did well. Pitched 1 inning,  caught the rest. Got on base and scored. After we came home to finish packing and now off to bed. Early drive time tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: soup, Danish. Nuggets, fries, water)

Easter Sunday (3/31/24)

Woke up and started laundry. Had some coffee and started to clean and set up the backyard. Waited for my family to come by to grill up some food on this lovely Sunday.
(Morning: coffee. Water, danish)

Started the grill, waited and let the charcoal burn and set. Grilled some carne asada, ribs and corn. We had fun, we ate. The kids searched for Easter eggs and played. After some time every on left and we cleaned up and rested. I finished laundry and took a nap. We cleaned some more and I had the boys change since we were going to pick up my Mother in Law from the airport.
(Afternoon: carne asada, ribs, corn, potato salad, Mac and cheese, tortilla,  lemonade, water)

We chilled and watched a show until we had to leave. It was a quick drive to SFO and back. Boys went to bed and I stayed up finishing the showcase in WWE 2K24. I won the last match as the Fiend to honor the late Bray Wyatt. Going to bed now.
(Nighttime: water. Crackers)