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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November Randomness

It is the second to last day of November, it has been an interesting month to say the least. A lot has happened since the last time I put up a blog post. Some events very interesting and others just emotionally draining. Here goes another entry into the randomness that are my thoughts...
--> I think that the first topic I will touch on are the car accidents. One the 14th my nephew got into a car accident in Daly City which destroyed his car, but he was OK. It was a hit and run. I did not hear about it until the next via a Facebook post that my sister put up. That Tuesday morning on my way to work I passed by an accident, when I looked over I thought I saw the mother of my two nephews with a neck brace on in the drivers seat. There was so much traffic that I did not have a chance to get a real good look. Later when talking to my sister I find out that it was her and that my two little nephews were in the car. They had told us that the kids were OK, but then on Wednesday we heard that the youngest one was kept overnight for observation due to a possible broken back or fractured neck. Upon hearing this I spoke to my boss and told her that I had to leave due to what had happened. As I drove to the hospital I was fearing the worst, I had already had a vision of the little guy in a neck brace and laid out on the bed. I walked in and the doctor was examining him, while he was jumping on the bed. He was alright and we were very, very happy.
--> My wife's friend came into visit for a week while I was on vacation from work. She came in on Monday night and my wife was really happy to have her here. She took my place at the movies when my wife wanted to watch Twilight. She brought us a Mardi Gras mask and a book of spells for my wife.
--> On Tuesday, WWE '12 came out and I went to pick it up, I was excited to play it. The first day I spent trying to learn the controls of the game. I played the game with my wife's friend so I got to learn pretty quick. I created my characters, arena and entrances and then took a break from playing the game. WWE '12 is a really good game. On Wednesday I had some of my Friends come over as well as my nephew. We had some Toña (a beer from Nicaragua) and some Pizza. Match of the night was a 6-man ladder match. There were 5 of us playing, the computer was Rey Misterio, my friends were John Cena, The Rock, Christian and Smash or Axe from Demolition. I was Vince McMahon. We played a back and forth match that seemed would never end, but I was able to get the brief case and the win with good ol' Vinnie Mac.
-->Later that night I went to pick up my Dad at the airport. He was coming in from Nicaragua. Really happy to have him home. We did have a bit of a scare over the weekend, but he is doing better now. It does seem that he will need to make a decision soon on if he will move back here or stay in Nicaragua. But time will tell.
-->Thanksgiving was really good. We went to my Mom's house in Petaluma. The food was really good. We had turkey legs, mashed potatoes, stuffing, rice, corn, pumpkin pie and cheese cake, to name a few items. We watched the 49ers play and although they lost the game to the Ravens, they showed that they still have some work to do, but they are on the right path.
-->After Thanksgiving we went back home then to Best Buy to wait in line for the Black Friday sales. We got there around 10:30 and didn't get in until around 2:30am. We didn't get any of the big deals but I was able to get on Blu-Ray Scarface, Faster and the Crow. We got out of there at 4am. Then I took my wife and her friend to Macy's and I went home. I picked them up later and they came home, showered and took a nap. Then it was off to Costco to get our TV. I set up the TV and got a new cable box and some other connection that I needed. I will say this, chances are that this will be the last time I go out for Black Friday.
That's it for now. Next month is the last month of the year. Can't believe that the year is almost over....

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