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Sunday, October 31, 2021

lockdown day 594

Woke up and went to get myself ready. Going to make breakfast soon for the boys and take Javi out for his game. Today is Halloween. The game was good, Javi's team won, after we came home to finish watching the Niners game.
(Morning: coffee, water)
Afternoon: After the game (which they won) we went to Cardenas and bought some food for lalater. Chilled and rested up and my family came over. I started chopping onions and cilantro. Started cooking the chicken and meat for the tacos. 
(Afternoon: beer, water, sprite, carnitas tacos)

Nighttime: We went around trick or treating and came home to hand out candy.i finally ate and bathed the boys. Washed the dishes and cleaned up before showering. Now Watching TV and going to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, tacos)

lockdown day 593

Woke up and made coffee. Played some Madden and made eggs and toast. Another cup for me. Now resting up, not feeling well. 
(Morning: coffee, water, eggs, toast)

We hot ready and started the drive to Antioch, had to come back home because Gabriel needed to use the bathroom. After that we got back on the road. Made it up to the party and had lunch.
(Afternoon: burger, hit dog, chips, beer, tequila,  water)

We drove home and I finished laundry. Watching some TV and going to bed soon. Baseball for the boys tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: water cereal)

Friday, October 29, 2021

lockdown day 592

Woke up and got the boys ready for school. Went to drop them off and picked up breakfast. Came home and ate. Chilled and showered. Now just waiting for the boys to be off. Day off today.
(Morning: bug breakfast,  sausage mcmuffin, coffee, water)

Picked up the boys and played Mario Party Superstars. Took a nap and when I woke up I had lunch. We took Gabriel to practice and came home. We had a Costco trip coming up. 
(Afternoon: Chicken Gnocchi soup, water, cookies)

Got to Costco,  did some shopping and came home to put things away. Had dinner and tried to play Mario Party Superstars again, but these kids are just sore players. Crying about everything, so I went to relax in the room. When they really started to get out of hand I put them to bed. Now hanging out for a bit.
(Nighttime: water, Pizza, beer, popcorn)

Thursday, October 28, 2021

lockdown day 591


Woke up and got dressed. Got breakfast for the boys and got them ready. Dropped them off to school and came back home. Made coffee and started training. It was quick today. Met with my team and agreed on a few things about the training moving forward. Now waiting for Gabriel to get off.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Picked up Gabriel and some pupusas. Came home and had lunch. Now back at work and running out the clock. Finished up work and logged out helped Javi record his video for his project. After went to Target.

(Afternoon: Water, Coke, pupusas, reese's pieces)


Did some shopping and came home, had to head back out to grab some Milk and eggs. Returned home and showered, had dinner and finished up watching the football game. About to go to bed soon.

(Nighttime: chorizo con huevo, beer, water, cupcake)

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

lockdown day 590


Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready. My wife took them to school today since she was going into the office. I stayed back and did some work before the training. It went as well as it could. We lasted about an hour and a half. After I helped an EW catch up with what she missed and updated some documents on GOSFBN. I also sent an email regarding something that was said that I didn't appreciate. Now waiting to go get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, cookies)


Picked up Gabriel and came home, cleaned up more leaves. Took a walk with Gabriel to get some Popeye's chicken and had lunch. Now back in to work and in a training. Went out real quick to get Javi and came back home. Now joining the training again. So tired.

(Afternoon: Chicken, Cole slaw, biscuits, Fanta, Water)


After work we had some dumplings and cheese sticks. I fell asleep on the couch for a bit. Woke up and showered, put the boys to bed and watched Netflix. Now going to sleep.

(Nighttime: water, beer, dumplings, cheese sticks, popcorn)

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

lockdown day 589


Woke up and went to get dressed. Very tired today, but we continue to go. Got the boys ready for school and helped them get dressed. Took them to school and came home to make coffee and start training. Today was good for the most part, we are coming close to the end. Right now just waiting for Gabriel to be off.

(Morning: Coffee, Water, Chocolate)


Went to go get Gabriel and stopped by to get some Starbucks on the way home. Got here and had lunch, about to log in to another training. The traininbwas good but she changed the massaging. Anyway added some documents to a website and logged off.

(Afternoon: Water, Iced Caramel Macchiato, Chicken, rice, beans)


Had Javi practice his speech and we went to get dinner. Came home, ate and took a shower. Had Javi shower and we started Watching The Jungle cruise. Sent the boys to bed and now watching Netflix before bed.

(Nighttime: coke, water, double double)

Monday, October 25, 2021

lockdown day 588


Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready and we took them to school. The drop off was good. Came home and made coffee and started training. It was a good training today. Helped out people quite a bit. Now waiting for Gabriel to be ready for pick up.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Chocolate)


Picked up more leaves and went to get Gabriel. Pick up was good, came back and had lunch. Now logging back in to work and heading to training. Finished up the training and se headed out to meet my Mom, Sister, Niece and brother in law at Benihana. 

(Afternoon: Pizza, Root Beer, water)


Had a great time at dinner and some great food. The bill was not great lol. Anyway, after we drove home. I changed Gabriel and I went to shower. Took out the trash and got settled to watch TV. Now off to bed.

(Nighttime: Benihana Trio, Dr. Pepper, water)

Sunday, October 24, 2021

lockdown day 587

Woke up andade the boys pancakes. Had some coffee and now watching some football. The boys games were canceled due to rain. So later going grocery shopping and the Niners are on SNF.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Did laundry and went to Target to grab a few things. Came hom, had lunch. Watched some football and went to Cardenas. Returned home to rest up and wait for the game.
(Afternoon: arroz a la valenciana, rolls, coke, water)

Had dinner and watched the game. Niners lost, watched Curb your enthusiasm and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: pizza, beer, chicharron, tortilla,  water)

Saturday, October 23, 2021

lockdow. day 586

Woke up and had coffee. Went to shower and we headed over to the little league field for a pumpkin patch.
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Came back home to use the bathroom before leaving to visit my mom and go to serramonte. Ate and did some shopping. The boys were acting up, mostly Gabriel so we dropped off my Mom and came home. 
(Afternoon: Cuban pulled pork, water, cheesesteak, Dr. Pepper)

When we got home we clean more leaves outside. Talked to one of our neighbors and came in to play Madden and watch TV. Marinated the pork belly for tomorrow and made some spiced egg nog. Watched the Braves close out the NLCS and sent the Dodgers packing. A series that I know the Giants would have put up a better fight in, but we will never know. Watched SNL and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, egg nog) 

Friday, October 22, 2021

lockdown day 585


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the boys ready for school. It's raining today so I got them the umbrellas to go to school. The drop off was quick and easy. Came back home to make coffee and started the training. It went ok today, we went over some documents and answered questions. Now waiting for Gabriel to get out of preschool.

(Morning: Coffee, water, M&M's)


Went out to pick up Gabriel, took the car to get washed and drove over to get him. Came back home and had some lunch and now working and running out the clock. I figured out why we could get the cases to work in the training region and got us some new ones. After work I went to lay down, not feeling too well due to vertigo symptoms. 

(Afternoon: Chicken fajitas, rice and beans, tortilla, Fanta, water)


Ordered some food from Chili's for pick up. Went to get it and came home to have dinner. Still not feeling good, but it will pass. Trying to watch a movie later. We watched Dune and nlw watching Netflix and going to bed.

(Nighttime: margaritas, burger, mashed potatoes, Cesar salad, chips, guacamole, water)

Thursday, October 21, 2021

lockdown day 584


Woke up this morning and got dressed. Got the boys ready and got them breakfast. We took them to school and came home. Made coffee and started the training. Today again was challenging, ended the training early. Right now going over what we will do tomorrow. Pretty soon going to get Gabriel.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, Candy)


Picked up Gabriel and grabbed some Starbucks coffee. Came home, had lunch and checked in to work. Reviewing some items and now just waiting for time to go home. Finished up work and went to clean up some leaves outside  there were a lot. Helped Javi with his project for school and watched some football  

(Afternoon: Shrimp Fettucine Alfredo, Iced Caramel Macchiato) 


Went to put gas in the truck. Picked up.some sushi and came home. Had dinner, showered and changed the boys. About to watch TV before bed.

(Nighttime: sushi, Jack and coke, water)

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

lockdown day 583


Woke up and went to get dressed. Got the boys ready for school, gave them breakfast. Drove them over, the drop off today was quick and easy. Came back home and made coffee before starting work. We did the training and today was much better than yesterday. I did have to address a few things that were going on. Hopefully they will act better going forward. After training we set some things up and now going to get the boys.

(Morning: Coffee, water, m&m's)


Picked up Javi and Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and checked back in to work. Helping a few people and researching items for tomorrow. Finished up work and waited for my wife to get off. We headed to Target and came home. It's raining.

(Afternoon: Sopa de frijoles, white rice, water, candy)


Got home, had some wings and cheese sticks and beer. Helped Javi shower, about to shower myself. Showered and did laundry,  watched TV and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: wings, cheese sticks,  beer, cheetos, pretzels,  water)

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

lockdown day 582

Woke up and went to get dressed. It is cold as a witches tit this morning. Got the boys breakfast and set them up with their clothes for the day. Dropped them off and came back home to start training. Today was a bit challenging,  people are just strange in the way they act. Anyway, now going to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: coffee, water, m&m's)

Picked him up and got lunch. Came home and ate. Had a meeting with my supervisors supervisor and finished up work. Got Javi ready to go and went to practice. 
(Afternoon: coke, water, burrito)

Aftee practice we came home and my wife and Gabriel came with me to Costco. We got some items and came home. Had dinner and I showered. Now resting up.
(Nighttime: left over burrito,  beer water)

Monday, October 18, 2021

lockdown day 581

Woke up and went to drop off Javi and school. Washed the car and came back home to sleep. 
(Morning: water)

Woke up and showered, had lunch and went to pick up Javt school. Took the Camry to get washed and came home to rest.
(Afternoon: water. Mango juice, carne ensebollada, rice, tortilla)

Rested up for some time while waiting for my sister to drop Gabriel off. When he got here I put his things away, bathed him. Had Javi shower and put clothes to wash and take out trash. Had dinner and folded clothes. Waiting for the last batch before going to bed.
(Nighttime: pho, cheers, mango juice, water)

lockdown day 580

Woke up and got ready, packed everything up and we checked out to head to the Disneyland parking lot. Got there and we were able to get a number on the Web slinger queue. When the park opened we got on the Cars ride, Mater ride and now grabbing some coffee and breakfast. After breakfast we got on a few more rides and chilled.
(Morning: coffee, breakfast sandwich, Caramel Macchiato, water)

Had some snacks and got on WEB slingers. Rested up and got on more rides. Met up with my sister and their group. About to head out to eat and go home.
(Afternoon: chocolate shake, chocolate chip cookie, water)

Nighttime :
Had dinner at Goofy's Kitchen and started the drive home. We left the parking lot around 7:30 and got home at 1:47 AM. Showering and going to bed.
(Nighttime: buffet, coffee, water, coke)

Saturday, October 16, 2021

lockdown day 579

Woke up and got ready to go. We made it downstairs to the lobby to get some coffee at Starbucks and got on the shuttle. We got to Disneyland before my sister, got on the Haunted Mansion and Star Tours. I ran into the and wished my sister a Happy Birthday. We had an early lunch and got on more rides.
(Morning: coffee, water, chicken sandwich,  fries, coke)

We got on more rides and had some food. Walked around and got on even more rides.
(Afternoon: roast beef po boy, cake, water, coke)

Left the boys with my sister and brother in law, walked around and got on Indiana Jones before leaving to come to the hotel. Showered and watched SNL and now about to go to bed.
(Nighttime: beer, water, turkey, cheetos)

Friday, October 15, 2021

lockdown day 578

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys ready, dropped Javi off at school. Took Gabriel to his dentist appointment and after got him some food and dropped him off to my sister as they are driving to Disneyland today. After I returned home to pick up Javi and get ready to go on our drive. 
(Morning: coffee, water, sausage McDuffin,  sausage biscuit, has brown, OJ)

Packed up the truck, head to McDonald's to get my wife and Javi lunch and off we drove to Anaheim. The drive was long due to traffic, but we got to the hotel ok.
(Afternoon: Iced coffee, m&m's, Danish, monster)

Checked in and had dinner in the lobby. Now weare resting up for tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: pizza, wings, ceviche, beer, water)

Thursday, October 14, 2021

lockdown day 577


Woke up and went to get changed. Got Javi some breakfast and changed the boys for school. We took them over and dropped them off. Returned home and was able to make coffee before logging in to the training. Today was ok, but a bit challenging since they were very anxious about a document we presented. I wish they had more confidence in themselves and their work to be able to do the job. But anyway, after I added some documents to a website and now waiting for Gabriel to be off of school.

(Morning: Water, Coffee, peanut butter cups)


Went to get Gabriel and got some Coffee at Starbucks. Came home and cleared out some leaves that were in the front yard and had lunch. Checked into another training. Made more training region cases and on a break picked up Javi. Now here back in training, waiting for time to log out and start my 4 day weekend. After work we went to return the battery to Costco to get the $15 returned fee. Gassed up the truck and got food and headed home. 

(Afternoon: Water, Iced Caramel Macchiato, chicken, rice)


Had dinner and chilled for a bit. Packed up Gabriel for the trip and went to shower. Now hanging out until bedtime. Giants did not win tonight,  they are eliminated from playoff contention. A very great season,  too bad it ended tonight. On to next year.

(Nighttime: burrito,  beer, water)

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

lockdown day 576

Woke up and got ready. Set up the boys with breakfast and changed them for school. We drove over to drop them off and it was a good drop off day. After came home, made coffee and checked in to work. The training was good. After we had a quick meeting and I went to work on some things.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch and we took off to get the boys before going to my sister's place. Got here and did the parent/teacher conference for Javi. My Mom took Gabriel with her to pick up Myrna. My wife picked up Javi to take him to the dentist. Finished up work by attending the second meeting and creating training region cases. Now off and waiting to eat and go home.
(Afternoon: beef patties, rice, iced coffee, water, sprite, pretzels, donut)

Had Diner before heading out. We stopped by Target to get a few things and came home. I changed Gabriel and I showered. My wife helped Javi with his homework and after I sent him to bed. Watched some Netflix and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: Spaghetti and meatballs sauce, water, bread, ice cream)

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

lockdown say 575


Woke up and got dressed. Set up the boys with breakfast and got them ready for school. We went to go drop them off and came home. Made coffee and checked in to work and started getting the training room set up. Training today went well, over 2 and a half hours. Now waiting for Gabriel to get out of school.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Went to pick up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and now logged into the PM training to support my unit mate. During the break, I ran out real quick to get Javi and now back in to the training room. This training feels long, I think it's because it is in the afternoon. These trainings always feel like they drag late. So glad that I am doing the AM ones. After work I was resting and got a call from my wife's friend and kids from Nicaragua, we talked for a bit and I gave the phone to my wife.

(Afternoon: Ravioli, root beer, water, candy, coffee)


Bathed Gabriel and showered myself. Are the left overs and wased dishes. Now waiting to have Javi shower and watch TV. Watched the Movies that Made Us and now off to bed.

(Nighttime: chips and guacsalsa, ravioli, beer, water)

Monday, October 11, 2021

lockdown day 574

Woke up and got some coffee. Watched Junanji and had some banana bread. Got ready and headed off to Kaiser for the flu shot and a blood draw for Gabriel. Everything went well and we went to Costco to get a new battery for the truck.
(Morning: coffee, banana bread, mocha freeze)

Took the car for a quick drive and got it washed, picked everyone up and went to Target. Came home and pit the rest of the things away and now Watching Jumanji: welcome to the jungle. After we played a Pokémon game to learn them. 
(Afternoon: doritos, root beer, water)

Warmed up the left over tacos and had dinner, took out the trash and showered. Changed the boys and sent them to bed. Watched some TV and followed the Giants game. They won 1-0, hopefully tomorrow they can win and close out the series. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: tacos, mango juice, water)

Sunday, October 10, 2021

lockdown day 573

Woke up and got ready  gave the boys breakfast and got them ready for baseball. Took Javi to them game and got him and his teammates ready for the game. Mt wife took Gabriel to his tee ball game. Javi's team won and they are now 3-1. After they took some pictures with their cousins and we came home. We showered and got readybfor the Niners game.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Amilcar, Olga, Oscar, Monica and the kids came over and we had tacos and watched the game. The Niners came up short. But we had a good time. The kids played outside and inside. After the game we hung out some more and then everyone left and it was time to clean up.
(Afternoon: tacos, beer, water, chicharron)

We went to Target and came home. I put clothes to wash and I showered. Watched the walking dead and folded clothes. Tomorrow we are all off and have a lot of things to do.
(Nighttime: water, root beer, chips)

Saturday, October 9, 2021

lockdown day 572

Woke up and went to have coffee and eggs. Chilled and watched Netflix. Showered and waited for my Mom and Sister to come up.
(Morning: egg sandwich,  coffee, water)

Our neighbor brought over a few Giants goodies for me and the boys. We are about to leave. We got to the pumpkin patch and had a fun time. The kids got on the rides, got pumpkins and went to have lunch and picked up donuts.
(Afternoon: water, Chinese food, donut)

We got home and I marinated the pork shoulder for tomorrow. Now going to relax. Went to shower and played with the boys. Got things ready for the games tomorrow. Did some laundry and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: donuts, pork ribs, beer, water)

Friday, October 8, 2021

lockdown day 571

Woke up and went to get changed. Off of work today. Got the boys ready and took them to school, got some Starbucks, took the car in for a tune up and pil change. Hit up Cardenas and came home to watch Ted Lasso.
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato,  water)

Picked up the car and went to go get Gabriel. Came home to have lunch and rest up before getting Javi. Cleaned up some items in the garage and now waiting for practice. Later today the Giants play in game 1 of the NLDS. Practice was good, the kids got a lot of running in. After we drove home
(Afternoon: sopa de res, root beer, water)

Got home and chilled a minute. Went to Target and got some things. Came home and made some wings and nachos. We watched the Muppets Haunted Mansion and tried to watch a movie on Netflix. Giants won 4-0. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: nachos, wings, beer, water)

Thursday, October 7, 2021

lockdown day 570


Woke up and went to get dressed. Gabriel has a cough and he stayed home. Got Javi ready and took him to school. Came back home, made coffee and started training. The training today was good, it was my last day with this group. Now we focus on the next group. About to have lunch.

(Morning: Coffee, water, chocolate)


Had some lunch and now checking back in to work. Later on my break I will go get Javi. Did some research for work and went to get Javi. Now back home and waiting for time to log off.

(Afternoon: Spaghetti and meatballs, coke, water, iced coffee) 


Watched some football, ate dinner and helped a little bit with Javi's homework. Bathed Gabriel and I took a shower. After put the boys to bed and now watching TV. Going to bed soon.

(Nighttime: water, clam chowder, bread)

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

lockdown day 569


Woke up and went to get changed. Got the boys ready for school, breakfast included. Went to drop them off and came home to make coffee and check in to training. Today was a good training, we gave good information and called it a day. Got some updates regarding some materials and waited for Gabriel to be off.

(Morning: Coffee, water)


Drove over to get Gabriel and passed by getting some coffee at Starbucks. Now home, going to eat lunch soon. Javi gets out early today, so on my next break I will go get him. Took off to get him and came home. Finished up work and off to practice with Gabriel. 

(Afternoon: Iced Caramel Macchiato, water, carne molida, white rice)


Practice was ok, it was cold. After I dropped everyone off and went to fill up the truck with gas at Costco, stopped by Jack in the box and came home. Had some dinner, showered, watched a Netflix show and the boys finally went to bed. Now going to play madden and get some sleep.

(Nighttime: burger, tacos, lemonade,  water, popcorn)

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

lockdown day 568

Woke up and got dressed. Same as every day. Got the boys ready, breakfast served. Drop off to school and came back home. Made coffee and started up training. It was good today, we had quite a few things that we needed to do and take care of for the group and we did. Now waiting for Gabriel to get out of school. 
(Morning: water, coffee, chocolate)

Picked dip Gabriel and lunch. Came home and ate and checked into work. On a quick break took my mother in laws car to get washed and picked up Javi. Finished up work and now getting ready to go with Javi to practice.
(Afternoon: water, coke, burrito)

Practice was fun. Took the car to get washed. Went to Costco and came home. Showered and had dinner. Watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: cheese toast, cheese sticks, beer, water)

Monday, October 4, 2021

lockdown day 567

Woke up and got dressed. Got the boys lunch ready, got them ready for school and drove them over. Came home and made coffee and checked in to work. Today is week 3 of training, Karla was a bit late so I started the ppt and did my thing. After we went over some documents and waited for time to go get Gabriel. 
(Morning: water, coffee, reassess cake)

Picked up Gabriel and came home. Had some lunch and now waiting for Javi to be off. Checked in with work and answered some more questions. Created some scenarios for tomorrow and finally was able to log off of work. After work I played catch with the boys, they hit and after we came in. 
(Afternoon: lemonade, water. Sal picon)

Made some pizza rolls, took a shower and watched some TV. Tired, about to go to bed soon.
(Nighttime: beer, water, pizza rolls, pot sticker)

Sunday, October 3, 2021

lockdown day 566

Woke up and got ready. Made pancakes for the boys. Got them ready to go to the park to play their fall ball games. I missed Gabriel's game since it was at the same time. Coached 3rd base for Javi's team. They won 11-8. Javi went 1-1. 2 walks, HBP, 1B and 2 RBI. After the game I passed by picking up Gabriel and we went to the car wash and to pick up lunch.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch and now Watching the 49ers game and keeping an eye on the Giants game. The Niners Defense started off hot. Offense slow again The Giants won and are the 2021 Western Division Champions. Niners are currently down, not looking good for them right now.
(Afternoon: big Mac, fries, chicken nuggets, water, root beer)

Went to Walmart and came home, put up some lights. Left the boys and went to get some food. Had dinner, bathed Gabriel,  helped Javi shower and watched TV. Going to bed.
(Nighttime : beer, water, fish and chips, cheese sticks)

Saturday, October 2, 2021

lockdown day 565

Woke up and went to change. Took the truck to get the battery tested, the car alarm was going off last night on it's own. The battery was good, so I came home and disconnected it for a bit to let the system hopefully reset itself. Got an oil change and lotto and came home. Showered and ad breakfast. Going to the movies today to watch the Adam's Family 2.
(Morning: coffee, water, toast, bacon, sausage)

Took off to the movies and watched the film. It was fun. After we came home and I was able to put up the rest of the Halloween decorations. Had some bean soup and trying to rest. It is hot here today. Took a quick nap and went to the living room. 
(Afternoon: water, coke, popcorn, bean soup, white rice)

Hung out and we went to Baskin Robbins to get some ice cream and came home. Showered and watched TV. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: ice cream sundae, water)

Friday, October 1, 2021

lockdown day 564

Woke up and got ready for work. Got the items ready for the boys, got them breakfast and went to drop them off to school. Came back home and made coffee, logged into work and handled training. Also prepped for next week. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Picked up Gabriel and came home. Had lunch and  checked back into work. Did some research and waited for Javi to get out of school.  Picked him up, finished the work day and took Javi to practice. 
(Afternoon: shrimp fettuccine Alfredo,  water, coke, snickers)

Got home and had Javi shower. We ordered some food from Chilli's and went to pick it up. Had 3 margaritas,  2 Jack and cokes and feeling good. About to go to bed, going to see the Addams Family tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: bacon burger, loaded mashed potatoes, Cesar sald, margaritas,  Jack and coke, water, puffs)

lockdown day 563


Woke up and got dressed. Got things ready for the boys and got the dressed. We took them to school and came home. Had some coffee and got to the training. It was good today, we did a few demonstrations and review. Now we are waiting for time to go get Gabriel. Might get some Starbucks today.

(Morning: Coffee, water, red vines)


Went to pick up Gabriel and picked up some Starbucks. Now we are home, checking out some documents before I have some lunch. Only had one bowl, I don't think that there is enough for all of us, so I will leave it to make sure that Javi has some food for later. Picked him up and came home. Finished working and took the cars to get washed.

(Afternoon: Water, Iced Caramel Macchiato, Chicken Gnocchi soup)


Went to Target and came home. Had dinner and showered. Put the boys to bed and watched TV. About to go to bed.

(Nighttime: chips, Chilli beans, chicken gnocchi soup, water, beer)