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Thursday, April 19, 2012


So, about 4 months ago my wife and I got some great news. We were told that my wife is pregnant and we are expecting our first child. The due date is in October, but I think that the baby will make it's debut on September 28th. Keeping a secret this big for so long was difficult, there were what I think were obvious signs and changes that my wife and I were going through that would tip people off that we were with child. For instance, my wife hadn't dyed her hair, she stopped drinking completely and was going to more doctor's appointments. For me, I would not commit to anything later in the year due to "needing to save some money" and not knowing what will happen in October. But I guess some people didn't pay too much attention or maybe didn't even care to pick up on the signs.
My wife had sent me a picture of our new son or daughter, which we call "peanut" for the time being and it was awesome. The emotions that came over me were a kind of emotion that I can not clearly explain. My wife told me that the tech told her that "Peanut" was opening and closing it's hands in a waving gesture. With the knowledge of our upcoming little bundle of joy, we discussed many ways to tell our families of the great news. This can be tough because you have to tell someone first and you have to tell someone last. Even with the best of intentions, people still get hurt because they were not the first to know. One thing for sure was that we wanted to make the announcement special for whoever we told and whenever we told them.
At the second ultra sound, I was able to see "Peanut" on the screen. It was awesome. "Peanut" was sleeping or at least was being lazy like the mother =). The heartbeat was good as well. When I saw the print out of the pictures, I knew the way I wanted to tell my side of the family. Now, we just had to talk about how to tell everyone else.
My wife and I made the decision to not announce "Peanut" pending arrival until we got back some results of genetic testing. We didn't want to get everyone excited until we were sure. After her last appointment where the heart beat of our beloved "Peanut" was running wild like Hulkamania, so we knew it was time. The way that the announcements worked out where that we would try to begin telling people on Friday and end on Monday. Friday didn't work out so well, so we had to start on Saturday. First, let me start with my Mother-in-Law reaction, when we told her she was in disbelief, but very excited. I had told my Dad that we were expecting over the phone and he was happy. He wished us the best.
So Saturday we invited over my best friend, his fiance and our cousins over to watch a movie and to tell them. Before I made the announcement I told them not to post anything on Facebook, as that has become the normal thing to go on and update everything. When we told them, they were in complete shock. They were happy and surprised that it was four months already. We toasted and talked for a few hours and imagined how the offspring of my wife and I will be.
The next day was my youngest nephews 4th birthday and this is where we would announce it to my side of the family. Like I said, I told my Dad the night before and he was happy. So what I did was I placed the printed picture of "Peanut" into a frame and wrapped it up. I had my nephew open it with the help of my Mom. My Mom looked away for a second and I think my sister was the first one to figure it out and she was telling my Aunts. the funny thing was that, like I had thought, people would be asking if this was real. It was a very special moment for us all. I told the rest of my friends later that night, she told her friends as well. It was great news to share with everyone. On Monday we finished announcing it to our co-workers and finally was able to post it up on Facebook to show everyone else.
This is a great time in our lives for this special gift. We understand and are appreciative that we have been blessed with "Peanut" because there are so many who are trying to have children that cannot. This is only the beginning of our journey and we are looking forward to it. Yes, we are scared and nervous, but we will protect, provide, encourage, Support and show "Peanut" unconditional love....

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