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Saturday, October 2, 2021

lockdown day 565

Woke up and went to change. Took the truck to get the battery tested, the car alarm was going off last night on it's own. The battery was good, so I came home and disconnected it for a bit to let the system hopefully reset itself. Got an oil change and lotto and came home. Showered and ad breakfast. Going to the movies today to watch the Adam's Family 2.
(Morning: coffee, water, toast, bacon, sausage)

Took off to the movies and watched the film. It was fun. After we came home and I was able to put up the rest of the Halloween decorations. Had some bean soup and trying to rest. It is hot here today. Took a quick nap and went to the living room. 
(Afternoon: water, coke, popcorn, bean soup, white rice)

Hung out and we went to Baskin Robbins to get some ice cream and came home. Showered and watched TV. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: ice cream sundae, water)

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