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Friday, October 19, 2012


Here we are past the mid point of October. Today is Javier 3rd week of life. So much has changed in our lives since that day he came into it. It has been a great experience. My wife if doing really good with taking care of him during his first few weeks. I was able to get 9 days off of work to spend at the house with Mamma and Baby. There is so much to learn about the baby and so much that goes into being a parents that one really does not know, or even how to prepare for. But I guess that is where natural instincts come into play. At the 1 week mark of his life, he decided to pee on me, he celebrated week 3 by trying to do the same. He is such a bundle of joy, as well as poop and pee.
So, what else to talk about. Well, let's talk about the 49ers. I was able to wattch the Niners vs Jets game with Javi, like I planned. We also saw the Niners defeat the Bills. I missed the stinker of a game against the NY Giants, but caught last nights game against the Seahawks. As of today the Niners are a 5-2 team, the way I see it, they are a really good team that need to stick to their game plan. What is the game plan you ask? Gore! Gore! Gore!
Niners need to stick to running first, pass second and have the defense smack the opposing team in the mouth. Granted that the Niners have a much inproved receiving core this year with Moss, Mannigham and a much improved Crabtree. Another option is Davis, when they game plan to have him open they can do really big things. Another thing the Niners would need to do is to stop putting in Kapernick so much, it disrupts the game flow for Smith.
San Francisco Giants... Giants won the west, down 0-2 to the Reds in the NLDS, made history by being the first NL team to win 3 road games to move on to the next round. As of this writing the Giants are down 3-1 to the Cardinals in the NLCS. Barry Zito takes the bump to extend the season for the hometown nine. If they win today, they play another game in San Francisco. I have faith I will see them play again this year after today.
Now, just a qucik note that has always botherd me. Why is is when a team wins it's "We won" and when a team suffers a loss it's "They Lost"? You didn't play, you had nothing to do with it. Also, the definition of a fan has been stretched thin. For me, being a fan means that you stick with your team, win or lose. Ups and downs. Sure sometimes its tough, but supporting your team is crucial as a fan. I hate when 'fans' give up on their team, leave early or turn their backs on players. There are 3 Giants that I can say that I did not like and did not cheer for, but I expected them to win with the Giants. (Livan Hernandez, A.J. persynski and Armando Benitez), I'm talking to you three). But my expectation was good or bad, Giants all the way.
Which brings me to the unfair treatment of Tim Lincecum. Here you have a 2010 post season hero, 2 time Cy young award winner and because of 1 bad season, these 'fans' have have turned their backs on him and are saying that he is 'done' and to 'trade him'. Really? wow, I guess it is true. Everybody loves a star when he's on the top, but no one seems to come around when he starts to drop. I fully expect Timmy to bounce back next season and have a great year. S
Birthday's this month.. Frank the Tank, My sister and My God daughter

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