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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Almost time to say goodbye to July....

Here we are, it's July 26th, my wife is now 30 weeks along into her pregnancy with our first child. 10 more weeks to go, we are really excited. We have already begun to get gifts from family for the baby. Both sides have been very generous and we appreciate it. So how has July been? well here is a recap...
* July 4th, Independence day! we went up to my Mom's house in Petaluma for a BBQ. We gathered, had some burgers, hot dogs and beer. A few small fireworks for the children and some good times shared by all. I can't wait for next year so "Peanut" can join in the fun. On the way home we were able to see the fireworks show in the City from the Golden Gate Bridge, it felt like they were celebrating me coming back home!
*July 9th.... Finally, Edwin has come back....Home! I got moved from my desk and sent to another building. The building I got sent to I had already worked at before. When I was with Arriba Juntos I used to run the One Stop activities and WIA monies in this building, when we were transferred out I told a few folks that I would make my way back here to them as a city employee. It took me about a year, but I am back. It was a great feeling to see everyone that I was close to once again. Make the transition a lot easier.
*July 16th- One year ago on this day, my wife and I had our church wedding and reception. It was an awesome event, once again we thank everyone who was a part of it, it will be hard for us to top that party, but we look forward to it when we renew our vows on our 25th anniversary ;) This day also marked the 11th year of us being together. There are a lot of things you learn about someone and about yourself in 11 years. With every relationship there are ups and downs, I am very lucky to a lot more ups then downs. I look forward to many many more years... I love you everyday!
*July 20th.. Was my wife's 29th birthday! Very relaxed day, she went out with her mom and then we hung out. The next day was for celebrating.
*July 21st... I went out in the morning to hang out with Arnel, Amilcar and Frankie at the Outback, I had 2 margaritas and some appetizers. After that I went home and chilled for a bit. My wife and I then went to K-mart to look for some toys for our niece and nephews. We got my niece (also my God daughter) a Nightmare Before Christmas poster and for the two little ones we got one an Alberto Del Rio toy and for the other one we got him the Alberto Del Rio and Brodus Clay Rumbler pack. We held off on our other two nephews as those will be taken in September. At 7 we had reservations at Benihana's, we were celebrating my wife's and my cousin Monica's birthday. Food was delicious and service was great from the cook Solis. After our meal we went to see "The Dark Knight Rises" I really enjoyed the movie as I am a big Batman fan, I could have done without the strange voice box on Bane, but I like it.
*July 23rd... was my 6th month here at my current job. By my count I have passed probation and I am doing really well. I really enjoy doing this.
*Birthdays in July 7/4 Craig L, 7/16 Brian C, 7/19 Tia Nora, 7/20 Ulisa!!! 7/23 Monica.. A very Happy Birthday to you all!
My San Francisco Giants are doing really well. Timmy looks like he is lost, but I still believe that he can help the team out. Those who criticize need to remember how well they pitch when they go out there every five days.. oh wait, you don't play, but have an opinion...
San Francisco 49ers are about to start camp, looking forward to the upcoming season! Alex Smith is my quarterback!
The Olympics 2012 in London start Friday! Can't wait!
#Raw1000 was very well put together, it had a great old school and new school feel to it. Hope they can continue with it as Raw goes 3 hours now every week...
Happy trails to you, until we meet again!

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