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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Looking Back...(The End)

We get out and the pictures begin again. Robert Valdes was very instructive with us and was very professional. He had us pose in different locations and we were also competing with about 4 or 5 other brides. The tourist in the area were filming us and taking pictures of us. Which was strange, but whatever. The girls were getting tired from walking on their heels. Some of the poses were funny. The sun was out and everything was perfect for us. This time was more of the time for Ulisa to take pictures with her Bridesmaids, but I got some in with the guys as well. Alina would help out a lot by fixing Ulisa's dress and yes, I have seen the pictures and they were great.
After what seemed like forever, we got back into the limo and went over to the Embassy Suites to do last minute prep. Then it was off to Dominic's for the entrances. Amilcar was communicating with Olga who was a great help. We had asked Olga and Brian if they could greet the guest, send them to their seats and have them sign the jersey. They both went above and beyond what we asked of them.
We were waiting for Baltazar to come out and check in with us. Then the introductions started. Lil Will and Alexia up first. Arnel and Alina, Charles and Adri, then Amilcar and Elmira. Last it was us, Ulisa and Edwin..with the glove. A nice tribute to Michael Jackson and a great reminder to everyone that this was our wedding and it was going to have some personalization to it.
I gave the thank you speech in English, Ulisa did it in Spanish. Elmira (who forgot her speech at the hotel) gave an amazing speech from the heart. I still laugh thinking about how some people were probably confused with the 'long haired Steve austin' comment. But it was a wonderful speech. Amilcar did his and I will admit I got a bit choked up, I knew he meant every word and that is what made it special.
It was amazing to see everyone ready to enjoy this party. When the music hit, I made sure everyone hit the dance floor. We made our rounds and greeted everyone. Every moment was special, the cake cutting, the bouquet toss, the garter, our parents dance and our first dance to "Stay with you" by John Legend. The night was magical and special and we could not have asked for anything more. The vibe that we felt and we knew we were going to enjoy was awesome. Everyone there contributed to the fun. It was non stop all the way up to the last song of the night by Tony Bennett "I left my heart in San Francisco"
Dominic's was a great venue to hold our reception. It really did seem like everything fell into place and it was perfect for us.
Then it was over, all of the planning, the meetings, the discussions. Done in a blink of an eye. But well worth it.....

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