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Friday, March 23, 2012

March randomness

So, it's almost the end of March and I can't help but wonder where has the time gone? Everything has been a blur so far this year. A quarter way done in 2012 and there is still three quarters to go. It is amazing how in the blink of an eye things come and go. So what is on deck for me and my family.
We are planning on moving to a two bedroom, we really wanted to get a house but we have to make this momentary move in order to save up some money for a down payment. Looking for a place to live is really exhausting and frustrating. So many fake posts out there that are trying to scam people. I have gotten the same cookie cutter response to give my SSN, phone number, picture, etc and told that the owner is in Africa, Poland, the dark side of the moon. It is ricockulous! But at least we have been able to see some places, so that is very positive. Where we are living now has really started to turn bad on us. Some new new neighbors that have moved in within the last year or so have been really bad for the complex. Even with the strict pet policy, we still hear dogs barking and some a-hole set fire to the dumpster twice. So it is not feeling too safe for us and we are planning on expanding the family anyway so we need a bigger space.
Coming up in April... it's Wrestlemania 28! "The grandaddy of them all" as Vincent Kennedy McMahon would say. I am looking forward to the card this year, which at a glance is way better then last years show. This time it will be a road Wrestlemania, we are watching it in Pittsburg at my friends family house. The match that I really want to see is for the WWE Championship, current champion CM PUNK defends the WWE title and the moniker "The Best in The World" against Chris Jericho. This match stands to be the best match on the card. At first I thought that it would be a sure thing that Punk would go over Jericho, but now I think that there maybe something else at work here and I could see Jericho winning the title and the feud lasting through the summer with Punk chasing after the title and have some great matches. Other notable bouts on the card are The End of an Era match. The Undertaker vs HHH in a Hell in a Cell match, the streak vs career. This should be interesting based on the fact that they are in an open arena and they are supposed to be in a steel cage, also HBK being the ref makes this interesting. I will say that I hope the Undertaker gets the win as it would be a sad day to see the son in law of the boss be the one to hand the dead man his first WM loss. The other big name match up is present day WWE Superman, the doctor of thuganomics (yes, I said thuganomics) John Cena vs WWE legend and future WWE Hall of Famer, The Rock. They have had this one on the card for a year now. There seems to be some legit tension between the two of the wrestlers here. Although it will be the match that everyone wants to see, I have some doubt that it will deliver. I think the more realistic that it gets with the fighting, it will be better. But we will have to wait and see.
Onto Baseball, this year I created my first fantasy baseball league and this Sunday is the draft. I have never done this so it will be a learning process. I am hoping that it goes well and the 5 other people keep up with the spirit of competition. The countdown is also on to the beginning of the MLB season and for my Giants to start playing again. I really cannot wait.
That seems to be it for now, April is almost upon us and will bring us good news. Some birthday's will be celebrated and more memories created. So, happy trails to you, until we meet again.

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