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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

lockdown day 569


Woke up and went to get changed. Got the boys ready for school, breakfast included. Went to drop them off and came home to make coffee and check in to training. Today was a good training, we gave good information and called it a day. Got some updates regarding some materials and waited for Gabriel to be off.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Drove over to get Gabriel and passed by getting some coffee at Starbucks. Now home, going to eat lunch soon. Javi gets out early today, so on my next break I will go get him. Took off to get him and came home. Finished up work and off to practice with Gabriel. 

(Afternoon: Iced Caramel Macchiato, water, carne molida, white rice)


Practice was ok, it was cold. After I dropped everyone off and went to fill up the truck with gas at Costco, stopped by Jack in the box and came home. Had some dinner, showered, watched a Netflix show and the boys finally went to bed. Now going to play madden and get some sleep.

(Nighttime: burger, tacos, lemonade,  water, popcorn)

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