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Monday, October 1, 2012

Together at last....

Well, today October 2012 begins and we have a new roommate.
So, on Thursday, September 27th at 4:50am my wife woke me up and told me that her water broke, we called the hospital and went over what was going on and they told us they would call us back. When they called us back, they instructed us to make it to the hospital to be seen at the labor and delivery triage room. We got there around 7am and we were escorted in. The triage room is set up where 2 patients can be seen at a time, we were the closest to the door and after being there for sometime we heard some alarms beeping and people rushing in. We were concerned as we did not know what was going on. Turns out that the other patient was having some complications and they had to spring into action to stabilize the situation. After about an hour or so, we were admitted and taken to our delivery room.
Since my wife's water broke and this was our first child, they told us that it would probably be a long delivery. The nurse explained that we had to use pitocin to help the labor process, this is something that my wife wanted to avoid. Our plan was to see how long she could last without pain medication through the labor, but with this news, we had to go to plan B. She asked for the pain meds through the IV. She was doing real well. By this point her Mother was in the room with us and we were just waiting. The contractions were strong and steady, but she was being real strong and moving forward. She even almost bit my thumb off. The pain was so much that she did not even want to eat. My Mom and Step Dad stopped by and visited. Time kept going on, so we waited.
After 8pm she decided she wanted the epidural, we went through the process and again she made it through with strength and courage. She was doing really well and moving forward. There was a slight problem with the shot, it caused her blood pressure to get really low and she felt a bit weak. She recovered from that and was monitored closely after. After midnight, which would now be Friday September 28;the day I predicted back in April that he would be born. She was almost fully dilated. The Doctor recommended that we wait about 45 minutes before pushing so she would not push for too long. So at around 2: 37 am, she started pushing and was doing great.
I was helping her by encouraging her to take deep breaths and to push as had as she could. She was amazing. Then, 30 minutes later at 3:12am I saw the most amazing thing ever, our son was born. This was just another moment in my life that made me realize that she was and always will be the love of my life.
They cleaned the baby and we were able to hold him, he practically never left our sight. After some recovery time we were taken to a shared post partum room, I didn't like the sharing portion, but we were told that we would have our private room as soon as they could get one. We finally got our private room and were able to share these first moments of our sons life, the first moments as parents together with no one in the room. Later, my Family and Friends visited and we were discharged on Saturday, September 29th. That ride home was something else. Every bump my wife would complain, my only defense was to remind her that it was not me it was the poor condition of the streets of San Francisco.
We got home and it felt great to have our son, Javier Heliodoro Narvaez at home with us. Now we move forward and start this great journey and help Javi be the best he can be.

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