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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rumble Thoughts

So January 30th, my nephew and I watched the Royal Rumble, presented by WWE. This was billed as the biggest rumble ever because it had 10 more participants then in previous years. The card for the show was only 4 matches. 3 title fights and the rumble itself. Here is a quick recap of what the rumble was this year...
First up was World Heavy Weight Champion Edge vs Dolph Zigler, I thought it was a bit odd to open up with this match, but they both put on a great show. Edge normally puts on a great performance for PPV's, but it's looking more now that Dolph will be a big player in the WWE in the years to come. The story they told between the two of them was great, it lead up to a predictable ending (except for Kelly Kelly coming out to attack vickie) Edge uses the spear; which has been barred and gets the victory.. overall match about a 3.5 out 5 stars.
Second was WWE champion The MIZ vs the Viper Randy Orton... Orton is well over with the crowd, the persona that he has of a loose cannon is a good fit for him. But sometimes I think he tries a bit much with the facial expressions and the crazy eyes. On the other side of the coin, The MIZ, he has stepped it up, he has good mic skills, wrestles really well and is hated by the crowd, I don't like him, but I give him credit for putting in the hard work. This match had great spots, near falls, interference from A-Rye. But I did not see this one coming, the new Nexus came out to distract Orton and the ref. Next thing you know CM Punk comes out from under the ring and bam... a GTS to Orton and pulls Miz on top of him for the 1-2-3..The ending did spoil the actual rumble for me, as I knew that neither Orton or Punk would win the rumble as they just set up their WrestleMania feud.
The 2 on1 match up between Divas Champion Natalia Niedhart vs team LayCool, turned into a fatal 4-way when the eventual winner Eve Torress was brought in. I have nothing against these ladies, but they do need to step up the excitement level in their wrestling. They need to perform some exciting moves and get the crowd into it, it can be done, look at the Knockouts division in TNA, they get good ratings (and have quite a few ex WWE Divas...Just saying)
Now the biggest rumble ever... I was happy to see that Alberto Del Rio won, but over all the rumble itself came off as not that exciting. The bit where the new Nexus was in the ring and eliminating everyone got old quick, then SuperCena came in and eliminated them all. But there were some great moments in the match, John Morrison's spiderman spot, Chavo's tribute to Eddie, Diesel and CAN YOU DIG IT?...SSSSSUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKAAA!!! the return of Booker T. Like I said it was an OK rumble, my only complaints would be:
1) Hornswoggle...what a waste of an entry
2)SuperCena eliminating new Nexus
3)Morrison, Punk, Booker T, Diesel and Orton eliminated too early.
Over all I would give this years rumble a C+/B-....Let's see where they go with the Elimination Chamber...

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