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Friday, May 31, 2024

another team party

Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school and came back to log into work. Had a meeting and watered the grass in the backyard. 
(Morning: water. Coffee. Brownie)

Set up the tee and net in the back. Did a round of hitting and had lunch. Picked up Starbucks and dropped some off to my wife and Javi during their field trip. Finished work and played catch with Gabriel while Javi hit.
(Afternoon: left overs, coke, water, iced Caramel Macchiato)

Went to Target to get birthday presents for the 3 parties we are going to. Showed up to Porky's pizza for Javi's team dinner amd had fun taking with some of the parents. Came back home, about to shower and relax. Big game for Javi tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: fruit punch, water)

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Team Party

Woke up and changed. Felt a bit better today so I got the boys ready to go to school and dropped them off, came back to log in to work. Had a few early meetings. 
(Morning: coffee, water. Cookies)

Picked up the boys and picked up lunch. After work I took a nap and when my wife came home we went to Porky's Pizza.
(Afternoon: water. Ginger ale, nuggets, fries, McDouble, McChicken)

We got there and picked up pizza. Handed out the awards and talked with the coaches and parents. Got home and had the kids shower. I showered and now watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: water. Pizza, bread)

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Out sick

Woke up and changed. Didn't feel well so I called out. Took the boys to school had breakfast and went back to sleep.
(Morning: water. Coffee, McDonald's breakfast)

Woke up and went to get the boys. Came home and waited for my wife to get here. Picked up food and had lunch. Rested again until it was time to have Javi go warm up for his game.
(Afternoon: water, burrito,  chips)

This was a big game. If the Charros win they play for the title on Saturday. The kids were a bit over confident and it showed. They were down early and for most of the game. They ended up waking up in the 5th inning and won the game. Came home, showered and now watching TV.
(Nighttime: water)

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Game day

Woke up and got changed. Grabbed my things and headed over to BART. Caught the train headed into the city. Read on BART and when I got to Civic Center I got off and walked over to my building. Set up and waited for a meeting to start. When it was over I went to heat up my food.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Brownie, peanuts Madeline)

Ate lunch, read and talked to my mom. Had another meeting and wrapped up work. Caught the train home, tool the car to get washed and picked up Gabriel and we were off to Javi's game. They played well.
(Afternoon: carne asada, rice, short ribs, brownie, peanuts, zoa, water)

Javi's team won the game. He played 3 innings at 1st base. Had 2 AB's, struck out once and was called out on a bad call. They play tomorrow for a spot in the championship game. Came home and picked up food. Showered and now doing laundry while watchung the Giants game.
(Nighttime: Tacos, burger, fries, coke, water)

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day

Woke up and went to move some things around in the back yard. Went to shower and waited for my family to arrive. 
(Morning: water)

Helped set up for my Goddaughters graduation party and had some snacks. We had a fun time.
(Afternoon: snacks, food. Cake. Water. Lemonade)

Cleaned up and put things away. Showered and now watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: water)

Sunday, May 26, 2024


Woke up early and gave the boys breakfast. Showered and hit up costco to grab groceries for the next few weeks. Came home and got Javi ready for a birthday party. 
(Morning: water. Mocha freeze, cookie)

Drove to Castro Valley and got to the party. It was a drop off party so they could play in the game truck. So we came back towards the house, passed by Walmart and hung out a bit before going  back to get Javi. We went back and stayed at the party for a bit talking to other parents. Came home to get my mother in law and Gabriel to go to Daly City. I got dropped off at my sister's while my wife and her mom went shopping.
(Afternoon: pizza,ac and cheese, wings, water, izze)

Got picked up and came home. Made the boys food. Had some wings, cleaned the grill and now watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: coke, water, wings)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Last Game for Gabe

Woke up and changed. Made breakfast for the boys and had coffee. Started watching the pre show for the King amd Queen of the ring. Showered and got Gabriel ready to go to his game.
(Morning: coffee, water. Cookies)

It was Gabriel's last game of the regular season. He did great. He played 3B and finished the game on the mound. The game ended in a tie. Javi plays on Tuesday. After came home. Changed and went to have lunch at Chili's. 
(Afternoon: burger, chips, Dr. Pepper, water. Fries, pizza)

Hit up Target for medication and came home. Took a nap and went to grab some Thai Iced Tea. Now Watching some MJ videos before bed.
(Nighttime: water. Thai Iced tea)

Friday, May 24, 2024

Day off

Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school, filled up the Camry with gas and came home to nap. Made lunch for the boys before picking them up from school at 12.
(Morning: water)

Picked them up and came home. Rested a bit. Reached out to the insurance company and found out they are going to replace our dryer. Had lunch and mowed the grass in the backyard. Came in and did laundry. At 4 we drove over to watch Garfield.
(Afternoon: popcorn, pretzel, coke, water)

Afternoon the movie we walked around a bit. Came home and finished some laundry. Watched wrasslin' and put the boys to bed. Now going to sleep.
(Nighttime: rosquillas. Cereal, water)

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Field trip

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and I took them to school. Read a bit and met in the office for the field trip with Gabriel's class. We got on the bus and headed yo Berkeley. 
(Morning: coffee. Water)

We spent the time at the Lawrence Discover Museum and had fun. Came back to the school and waited for Javi to get out and came home.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  Gatorade, water)

Had some Starbucks and took Gabriel to practice.  It was good, we came back home to have dinner and shower. Watching TV now.
(Nighttime: water, coke, shrimp Fettucine Alfredo)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Game day

Woke up and changed. Grabbed my things and headed out to BART. Caught the train to work and arrived. Set up and had an early meeting to go over items we were assigned. After I went to lunch.
(Morning: brownie, coffee, water, crackers)

Had lunch, talked to my mom and read a little bit. Had another meeting and completed an assignment. Took off to catch BART home. Got to Bayfair and drove to pick up Gabriel for his game.
(Afternoon: carne molida, white rice,  water, zoa, brownie, peanut)

The game was good. Gabriel's tram won and they named him a captain after. He pitched, played SS and 2B, he even caught a pop up. There was some drama with Javi's team that we will go into later. After the game came home to shower and have dinner. Getting ready for the field trip tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: pupusas, cranberry juice, water)

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Another day

Woke up and changed. Got ready for work. Drove over to BART and caught the train. The ride was smooth and quick. Walked over to my building and desk. Set up and started to do quiet a bit if work. After wrapping up I was able to join the zoom meeting with Gabriel's class for career day. Talked to the kids for a bit and logged off to go to another meeting. After I walked over to meet Amilcar. 
(Morning: water. Coffee. Brownie)

Had lunch and chatted for a bit. Walked back to my office and did some more work. Had a quick meeting regarding a quiz and headed to Civic Center to.o home. Got home and picked up Gabriel to go to Javi's practice. Played catch and had fun, after got the car washed

(Afternoon: Sandwich,  chips, water)

Had Gabriel do homework,  I showered and changed the boys. Now reading and watching TV before bed. 
(Nighttime: carne molida, chips, coke, water)

Monday, May 20, 2024

Game day

Woke up and changed. Drive to Bayfair and caught the train to work. Got there and set up. Had a meeting and reviewed some documents. 
(Morning: water. Coffee, brownie, crackers)

Had lunch a d talked to my mom for a bit. Finished my 13th book of the year. Now I wait for my next one to come in. Looked over some more documents and headed home.
(Afternoon: flautas, water, zoa, peanuts)

Picked up Gabriel and headed to the little league field to watch Javi's game. They won. Javi played 1st base and pitched 1 inning. Came home and had the boys shower while I took out the trash and compost. I showered and had dinner. Now watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: Gatorade, water, bean soup)

Sunday, May 19, 2024


Woke up and grabbed some coffee. Watched Reba and went out to clean up the front yard. Pulled a lot of weeds and mowed the front yard. After I came in to take a shower.
(Morning: coffee, water)

We went to go eat lunch and hit up Target to grab items for the week and some medication. Came home and tried to nap, I had a headache. My wife tool Gabriel out to the park and I took a quick nap.
(Afternoon: water, burger. Garlic fries, wings)

Practiced pitching with the boys and came in to eat dinner. Packed things up for tomorrow. Changed Gabriel and I put the new license plates on my mother in laws car. Changed and now watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: flautas, coke, water)

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Missed Opportunities

Woke up and changed. Make breakfast for the boys and got Gabriel ready for his game. Took him and got the team ready to play. They won the game 4-2. After I went over to wait for Javi's game to start.
(Morning: water, coffee, eggs, toast)

Javi's team started great. Had a rough inning but rebounded. They ended up losing the game due to a base running error. The game seems off. From the coaching to some of the way the kids played. Anyway, after we came home to change and drove down to my Sister's fo wash some clothes and then to my brother's place to meet the baby. 
We met the baby and hung out for a bit and headed to Red Robin. 
(Afternoon: nachos, zoa, water)

Had dinner and returned to my sister's. Hung out, grabbed the clothes. Drove home. Watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: burger, fries, root beer, water)

Friday, May 17, 2024


Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready and took them to school. Came home to log in to work and to check or some documents before a meeting. 
(Morning: water, coffee, banana,  crackers, string cheese)

Ran out quick to cardenas and picked up taco meat, picked up the boys and had lunch. The power went out in our area so I wrapped up work and we went to the movies to watch IF. 
(Afternoon: Tacos, chops, cranberry juice)

After the movie we came home. I washed some clothes, cut my hair and shaved. Took a shower and started reading. The power went out again but came back soon after. Now watching TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: popcorn, coke, water)

Thursday, May 16, 2024


Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready for school and took them over. Came home to make coffee and start working. I was having VPN issues so I had to call IT to get help. They did some updates and I was back on. Talked to Karla for a bit. 
(Morning: water. Coffee. Crackers)

Went to fill up the truck and got lunch. Ate and came home tk a few meetings. Went to pick up Gabriel since my wife had Javi ar the field trip. Finished work and got Gabriel ready for his practice. 
(Afternoon: Chicken sandwiches,  wings, fanta, water. Zoa)

Practice was fun, came home, changed, made gabe some food. Showered and now reading. Might watch TV until bedtime.
(Nighttime: bananas, chocolate,  water)

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Hump day

Woke up and changed. Drove over to BART and headed to work. Got there and set up for the day. Attended forum and another meeting before going to lunch.
(Morning: water, coffee, crackers)

Had lunch and went to another meeting. Headed to BART to go home and get to Javi's game.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana,  zoa, water)

Game was good. Javi's team won. Came back home and had the boys shower. I showered and did some laundry. Getting ready for bed.
(Nighttime: water. Cheese it's, cereal, peanut butter sandwich)

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Another day

Woke up and changed. Headed out to BART and caught the train. Read for a bit while riding and got to the city arrived at my building and set up. Had an early meeting and another webinar after.
(Morning: water, coffee, crackers)

Had lunch with Kathleen and came back to have another meeting. Headed home and picked up Gabriel and went to watch Javi practice. Came home and cleaned up.
(Afternoon: chips, salsa, water, horchata, burrito)

Went to Target and came home. Had Javi shower and I showered. Did some laundry and now watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: Arroz a la Valenciana, grape soda, water, string cheese)

Monday, May 13, 2024

New week

Woke up and changed. Hdaded out to BART and caught thr train to work. Got there and set up. Attended some meetings and did some training.
(Morning: water. Coffee, banana,  crackers)

Ate some lunch and finished another meeting. Headed home to go to Gabriel's game. Got to the game and we were ready. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  zoa, water, peanuts)

Game ended tied. Gabe pitched 2.1 innings and got 2 hits. After we came home. Took out the trash and showered. Now relaxing until bed.
(Nighttime: Orange chicken, rice, Chilli dogs, Gatorade, water)

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's day

Woke up and went to have coffee and a bagel. Showered and got ready to take Javi to the Dollar Tree.
(Morning: water, coffee bagel and cream cheese)

Got the items at the dollar tree and came home. Started our drive to Kincaid's for our Mother's Day lunch. We had a great meal and came home.
(Afternoon: coke, water, Cesar salad, prime rib, Creme Brule)

Rested up and played some basketball and football with the boys. Showered and watched some TV with the boys. Sent them to bed and now watching TV until I go to bed.
(Nighttime: water, cheese its)

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Double duty

Woke up and made the boys breakfast. Showered and got them ready for the game. I tool Javi and went to the park. We got there when the first game was just finishing.
(Morning: water, coffee)

The game was good. I was stepping in for Andres since he was out. 2 of the other parents helped out as well. We won 15-0. After I rushed over to Gabriel's game that was in progress. Gabe had 2 hits and pitched. They won 6-2. After we came home and checked on my mother in laws car. Had the boys shower and we went to have an early mother's day dinner with my Mom and Sister.
(Afternoon: carnitas Chile verde, coke, water, chips)

Came home and had the boys play outside. Watered the grass, used a bit of the fire pit. Showered and did some laundry. There was an issue with the dryer, we have to have someone come check it out. Now watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime; Gatorade,  water, cheese its)

Friday, May 10, 2024

Finally Friday

Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready for school,  took them over and took the truck to get washed. Came home to log in to work. On a break I was going to take the camry to get washed but noticed the tire was flat. So I changed it and called the tire ship and was able to get the car in for service. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Picked up the camry, new tires and all. Washed it and came home. Had some pizza , finished some work. Had a meeting,  picked up the boys and finished the day. Switched out some wrestling figures for Gabriel. 

(Afternoon: pizza Gatorade, water)

We went to a new restaurant in Union City called Oceanside. Food was food, we had a good Diner and came home. I showered and now relaxing. Games for the boys tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: coke, water, lobster roll, fries, calamari, oysters, bread, Creme Brule)

Thursday, May 9, 2024


Logged in to work. Took the boys to school. Came back home and had a meeting. Now waiting for lunch time.
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Had lunch and finished work. Went to Gabriel's practice with Cullo and se had fun. After we came home.
(Afternoon: burrito,  coke, water)

Had the boys shower. I showered and washed dishes. Watched TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: popsicle, water, cereal)

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Game day

Woke up and changed. Went to bart and caught the train and got to work. Arrived and got to my desk and attended a meeting. After I got ready to wake over to meet Amilcar. 
(Morning: water, banana, ham sandwich, Caramel Macchiato)

Had some shrimp Pad Thai and went to train. Did my part and headed home to go to Gabriel's game.
(Afternoon: water. Monster mix, shrimp pad thai)

Gabriel's team won, the team gave me a game ball and sang Happy Birthday to me. We had cupcake and came home. Showered and now hanging out.
(Nighttime: Chicken sandwich,  tortilla and cheese, cupcake, capri sun, water, cookie)

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Woke up and changed. Got the boys ready for school. The wished me a happy birthday and gave me a card a shirt and a hat. I took them to school and after j went to Starbucks, target, Costco, smart and final and Cardenas. Came home to rest before going out to watch Tarot.
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, water)

Watched the movie and came home. Picked up the boys, had lunch and took a nap. Took Javi to practice. 
(Afternoon: water, Sopa de res, popcorn, coke)

Practice was almost 3 hours. I took 2 of Javi's teammates home and I picked up my wife and Gabriel to get Jamba Juice. Came home and had the boys shower. I showered and watched some TV. All in all, a great birthday. 
(Nighttime: water, apples n greens)

Monday, May 6, 2024

Game day

Woke up and changed. Headed to BART to catch the train. Got to the city and walked over to my desk. We had a meeting and I reviewed some items for training.
(Morning: water. Coffee, banana, peanuts)

Had lunch and had another meeting. Came home and picked up my wife and Gabriel so we could go watch Javi play.
(Afternoon: Chicken, water, zoa, peanuts)

Javi's team won. He played catcher and 1st base. He had a walk, a hit and a 2 rub homerun. After we came home, I took out the trash and showered. Watched TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: Chicken sandwich, cheese sticks, oj, chips, water)

Sunday, May 5, 2024


Woke up and gave the boys breakfast. Packed up and we headed to Starbucks to grab some coffee before going to visit Arnel, Priscilla and the kids. We got there and had a good time. 
(Morning: water, iced Caramel Macchiato,)

Had lunch and went over to my sister's sk we could swim. After we ate and had some cake for my brother and my birthday. We passed by Trader Joe's before we came home.
(Afternoon: nachos, cheese burger, hot dog, pizza, cold cuts, water, cake)

Got home and put things away. Helped our neighbor change a battery. Had both boys shower. Did some laundry and showered. Watching the Roast of Tom Brady. Going to bed pretty soon.
(Nighttime: water cookies)

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Rained out

Woke up and it was raining. Made breakfast for the boys. Showered and watched WWE Backlash.
(Morning: water. Coffee, bagel sandwich, bagel and cream cheese)

We went to have lunch at sizzlers and to Chuck E Cheese. The boys played a lot and after we came home to rest before going to the movies. 
(Afternoon: salad bar, water)

My wife and I went to watch The Fall Guy. It was a fun movie. Came back home, showered and now watching TV until bed.
(Nighttime: popcorn, coke, water, cookies)

Friday, May 3, 2024


Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school and came back home. Logged into work and I had to go quickly to Fremont to pick up my wife and mother in law from Nissan. Came back home to have a meeting.
(Morning: water. Coffee)

Had lunch and picked up the boys. Took Javi to batting practice amd came home. The camry had a flat, I added air to see if it lasts. If not, new tires are going to be bought.
(Afternoon: Popeye's chicken, grape soda, water)

We went to Target and came home. I showered. Had some cookies, the games for tomorrow are canceled. Watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, cookies)

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Mother and Son laser tag

Woke up and changed. Took the boys to school. Came home to make coffee and log into work. Had a meeting in the morning and waited for time to go get the boys.
(Morning: water, coffee, nachos)

Picked up the boys and came home. Had lunch and finished up work. Got ready to go do my volunteer assignment for the school at the laser tag place.
(Afternoon: pizza, coke, water)

Did the photo booth assignment. It was a fun event and my wife and the boys had fun. Came home, changed the boys and sent them to bed. I showered and now watching TV until bed time
(Nighttime: water chips and salsa, cookies)

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Baseball will humble you

Woke up and changed. Headed to BART to catch the train. Got to my desk and did some work until the forum and a meeting we had. After I got ready to go to 1440.
(Morning: banana, water. Coffee)

Ate lunch and walked over. Met with Amilcar for a bit. Did the training and headed home to try and make it in time for the big game. Charros @ Diamondbacks. 
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  water. Peanuts, cookie)

The game was good. Very close. The Charros handed the D-Backs their first loss. One of the kids on their team was smack talking about how they were going to win and how easy this was. He was the one who struck out looking to end the game and walked away crying. After came home, had the boys shower. I showered and watched TV for a bit. Going to bed soon.
(Nighttime: pizza, coke, water)