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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The rest of May

This post will be an up and down post. There were a few things that happened this last part of the month that were very positive and others that were emotionally draining. As a whole, the month of May was a good one. So, since I have a lot on my mind, I feel like I need to share.
Let's start with a birthday story. My friend Arnel was celebrating his birthday, his actual birthday is May 21st. But since it was on a Monday, his party was on May 19th. We got there around 8pm and as usual we had a good time. Arnel's family has a great warmth to them, they are all very caring and loving. You can feel that they are a tight group and support each other. They have always treated me like a part of their extended family and I truly appreciate it. I had some shots with the birthday boy and some food. We got him a Captain America shirt, an Avengers cup and a Tinker bell water bottle. We left his house around midnight.
On 5/23/2012 I went to go pick up my Dad at SFO. My Dad is in town for my nephews graduation from City College of San Francisco (CCSF) up until Father's Day. Plane was scheduled to land at 12:03am (5/24/2012) but he didn't get out until close to 1am. I went with my nephew to get him, I didn't get home until about 2am and had to get ready for work the next day.
On 5/25/2012 after work, my wife and I went to sign the lease to our new place. We inspected the place and asked the owner to fix a few things. We will officially get the keys on June 1st and start the cleaning process and moving process that weekend. Now that we are finally officially moving, my wife is getting a little sentimental about our time where we are at right now. Later at night we went out to eat at Sizzler's, boy was that an adventure, but it was family time, so it was a good time.
5/26/2012 it was a big day, it was my nephew's graduation from CCSF. He is class of 2012. The graduation was on the football field. It was a cold day, the sun decided to show up and gave us a little sun burn. My nephew had earned his Associates of Sciences Degree. He is doing mechanical work. The ceremony was good. Two out the three speeches were really good, the other one lagged a bit. It was a big moment for my nephew, my sister and the whole family. Weeks before this day my sister had a plan to throw him a surprise graduation party at a Pizza place on Mission st. My job was to get him there without knowing what was going on. I had settled with him that we would go out to eat to celebrate around 5pm. It would be my wife, Dad, him and his girlfriend going. I can tell that in the days leading up to it, he was getting upset because I was telling him that he would be driving to the pizza place and it didn't help that his mom (my sister) was telling him that they were leaving to LA after the graduation. When we got to the place, I let everyone off and found parking right in front, good thing I let them off before, because if they had come with me the surprise would have been ruined as I parked right at the window where they were waiting. I am not sure if he was surprised or not, we didn't get a chance to talk at the dinner. After they decided to go bowling, I did not attend, but it looked like they had fun.
5/27/2012 was a very heavy emotional day. My friend Brian's father passed away earlier this month. This day was the service for him. I only met Mr. Cheung one time and we hit it off right away. I could see that he was very passionate about the things he loved and that he was full of life. It was a touching ceremony and my wife and I knew that it was only a matter of time when we would choke up. See, I am very close to my Dad and I could not even imagine what my friend is going through, when he read a letter he wrote for his father, I felt a lump in my throat and began to cry. I really felt for my friend, everything was just so sudden, life as he knew it was gone. The service was very nice, they showed a video of Mr. Cheung dancing and it brought a warm laughter throughout the room. After the service there was a late lunch in his honor down on Clement st. We attended and paid our respects again. My thoughts and prayers continue to go out to the Cheung family.
5/28/2012 Went to wash early with my Dad and God daughter, dropped off a sample at Kaizer for my Dad and hung out for a bit. Finally washed my car and at around 3pm we went to my friend Amilcar and Olga's house for tacos! My cousins Oscar, Monica and soon to be God daughter Janessa came by and we hung out for a few hours. It was a great time, we had some beers. Oscar chickened out on a bet of who could last longer without drinking alcohol and Janessa had some lime. At night when we got home, my wife for coco krispy's so I had to go get them. After that I was tired went to bed and got ready for this week. June is right around the corner... Big month for us! Write to you soon! Have a great day!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Most of May

So here we are in the middle part of May and what a great month it has been so far. Just a few things that happened during this crazy fun time period...
*May 1st we went to the first ever match up between the San Francisco Giants and the Miami Marlins, Cain was on the mound that day. I headed out after work and met my friend, nephew, brother and his friends for a pre game tailgate. We were pre-celebrating my brothers birthday. My friend and I went in around 6:30, I had to get a cotton candy for my wife and 'peanut', then we went up to our section in view reserve. The game went by real quick, Cain was dealing, but in the end it was a loss for the home town nine. My friend and I ran into a high school friend that we haven't seen in forever, it was nice to catch up for a bit.
*May 2nd is my brothers birthday, so my Mom and Step Dad came down and we had dinner at my sisters place. They bought a cake for us and sang us Happy Birthday. My wife and I got my brother a Giants and Denver Nuggets hat with a Nuggets jersey.
*May 4th we went to see my God daughter play with the band over at Jefferson High School. The performance was fun, the best part was when they had us go to the gym and they did the drum line performance of 'Angry Drums', a play on the game 'Angry Birds' it was really cool, my God daughter looked like she was having a blast, which is always good. After that we met up at Chevy's and had dinner.
*May 5th we headed out to Hayward to our Aunts house to watch the Cotto/Mayweather fight. We had some drinks and some carne asada. The night was fun, we also watched Kevin Hart : Laugh at my pain, still funny even after seeing it 3 times.. Alright, Alright, AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLRRRIIIIIGGGHHHHHTTTT
My cousins even surprised me with a home made cake and cupcakes for my birthday! It was awesome!
*May 6th we headed out to my Moms house in Petaluma, small gathering to once again celebrate my brothers and my birthdays. We had some gallo pinto, carne asada, ribs and more cake!!!! The food was delicious and we had fun joking with each other.
*May 7th, is my actual birthday. I had to work on my birthday for the first time in 6 years... But it was good. My supervisor and the unit I am in had a surprise birthday breakfast for me. The food was delicious. We also had some ice cream later in the day. At night, we went out to have the annual tradition of a birthday burrito! It was my wife, my best friend and his fiance. I got some awesome gifts, I got a Giants shirt, money, a 2010 world series plaque featuring the 2010 World Series Champion Giants, a gift card, WM 28 and The Rock blu ray and finally I got Mario Party 9!!!!
*May 11th we went out with my wife, friends and cousins to Red Lobster. Had a few drinks and good food, then we saw the Avengers. I really liked the movie, it had good action, I also liked how the back stories are told in the individual movies that lead up to this one, so they didn't spend too much time on the back stories to drag it out even more. Also ScarJo was awesome!
*May 12th was Edwin appreciation night! We went to the Cheesecake factory for dinner. The food was delicious, the cheesecake was even better. I had a great time with my wife and friends. It was my first time eating there and I loved it!
*May 13th was Mother's day, we had a brunch at El Patio EspaƱol with our Moms and the food was really good. The atmosphere was great and we all had fun. I have always said that the idea of a 'Mother's day" was a bit odd to me, because I honestly feel that everyday is Mother's day because Mom's do alot every day and they don't get alot of credit most of the time, but what they do is awesome. Which is why I love my Mom and I tell her everyday! I also got my wife a "mother-to-be" card, she really loved it.
*May 15th was a really good day. We found out that "Peanut" is a healthy baby BOY!. I know that a lot of us were expecting a baby girl, but for my wife and I, we wanted a healthy baby and God has blessed us so far with a healthy good sized baby, or as my wife dreamt "A Big Baby!" The experience was amazing, seeing our child on that screen, with his hand waving again (very polite I tell you). I know we both can't wait to meet the newest San Francisco Giants and 49ers fan. So much to do for our child, ready to start this journey!