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Monday, May 20, 2024

Game day

Woke up and changed. Drive to Bayfair and caught the train to work. Got there and set up. Had a meeting and reviewed some documents. 
(Morning: water. Coffee, brownie, crackers)

Had lunch a d talked to my mom for a bit. Finished my 13th book of the year. Now I wait for my next one to come in. Looked over some more documents and headed home.
(Afternoon: flautas, water, zoa, peanuts)

Picked up Gabriel and headed to the little league field to watch Javi's game. They won. Javi played 1st base and pitched 1 inning. Came home and had the boys shower while I took out the trash and compost. I showered and had dinner. Now watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: Gatorade, water, bean soup)

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