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Thursday, January 26, 2012

New for 2012

Hello there everyone (well, actually anyone who is reading this) I am back and I wanted to wish you all a very productive 2012! So far 2012 has been a very busy year for me. So, if you will, please join me in my first entry of many for 2012....
So December 2011 was a very positive month. I was still with Arriba Juntos, a non-profit agency in San Francisco, we had the yearly toy giveaway "La Posada" and let me tell you that it was a mess. We gave away over 1,000 toys and the crowds were not happy with the process. My task was to de-bone a turkey and my staff and I were working the registration table that became a crazy zone. I was able to get me brother and nephews in before the chaos really began. Overall it was a good event, I did way more then most, it was good exercise for the day.
On Christmas eve I went to play football with friends and as predicted by my wife, I ended up injuring my ankle. It was a tough play, I wish that it would have been a completion but I am happy that I was hurt really bad. Later that day we went over to Hayward for a family get together, we had fun visiting and stayed until about 1am. The next day we went to my parents house in Petaluma. We were stuck in traffic for an hour and a half. If you know me, you know that really gets me mad. But we got there and had fun. My brother was my secret Santa and got me a 49ers shirt and a Superman shirt (Superman, eh!) My wife got me a blazer so when we go out I have a nice jacket to go with.
The last week of December I was offered a position for the City and County of San Francisco and I gladly accepted it. It took 2 plus years of being on an eligible list and a great interview to land the position. So at this time I was in transition mode to get out of my previous job. My start date was 1/23/2012 and so far I really enjoy the aspect of the position. We are currently training and getting to know the ins and outs of the program. Which in my position will be crucial. My last day at Arriba Juntos was 1/20/2012.
In the new year and month of January we went to San Jose to see Michael Jackson: the Immortal. I really enjoyed the show, except for these random people in front of us who were drinking and acting like they were at a concert. It is performance art and the performance should be watched respectfully. I can't wait to see it when it opens in Las Vegas next year.
The 49ers had a really great season, the playoff game vs the Saints was electric, it was fun and we drank a lot. There was a lot of celebrating and yelling, it was fun for us, but I am told others in attendance were not too happy with our behavior. The game against the Giants was great as well, even though my team fell in overtime, the season as a whole was great and they are building up to a great run to another possible Super Bowl Championship. The whole team did great and yes, they do need some help in some areas but they will get better and move on.
The San Francisco Giants fan fest is coming up next month and we can't wait to go. That is my next time consuming project, the 2012 MLB season. Well, I got to get back to training, write to you soon!

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