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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Mighty Pups

Woke up and went to shower. Cleaned up the living room and moved some things around. Hung out until it was time to go to the movies.
(Morning: water)

We got to the movie theater and grabbed our popcorn and drinks. Mey family and watched the Paw Patrol movie. The kids enjoyed it. After we went to Texas Roadhouse for a birthday lunch for Javi. After we came home. When we got home my nephew gave some tips to the boys about baseball and we went to Target and to grab dinner for my nephew 
(Afternoon : Cesar salad, bread, pulled pork, water, mashed potatoes)

Got home and rested up. Had a few beers and tacos. Talked for a bit and now going to bed. Tomorrow is Javi's birthday party. 
(Nighttime: beer, tacos, water)

Friday, September 29, 2023


Woke up and got ready for work. Helped get the boys ready. Started training with a discussion on shadowing and started the ddsd training. It went good. Around 11:15  my mother in law called saying she was in an accident so we were trying to see how we could help.
(Morning: water coffee, pocky)

Went to go find her, she was on 101 near the 92 exit. Her tires blew out. We waited for the tow truck. When he got there I drove home to finish work.
(Afternoon: water)

Had dinner at sizzlers and came home. Talked to my mom for a bit. Showered and watched some Michael Jackson videos with Gabriel. Sent the boys to bed. Watched part of the Meg 2 and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: patty melt. Baked potato, salad bar. Root beer, water)

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Birthday 🎂

Woke up early and got ready. Logged in and updated some things and got some items ready for training. Javi Woke up and I wished him a happy birthday. We had donuts in the morning. My wife took them to school, I stayed home to do training. The training went well today, there were some light exercises and at 12 we wrapped up.
(Morning: coffee, donuts, water)

Went to Target to grab a birthday card and came home. Logged back in for a meeting. Went to pick up the boys and gave Gabriel his clothes for practice. After we came home and I finished up working. Got ready to take Javi to baseball practice. It was a good practice overall. Going home now to rest up before we go to basketball practice. 
(Afternoon: Shrimp Alfredo pasta, zoa, water, peanut butter cups,  donut)

Tool Javi to practice. Got home, had him shower and finish homework,  I showered and now Watching TV until bed time
(Nighttime: snack, water. Drink)

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Fun 🏃‍♂️

Woke up and changed. Called out for the day. A nice mental health reset day. Helped get the boys ready and dropped them off. Went to Target to grab an item and came home. Picked up my wife and went to Starbucks before going to watch Gabriel do his fun run. He did great, running around and having fun. After we came home for a bit and returned for Javi's fun run. He did great as well. After we grabbed lunch.
(Morning: coffee, coffee, breakfast wrap, water)

Had Panda express and took a nap. Went to watch A Haunting In Venice. After filled up the camry with gas. Came home to help Gabriel do homework before finishing our errands.
(Afternoon: water, coke, panda express, popcorn,)

Grabbed water from Costco. Got Krispy kereme donuts for Javi's class tomorrow. Came home and showered.  Now watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, donut, chocolate)

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Got ready and headed over to bart. Caught the train and got to the city. Walked over to 1440 and was in person with the group for half day. At 12 I walked over to Peet's to meet Karla.
(Morning: coffee, water, Madeline)

Had coffee and a chat with Karla. Went to my desk and had lunch. Worked on some scenarios and exercises for Thursday. I got an email about a job interview, but it will not allow me to work from home, so I respectfully declined. After I came home.
(Afternoon: Sandwich,  water, coffee)

Baseball practice was good, now at Javi's practice. After here it's home and shower. Tired and ready for bed.
(Nighttime: Chicken and rice, water, chocolate)

Monday, September 25, 2023

Back to training

Woke up and got ready to go to work. Grabbed my things and went over to the bart station and caught the train. Got off at Civic Center station and walked over to my building. Set up and started training. Today was a light day for me, my partner trained almost all session, I stepped in to give her a break at the end. 
(Morning: Madeline,  water, coffee)

Had lunch and finished training. Headed home and helped Gabriel with homework. We went to Target to get some items for Javi's party.  Came home and had dinner. 
(Afternoon: water, coke, carne molida with white rice)

Showered and started getting the loot bags ready with the boys. Watched TV and now off to bed.
(Nighttime: water, peanut butter cup, crackers and peanut butter)

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Game day

Woke up early and went to shower. Got ready and woke up Javi for his game. I packed up both cars and we went to warm up at the park. The game was good, Javi played 3 innings being the plate, 1 at first base. He struck out and got an RBI single and a SB, on over throws he made it home. Our team won the game. After I went over to get Gabriel ready for his game. Helped the kids warm up and get ready for first pitch.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Gabriel's team also won. He played Shortstop all game. Made good heads up plays and throws. He got a hit and a double. After we came home to change and went out to Bag o crab to have lunch. We had lunch and they wanted to go to Clancey's for ice cream. So we did, I don't get anything. We came home and I tool a nap.
(Afternoon: water, lobster roll, garlic fries, wings, beer)

Woke up and talked to my mom for a bit. Showered. Watched some TV before bed time. Early wake up tomorrow. Training all week again.
(Nighttime: cookies, water)

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Busy day

Woke up and made breakfast for the boys. Had coffee and took a shower. Emptied out the fridge and took out trash. We were off to order Javi's cake in Pacific's and to visit my mom for a bit before going to watch a movie.
(Morning: water, coffee, pastry)

We went to the movies with my sister, brother and his family. We watched Expendables 4. After we went back to my sister's to hang out before driving home.
(Afternoon: water, coke, popcorn, pizza)

On the way home we went to Black Bear Diner and had breakfast for dinner. Came home and watched Spy Kids. I showered and played with Gabriel. We finished up a show and now off to bed. Early game for Javi tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: hash brown, omelet, toast, biscuits and gravy, water)

Friday, September 22, 2023

Ready for the weekend

Woke up and went to get ready. Helped the boys get ready and my wife took them to school. Logged in and started training with a group discussion and then they went over the exam. Had a meeting and finished up the morning. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Went out to grab some pupusas and came home to eat. Logged back into work and finished up the training day. After work we went to Costco to get gas and a few things. Came home and after playing with Gabriel I took a nap.
(Afternoon: water, coke, pupusas)

Woke up and had dinner. Now watching the TMNT Mutant Mayhem movie before bed.
(Nighttime: pupusas, beer, water)

Thursday, September 21, 2023


Woke up and went to change. Helped get the boys ready and I took them to school. Passed by McDonald's to grab breakfast and came home. Had breakfast and logged in to work. Had a char with Karla and I was able to work on some exercises. 
(Morning: coffee, sausage biscuit. Hash brown, sausage mcmuffin,  water)

Finished up the exercises,  went to pick up lunch. Had a meeting and went to go watch Gabriel practice. Came home and ate lunch and went with Javi to his baseball practice. Practice was good and we came home to watch some of the Niners vs Giants TNF game.
(Afternoon: burrito, water. Zoa)

Left to basketball practice with Javi and watched the game on my phone. Then Niners won and we came home. Helped Javi shower and I showered after. Watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: water, apple, peanut butter cups)

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Hump day half day

Woke up, got dressed and got ready for work. Took the boys to school and passed by Starbucks to grab some coffee. Came home to work a half day, attended the forum and didn't do much. 
(Morning: Caramel Macchiato, water)

Picked up the boys, grabbed some Popeye's chicken and came home. Had lunch and took Javi to his orthodontist appointment. Came home and cut the grass in the back, took a nap and when I woke up I had Gabriel practice with the catchers gear on.
(Afternoon: Chicken sandwiches, biscuits, Cole slaw, water)

Went to Target and came home. Showered and relaxed. Watched TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: jalapeño poppers, rum and Coke, water)

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Talk like a Pirate day

Woke up. Got dressed, went to the bart station and hopped on the train. Got to work and set up my station for training. The morning was ok, but a sh*t show at the same time. After we let them go.
(Morning: water, coffee)

Had lunch and chilled. Had 2 meeting and came home. Picked up Gabriel and took him to baseball practice.  He hit, did infield and practiced catching. After we came home.
(Afternoon: Arroz a la Valenciana, water, burger, chips, chocolate )

Had spaghetti and meatballs before taking Javi to his basketball practice. Came home, had him shower. I showered after and chilled. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: spaghetti and meatballs,  vodka, water)

Monday, September 18, 2023

In the office again

Woke up and went to get changed. Headed out to the BART station and into the city. Walked over to 1440 and started my day. Passed out the materials and listened to the training.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Had lunch and went to Costco. Came back to finish training and came home. Took out the trash and went to grab dinner.
(Afternoon: pizza, mocha freeze, water,  peanuts, brownies)

Had dinner and showered. Now relaxing and watching TV until bed time. 
(Nighttime: double double,  water)

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Week 2 and Fall Ball

Morning :
Woke up, showered and got ready. Had Javi eat breakfast and get ready to go to his game. We got there and warmed up. Javi was on the bump first. His defense didn't do him any favors, he took matters into his own hands. Played catcher the rest of the way. He got a hit and 2 RBI's. They ended up losing the game, but it was good. After we came home. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

Went to Cardenas to grab some items. My wife made sushi bake and we watched the Niners play against the Rams. They won 30-23.
(Afternoon: sushi bake, soda. Water)

We went to the park and played a bit. Came home and had the boys shower. I showered and now resting until bed time.
(Nighttime: sushi bake,  beer, water)

Saturday, September 16, 2023

a good day for a wedding

Woke up and showered. Played video games with Gabriel. Waited for my wife to get home. I ordered some pizza for lunch.
(Morning: water)

Grabbed the pizza, had lunch and got ready to go to Novato for Brenda's wedding. The drive was good, a little traffic but not a lot. We got there, greeted a lot of people and sat down for the ceremony. It was a lovely ceremony, after it was cocktail hour and soon we would be going in.
(Afternoon: pizza, breadsticks, wings, sarray, water)

Had a blast at the reception. Dinner and dancing and we came home. 
(Nighttime: dinner, drinks, cake)

Friday, September 15, 2023


Woke up, got dressed. Made coffee and set up training. The morning session was pretty good, people followed along and took a quiz. 
(Morning: water, coffee)

Grabbed some lunch and checked back in to work. We did the PM portion of training and it was good. After I logged out and went to a meeting for the boys basketball team. When we were done we picked up my wife and went to get Javi's fall ball uniform. 
(Afternoon: big Mac, McDouble,  McChicken,  chicken nuggets, zoa, water)

Rested a bit, showered and we started watching the little mermaid. The boys went to bed. I washed dishes and now going to lay down and sleep. Wedding tomorrow. 
(Nighttime: lunchable, beer, brownie, water)

Thursday, September 14, 2023


Woke up and got dressed. Helped get the boys ready. I had to train so my wife took then over to school. The morning was good until we got to the pickle program.  Anyway after the morning training we went to grab lunch.
(Morning: coffee. Water, Madeline,  peanut butter cups)

Had a meeting with our supervisor and expressed how we are feeling. I don't think things will change, but at least we said what we said. After I went to get Gabriel from basketball practice, gassed up the truck and came home to pick up Javi to go to baseball practice. It was a good practice and after we came home.
(Afternoon: Panda express, coke, water)

We went to Javi's basketball practice and he did good. After came home to have a quick bite to eat and showered. About to go to bed.
(Nighttime: Peanut butter sandwich,  water)

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Hump day

Woke up. Got ready.for work. Tok of to BART and headed into the city. Got there and set up in the Expo room. Reviewed several documents for tomorrow. 
(Morning: water, coffee, peanuts)

Ate my lunch and reviewed more. Talked to few minutes. Too a nap and finished and checked out more docks. After work walked over to BART and came home
(Afternoon: water spaghetti and meatballs )

Played catch with Javi, taught him a w seam.and 4 seam grip. Mowed the grass. Dod some basketball drills. Now at home. I changed the boys and took a shower. Now watching TV 
(Nighttime: water, bean soup, water. Cookies)

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Busy day

Woke up, got dressed. Helped get the boys ready for school. Stayed home to train since I was going to be off early. Training wad good, there were some hiccups but we got through it.
(Morning: water. Coffee. Madeline)

Finished work, finished laundry. Rested up and went to Gabriel's first basketball practice. It was good to see him run around and learn. After came home and he ate, got him ready to go to his baseball practice. Practice was good, he had fun and did a lot. We came home after.
(Afternoon: Tacos, water)

Took Javi to basketball practice. He had a good time. He was putting in some good effort. After we came home,  I showered, watched TV and now going to bed.
(Nighttime: taquitos, water, brownie)

Monday, September 11, 2023

Never Forget

Woke up and got ready to go to work. Tool kff and had to take a detour due to some road closures. Got to BART and waited for te train. Hoppednon and went to the city. I got there and walked over to 1440. Logged in to listen and support in person.
(Morning: water, coffee, cookies)

Had lunch with Amilcar and went back to train. Left at 4:30 and caught the bus. Arrived at the stop I needed to get off to catch BART. Rushed down and made it right before the train left. It took me some time to get home due to the detours.
(Afternoon: cheesesteak, water, peanuts)

Helped Gabriel with homework,  went to Costco and came back. Showered. Had dinner and now relaxing. Today marks the 22nd anniversary of the world trade center attacks. May those who lost their lives continue to rest in peace.
(Nighttime: water, tacos, birria taco)

Sunday, September 10, 2023

week 1

Woke up, showered and got ready for kickoff. Niners start in Pittsburgh today. The 1st half was great, they went into half time with a 20-7 lead.
(Morning: coffee, water)

Watched more of the game and took off to take the boys for the Legneds of Baseball clinic I signed them up for. The 49ers won the game.

They had a good time and got good tips from some retired major league players. After we had a late lunch and came home.
(Afternoon: jarritos, water torta de carne, Gatorade)

Played a game with Gabriel and went to Target with my wife. Came back home. Put things away. Had the boys shower. I showered and watched TV until bedtime. 
(Nighttime: Peanut butter sandwich, milk, water, fanta)

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Movie day

Woke up and made the boys breakfast. I went to shower and hung out with them a bit before going to the movies to watch the Nun 2.
(Morning: coffee, water)

The movie was ok, could have been better. There were some interesting scenes. After I checked out a few hats and came home to have lunch and relax. My family came home and we went to Starbucks and to see where the boys new dental office will be.
(Afternoon: coke, popcorn, water, lasagna, chicken,  iced Caramel Macchiato )

We decided to go down and pick up my Mom and niece. Took them to Chuck E Cheese to play, dropped them off and came home. Had a quick bite and watched TV. Now going to bed. Niners play in the morning. 
(Nighttime: water, beer, ribs)

Friday, September 8, 2023

end if the week

Woke up and got ready for work. Helped get the boys ready and my wife took them to school. She picked up some Starbucks for me and I had it while I was doing the training. It went well this morning gave some announcements and updates, did some exercises and waited to release them for lunch time.
(Morning: coffee. Pumpkin spice latte)

Set up my new projector to see how it worked. Logged back into work. Did some more training and ran out to get the boys. Had lunch and finished up training. After work I relaxed until I had to go to a meeting for Gabriel's fall ball team
(Afternoon: lasagna, water, bread, chocolate)

Gabriel is on the Tigers. Spoke to a few parents and hung out a bit so he could play with his teammates. Washed the truck. Came home, watered the front lawn. Showed the projector set up to my wife and kids. Had dinner and now watching TV until bed. Glad it's the weekend.
(Nighttime: beer, lasagna, water)

Thursday, September 7, 2023

my turn

Woke up and got dressed. Helped get the kids ready for my wife to take them over to school. I logged into training and we started to train. It was good, however I did mess up the order of documents but we recovered. During breaks I was able to do laundry. 
(Morning: coffee, water)

In training but was able to run out and get the boys. Had a snack and finished up. Logged out and had an early dinner. Played catch and basketball in the backyard. 
(Afternoon: rice, orange chicken,  beer, water. Chips)

Changed Gabriel and tool a shower. Had a snack and relaxed. Now going to bed.
(Nighttime: water, cran apple and vodka, chips, skinny pop)

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

and here we go

Felt better. But not 100%. Got ready and drove to Bayfair BART and caught the train to the city. I walked over to 1440 and did my in person assignment for the day.
(Morning: coffee. Water)

Had lunch. Logged back in. Around 2:45 we all walked over for a tour of 1235. I stayed there the rest of the day and came home. When I got home I put things away and washed dishes. Helped Gabriel with homework and we went to get Javi his hair cut, to Target and picked up some food.
(Afternoon: peanuts, torta de carne, rice, water)

Had dinner, helped the boys shower. I showered and changed. Watching TV until bed time.
(Nighttime: burger, tacos, beer, water)

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

back in the office

Felt really bad but still got up to go to work. Got on BART and headed over to the building. Set up and did some research. 
(Morning: water, coffee, peanuts)

Had lunch and took a nap. Logged in to attend another meeting. Took a tour of the building and had another meeting. After that I took off.
(Afternoon: sushi bake, carne asada, water, zoa)

Got home, put away the bins. Helped Gabriel with homework. Washed dishes. Had dinner and set up for tomorrow. About to watch a show and go to bed.
(Nighttime: water, carne asada, tortilla, turkey and cheese sliders, orange soda)

Monday, September 4, 2023

Day off

Woke up and chilled. Started mowing the grass in the front of the house. Did some laundry and went to shower. Went to Khol's to return something for Amazon. Fied up the truck and picked up lunch for the boys. 
(Morning: water)

Had lunch and watched Watched some TV and we went to the park to practice hitting and fielding with the boys. Passed Starbucks and came home.
(Afternoon: wings, sushi bake, iced Caramel Macchiato)

Finished watching Reno 911! And went to take out the trash bins and showered. Had more sushi bake and washed dishes. About to watch a show and go to bed.
(Nighttime: sushi bake, flan, peanut butter cups,  water, orange soda)

Sunday, September 3, 2023


Woke up and went to chill in the living room. Watched the boys play video games and changed quickly to go to Cardenas to get some items to grill. We came back and I went over to start up the grill.
(Morning: water)

Showered and grilled the meat, corn, hot dogs and tortillas. Had lunch and rested before we went to the movies. After the movie we came back home.
(Afternoon: water, coke, popcorn, tiki punch, carne asada, tortilla)

We went to the park and the boys played on the playground and played basketball. After we went to Target and came home. Had dinner, changed and watched TV. Going to bed now. No work tomorrow. It's labor day.
(Nighttime: carne asada, tortilla, pasta, beer, water)

Saturday, September 2, 2023


Woke up and went to have coffee and a pastry. Started watching the Kurt Angle documentary and got ready to shower.
(Morning: coffee water, cheese Danish )

We went to Pleasanton to the mall to look at dressed and to get my shirt for the wedding. Afterwards we ate at the cheese cake factory and hit up the Halloween spirit store. We got Javi a Link costume from Zelda and Javi a Michaelangelo costume from the Ninja turtles. We drove home in time to watch the beginning of Payback.
(Afternoon: water, crab dip, bread, Shepard pie)

Had both boys shower. Had dinner, watched the last part of the Angle documentary and my wife went to pick up her mom at SFO. I showered and watched TV until they came home to help bring out the luggage. Going to bed now.
(Nighttime: quesadilla, beer, water, cheese cake)

Friday, September 1, 2023

1st of the month

Woke up and got dressed. Helped the boys get their items ready and had them get dressed, drove them to school and came back home to a meeting. After that I practiced the exercises that I have to go over for training. 
(Morning: water cheese Danish, coffee)

Afternoon ": 
Picked up the kids at 12. Picked up lunch and came home to eat. Cut the grass in the backyard. Finished work and we were off to Javi's practice .
(Afternoon: water coke, burrito)

Practice was good. Came home and showered. Had dinner and now watching TV before bed. (Nighttime : water. Beer, Peanut butter sandwich, lunchsble)