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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

More randomness

Hey there world, or to the few that may read this and are entertained by my randomness. So here we are on June 14th 2011. You know what today is? it is Flag day! Let your flag fly ladies and gentlemen! Also did you know that 14 years ago today, Rich Aurilia hit the first ever inter league Grand Slam vs the Angels? Also it was the day that my niece/Goddaughter Alexia was born. Happy Birthday Alexia!
More randomness:
* 32 days until the big day! Trying to finalize some things by the end of this week with the music and the hotel we are going to stay at. As every day passes, more questions arise. We are about to get into crunch time and stress time. My goal for this is to pretty much be done with all of the big planning and just have little things to do by July 1st, so when my Dad and visitors come we can go ahead and do things with them without having to focus too much on big decisions and be frustrated.
*Last weekend June 11 and 12, we went to Lake Tahoe for my bachelor party, it was me, Amilcar (Best man) Charles (Groomsmen) Arnel (Groomsmen) and Brian (Usher). We were supposed to have 3 other people go with us, but due to various reasons they were not able to join us. We had so much fun, we had some beers, vodka and cranberry, lots of food and we had the stairs! Yes, 91 stairs at 7,000 feet elevation. No elevators! But we did it, we even managed to go swimming in the cold breeze. Amilcar rented a boat and we went out on the lake and went to Emerald Bay, it was beautiful. A great laid back time and it would be great to plan another trip like this in the future. It's fun to hang out and have a few drinks and just bond the only way guys know how to. The only thing I would say that was a bit lame was all of the cigarette smoke, I must have had a good years worth of second hand smoke enter my system that night.
*Speaking of smoking, why do people have the need to do this? it is nasty. Go into a room or a corner with ventilation and smoke there, away from people and be considerate that other people are not smokers and do not want to have that around them. Common courtesy folks, just saying. I don't go around and pass gas in your face, or general area and have you deal with it. Don't smoke around me!
*We saw a few people wearing Spandex. Wow, all I could think about it that there should be a weight and age limit with these items of clothing. Unless you are a WWE superstar, leave the Spandex at home. Nobody wants to see every inch of you. It's not cute and if you think it makes you look slim, someone lied to you. Do yourself a favor and buy yourself a real mirror, not the fun house mirrors and take a good look at yourself. See what I mean? and if you have a friend that tells you it looks 'good' go ahead and slap the hell out of them, and get them a pair of glasses.
*All last week I worked out hard Monday-Friday since I was not going to do any exercise over the weekend. Thankfully those stairs that I was talking about helped out. We must have gone up at least 4-5 times and we also were swimming. Where I came in 3rd place out of 5. I lost to a Dolphin and a Seal. When I got back home, I had gained 4 lbs. But I have worked off 3 lbs. I hope to at least break even for this weekends official weigh in.
*At work we are moving from our current and well liked location. To our organizational home base. It is going to be an exciting adventure. I look forward to the challenge of trying to bring the program I am in charge of and to install it over there. I will miss the folks that I have worked with here and I hope to see them around. But I know I have to move on and make this program work with my staff.
*Just a quick note, if you get an invitation in the mail and it says "surprise" all over it, do us all a favor and keep it to your self. It ruins the 'surprise' if you tell people and it gets back to the person who was going to be 'surprised'. Just saying, if you need more help on this one, let me know. =)
*My Giants are in 1st place by only 0.5 games right now. Considering that the players are dropping like flies, first Panda, then Zito, Posey, Fontenot, Belt, Ford, DeRosa and now Freddy. WTF? I don't know, but at least they get the Panda back tonight. I still have high hopes for my team and I expect them to be in the playoffs by season's end.
*Congrats to the Lebron James and the Miami Heat on winning the NBA Championship...wait, I'm sorry what was that? They didn't win? so what was all that talk about 8 championships at the beginning of the season? Oh you mean they were over confident and didn't deliver. Hmmmm. OK, well Congrats to Dirk and the Dallas Mavericks on winning the NBA Championship. Well deserved. I have said it once and I will say it again, Individuals can win games, but only TEAMS win Championships. Time for the Heat to be a little more humble. Oh and by the way, I have a good life Lebron, I do not have people around me that blow smoke up my @$$ and I know that the friends that I have are because of who I am and because I am on TV. You may have a lot of money, but it really must be hard living like that. Trust me, invest your money, save it, what ever you do, don't lose it. Because if you do, you will no longer have friends or family. On the other hand, I will still have both.
*That's it folks for this entry. Let's see what comes next. By the by, I am going to the circus in September!

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