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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

25 Days

25 Days to go to the big day. Still have to pick out our first dance song and tie up some loose ends. Today is the last day that we are giving folks for the RSVP. We had the cut off date of June 15th, so I think 6 days is enough to get the RSVP's here. I have the next few people on the alternate list ready to go. So, quick tip here, if you receive an invitation to a wedding or a party and it is specifically addressed to you, don't assume that you can bring someone extra and don't ask either. If by chance you do call to ask, don't get attitude with people and then try to make it an issue about money, either make it or don't make it.
*The Giants are on a 5 game skid, they got swept by the A's and all of these 'fans' are jumping off the band wagon. Thankfully it is getting lighter. Real fans understand that it is a marathon, not a sprint and if we recall, last year this happened as well. If I recall correctly, I think the Giants ended up doing very well last year. I am old school, live and die with the team. I cheer when they are winning and still cheer my team when they are not. I don't pick and choose when to be a fan. Take the good with the bad. Yes, even MadBum's historic outing, 8 straight hits, 1 out and 8 earned runs. They will get the job done!
*Speaking of that, the melodramatic Murph and Mac show on KNBR in the morning. Since Posey went down, Murph has been on a 'Feel sorry for me' ride, after around a month of tweets where he basically praises the Giants when they win and sh*ts on them when they loose. I hit him up and said what I believe a lot of people are thinking. Which was 'enough with the depressing tweets' His response, a mature "you can unfollow" seems like old Murph likes to dish things out but when called on his sh*t he takes his ball and goes home. Losing Posey and Sanchez is tough, but you know what? Nobody outside of Giants fans care! Other fans are not going to feel sorry for us, we shouldn't either. Make it work with what you got!
*So far this transition at work is going well. It will take us some time to get acclimated to our surroundings. We hope that the folks here feel the same way and at least try to cooperate with us. Got some valuable information today that I will turn into success for my program.
*Job searching sucks! just wanted to put that out there. It is hard out here for everyone. We see openings for basic entry level jobs and they are demanding way too much for the little pay they are offering. Hopefully the economy speeds up it's recovery, because times need to change to help every one out.
*WWE had their Capital Punishment PPV yesterday. Besides CM Punk and Rey Mysterio putting on a show, Kofi and Dolph did great. Orton and Christian had a great match, and of course the PPV was ruined by SuperCena winning the way he did. Cena=overrated
*Stress is an A@@hole! It keeps me up at night and I need to figure a way to block out all of the thoughts that race through my head at the end of the night. It's not good.
*On Saturday we went to eat at Tarantino's at Fisherman's Wharf in the city. I had the fish and chips, which were good. A good portion of food. We then went and had a caramel sundae at Ghiradelli's Square. We were going to watch Inception at the house but plans changed.
*My wife was talking up a big game about her 'grilled Cheese' sandwich, She said she used to make them in Nicaragua, so she made it for me on the Foreman Grill, it was good, but I want her to do it as she did it before, in a pan on the stove to see what's up.
*It's Wednesday, I have one more week to go before my final fitting for my Tuxedo. Last time I was measured I went down 2 jacket sizes, 1 Shirt size and 1 Pant size. Got to keep on working on my weight loss. Going to the gym is essential and eating right is key to a proper diet. Getting things done and enjoying every minute of the process. 25 days until the wedding, 27 days until Cancun and our honeymoon.
*by the by, here is the thing. I am 30 years old, if you do the math you can clearly see that I was not born yesterday. Look, in life there are situations where people mess up, they say something they should have not said, they ruin surprises, they even can let you down by not being there. Here is the thing, when you call to 'explain' something to me, just be real. There are different stories going around, get on the same page. Talking to someone in a serious tone, repeating something that EVERYONE knows is a lie, just to make yourself or whoever feel better about themselves. Not cool. Be a Man or a Woman about it and just say, 'look (insert person who messed up) did this and it was my fault, I have to wear it, I feel like a (put in your favorite word here; I like Jackass or @$$hole) is there anything I can do?" Do not, and I repeat DO NOT come at me with lies and BS. It is not cute and really not welcomed or wanted. Try that with someone else. Remember that Karma train comes rolling around, there is no schedule but she will pull into the station real soon. and to quote 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin "And that's the bottom line...because 'Stone Cold' said so!"

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