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Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Madness... Be responsible

I was thinking the other day that this year I will be turning 31. That is the 10th anniversary of turning 21! (for those keeping score at home) It got me to thinking about what I did when I was younger and if at the time I even would have ever imagined being where I am in life right now. I think the best way to get started here on this quest, I would have to go back to before I was 18. Let's get into this time machine and let's go back to the late 90's. The Giants were still at the 'Stick and I was going to Jefferson High School and doing my thing. By the age of 16 and some change I had already had my Driver's license and a job at Century Plaza 10. I was just going to school and working and hanging out with friends. We would always talk about how when we turned 18 we would go to a strip club and go out and do all these things... for me, never happened. I turned 18 in 1999 and the biggest thing that we did was celebrate my 18th birthday with a little Mad Dog 20/20 and other adult based beverages, while getting kicked out of a friends house. At the time, we had a blast, great memories, but with around 13 years to reflect, it was irresponsible of us to do that and to put my friend and his family in the position that we did.
Of course looking back on things that I did at that time, I do realize now that they were irresponsible, not only due to my actions, but the actions of the adults that were around us. But I understand that it is a part of life and that we all must go through something to learn something. So after turning 18, the next goal was being 21 and being able to go out drinking legally and party...for me... one out of two ain't bad. See, to me turning 21 was like a right of passage, you get to share a beer (or drink) with your Parents, Siblings, Family and some friends. You are joining the big boy table. But, just like everything else, you have to act like you've been there. Did I drink a lot when I turned 21, I don't think I did, but I wouldn't be surprised if some people told me otherwise.
There have been less then a handful of times when I drank so much that I blacked out, from experience, let me tell you that it is not a very good feeling. To sit there and have other people tell you what you did last night, and you not being able to confirm or deny anything, is not a good feeling. Thinking about it now, those moments that should have been memorable, I have no real memory of it, I can really only go off of what others tell me I did. Now I hear some people proudly talk about drinking so much and blacking out, it makes me shake my head. That shouldn't be something to be proud of. But like I said, that is only what I think.
If we all knew then, what we know now, I wonder how much would be different. To be honest, I enjoy drinking when I go out to dinner, I have a few beers with friends and family and of course at home and at some parties. Do I get out of hand, some would say I do, but not often, but at the same time, they would say that I am very calm and relaxed. There is a saying that people like to throw around to kids in their 20's and it's "You are drinking like they are running out of liquor" I am really happy that I was never truly of that mind set.
The way I see it, I control the amount of liquor I drink. I cannot control what others drink, how much they drink and the actions they take when they drink. We are not thinking straight when we are drinking. Sure, most things we do are funny to some, but a lot of things that we do and others do while we are with them can cause severe actions and consequences to us. I am careful of who I drink with, I am careful because I know that they actually do have consideration for people around them. Like I said, some times we get out of control and the people we drink with are acting a fool alongside us. Basically what I am saying is drink with people you trust and know. People change when they drink a lot. Especially if they have anger or some other issues.
What have I learned the most in the 10 years that have past since I turned 21? Drinking is not really a right of passage. It is a privilege to be able to share a drink with your family and friends, to be responsible and act responsible. You don't always have to drink when you go somewhere, you should be and you shouldn't force someone else to drink.
In my next decade, I plan to have many more memorable moments. I plan to start a family, celebrate personal and family milestones. I plan to be a great role model for my kids and for my nieces and nephews. Drinking really is not that important to me, if a doctor told me today that if I had one more drink that it would kill me, I can walk away from it. I guess what I am saying is, drink responsibly, don't drink because you are being pressured, don't drink often and when someone tells you that you may have had too much or that you may need to cut back, let off the gas pedal and move out that fast lane and take the scenic route. Enjoy the journey, enjoy the ride, but most of all NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE!

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