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Monday, February 28, 2011

countdown begins...

So in 6 days my wife comes back from her friends wedding...
In 31 days the World Champion San Francisco Giants begin their title defense in LA vs the Dodgers...
In 34 days it's WrestleMania 27...
In 68 days, I move away from my 20's and into my first year of my 30's...
In 138 days, we will celebrate our church wedding..
   A lot of things to look forward to, as I said my wife is actually in Nicaragua, she comes back soon. After I took her to the airport last week, I was able to go and spend the weekend with my Mom and Step Dad, I am going again next week. Taking advantage of some free time. In 31 days, it's opening day for my Giants! as I say every year (and yes including last year) they will win the World Series! I can't wait for baseball to start, it gives me something to watch on TV and I love watching baseball and I love my Giants! In 34 days, it's WWE's WrestleMania, an annual event that we get to sit back and watch the "gran-daddy of them all" having family and friends over for some pizza, wings and wrasslin'
  In 68 days, I will be turning 30! I am actually looking forward to it. It's just another stepping stone in life and I get to share it with my wife, family and friends. I don't know yet what I am going to do to celebrate, I may just ask everyone to meet up for dinner or maybe the Giants game..Still have time to figure that out. and finally, in 138 my wife and I will be exchanging vows in the church before the eyes of God. Can't wait! It should and will be a blast. Plans are coming along and everything seems to be going great! A lot of things to look forward to...but I still take things one day at a time...Until next time....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Elimination Chamber

My nephew got me an early birthday gift, he got me a ticket to WWE's Elimination Chamber Pay Per View at the Oracle Arena in Oakland. We sat is "Club 200" with a good view of the action. This was my first WWE PPV, I had been to the SuperBrawl PPV put on by WCW many years ago. So, we knew that there were only going to be five matches, I had made my predictions the night before, I was pretty close, but here are my thoughts on the event.
Dark Match: United States Champion Daniel Bryan vs Ted Dibiase Jr with Maryse
Good standard opening match, I did not know it would be them in the dark match, but I tabbed Daniel to retain his title. Some good spots, although it seemed that Maryse was not interested in building heat with her character. But overall a good starting point to get the crowd going. Daniel Bryan retains the US title.
Lights go out, pyro comes on, music hits.. we have our first match..
Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston (IC Champion) non-title match..
Del Rio is over with heat. His announcer introduced him by saying "here comes a man who has more talent in his little finger, then those losers of the Oakland Raiders" which got good reaction from the crowd, we stood up and cheered. The match was good, a lot of near falls that got the crowd going, in the end like I predicted Del Rio won. the crowd was not too happy about that but hey, you already knew that.
Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight Championship..
Edge (champion) vs Drew McIntyre vs Kane vs Rey Misterio vs Wade Barret vs ????
I thought the mystery wrestler would be Christian, but it was the Big Show. Crazy spots in this chamber match, Rey Misterio put his body on the line, there were broken plexi glass and broken bodies everywhere. Favorite spot of the match was Misterio going head first into the turnbuckle area and then into the holding pod. The ending was good a spear in mid air. I predicted that Edge would retain and he did.The after math was Del Rio coming in and attacking Edge and then...Christian made the save; at least I got it right that he would be there. Edge spears Del Rio we move on.
Booker T comes out and introduces Trish Stratus as a trainer in Tough Enough.
Tag Team Title Match
Santino Marella and Vladimir Koslov (C) vs the Corre (Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel) with Ezekiel Jackson.
No one was into the match, except when Santino would be in. 450 Splash and 1-2-3 another correct prediction.
WWE Championship
The MIZ (C) vs Jerry "The King" Lawler
I thought that the King would win. It was a good match for them both. The King heavy with his thoughts about his Mother's recent passing, but knew the crowd was behind him. Chants of "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry" rang out through the crowd. But it was not in the cards as the MIZ hit the Skull Crushing Finale.
Vickie Guerrero comes out to beg for Dolph Zigler's job, you could barely hear her "excuse me" pleas. The crowd was not letting her talk. Teddy Long came out and reinstated Kelly Kelly, which lead to LayCool coming out and Trish coming in for the save and she did not hit her move, she was helped by the quick thinking Layla. Pretty much a waste segment.
#1 contender for WWE Championship Elimination Chamber
CM Punk vs Sheamus vs R-Truth vs John Morrison vs John Cena vs Randy Orton
This one was good, not as good as the first one. I picked John Morrison to win. He stole this match with his physical performance, but CM Punk was the MVP due to his heat. He got eliminated early but was reinstated by the RAW GM and it was great. They took numerous bumps and JOMO (John Morrison) climbed within the cage and dropped down on Sheamus. It was crazy, CM Punk looked like he got swiped by Wolverine. In the end, it was a let down to see JOMO eliminated, then SuperCena got the Attitude Adjustment on CM PUNK and it was over. John Cena goes to WrestleMania 27, another PPV with Cena fighting for the title.
Over all the show was a B-
I say that because I think that they should have taken time to elevate the newer talents into the spotlight. But as far as predictions go I got 5 out 7 things right. Technically I was right and wrong on Christian but still I knew he would be coming back. On now to the road to WrestleMania....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rumble Thoughts

So January 30th, my nephew and I watched the Royal Rumble, presented by WWE. This was billed as the biggest rumble ever because it had 10 more participants then in previous years. The card for the show was only 4 matches. 3 title fights and the rumble itself. Here is a quick recap of what the rumble was this year...
First up was World Heavy Weight Champion Edge vs Dolph Zigler, I thought it was a bit odd to open up with this match, but they both put on a great show. Edge normally puts on a great performance for PPV's, but it's looking more now that Dolph will be a big player in the WWE in the years to come. The story they told between the two of them was great, it lead up to a predictable ending (except for Kelly Kelly coming out to attack vickie) Edge uses the spear; which has been barred and gets the victory.. overall match about a 3.5 out 5 stars.
Second was WWE champion The MIZ vs the Viper Randy Orton... Orton is well over with the crowd, the persona that he has of a loose cannon is a good fit for him. But sometimes I think he tries a bit much with the facial expressions and the crazy eyes. On the other side of the coin, The MIZ, he has stepped it up, he has good mic skills, wrestles really well and is hated by the crowd, I don't like him, but I give him credit for putting in the hard work. This match had great spots, near falls, interference from A-Rye. But I did not see this one coming, the new Nexus came out to distract Orton and the ref. Next thing you know CM Punk comes out from under the ring and bam... a GTS to Orton and pulls Miz on top of him for the 1-2-3..The ending did spoil the actual rumble for me, as I knew that neither Orton or Punk would win the rumble as they just set up their WrestleMania feud.
The 2 on1 match up between Divas Champion Natalia Niedhart vs team LayCool, turned into a fatal 4-way when the eventual winner Eve Torress was brought in. I have nothing against these ladies, but they do need to step up the excitement level in their wrestling. They need to perform some exciting moves and get the crowd into it, it can be done, look at the Knockouts division in TNA, they get good ratings (and have quite a few ex WWE Divas...Just saying)
Now the biggest rumble ever... I was happy to see that Alberto Del Rio won, but over all the rumble itself came off as not that exciting. The bit where the new Nexus was in the ring and eliminating everyone got old quick, then SuperCena came in and eliminated them all. But there were some great moments in the match, John Morrison's spiderman spot, Chavo's tribute to Eddie, Diesel and CAN YOU DIG IT?...SSSSSUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKAAA!!! the return of Booker T. Like I said it was an OK rumble, my only complaints would be:
1) Hornswoggle...what a waste of an entry
2)SuperCena eliminating new Nexus
3)Morrison, Punk, Booker T, Diesel and Orton eliminated too early.
Over all I would give this years rumble a C+/B-....Let's see where they go with the Elimination Chamber...