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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Where has the time gone?... Happy Birthday Javi

Today is a very special day for the most important little man in my life. 4 years ago today, Ulisa and I received our greatest blessing, Javier Heliodoro Narvaez. From the first moment that I held my son, I fell in love. There was nothing that I would not do for him and I promised him that I would whatever I could to show him love, respect and support him unconditionally. Any doubt that I had in my mind about how this journey would go, melted away when I heard his first cry and was able to hold him. At that point, it seems that anything I did before was not important, I had a new responsibility and I owed it Javi to be the best Father I could be. After all I had 2 Dads as great examples in my life and I owed it to them to pass on their stories and wisdom as they did to me.
I remember how people would always ask us if we wanted a boy or a girl? We would always answer that we wanted a healthy baby and the sex of the baby didn't matter. But after that first minute we knew that Javier was chosen for us and he was the best fit for us. Javi was born 9/28/12 like I predicted. He was so tiny, I remember taking a picture of him sleeping on my belly and tweeting it out to the SF Giants to show them their newest fan.

A Month later on 10/28/2012 Javi was on my belly asleep wearing his Orange rally baby socks, while the Giants got the final out of the 2012 World Series. I found it funny that I had to wait 29 years to see the Giants win it all and for Javi he had to wait just 30 days. It was an awesome moment that even though he had no idea what was going on, I am happy I was able to share with him.

In his first 4 years of life there have been so many moments that have been great for us and of course there were times that were not so great. I remember many firsts for Javi. His first time lifting his neck by himself, crawling, learning to laugh (his big wide open smile with no teeth), learning to crawl, walk and talk.

     Javi is a very special kid. His personality is just lovely. The way he laughs, his smile, the way explains to you that you have to share your ice cream, cookie, candy or icee, but when he has his own, it's no more sharing. As he learns to express himself more each day, I continue to be amazed by the progress and strides he has made and I love every minute of it, even if it does seem that is going by really fast. Javi is also a very spoiled kid, he is lucky to have Grand parents, Aunts, Uncles, God parents and cousins that love him very much and spoil him too. Ulisa and I are also blessed to have them in our lives as we appreciate the love and kindness they show him.
     This year, just like every year since he has been born, we go all out when he likes something, I can admit we ten to go overboard with it. He has liked many cartoons Angry Birds, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Paw Patrol, Jack and the Neverland Pirates, Super Wings, the Lion Guard and Ninja Turtles to name a few, and we go out and get him the toys, the clothes,basically anything from the franchise and the happiness on his face when he opens them and plays with them make it worth it. His first birthday was a small mixed bag of Winnie the Pooh, Toy Story and Mickey Mouse. For his second we had a Mickey Mouse clubhouse theme, last year he was into Jake, so we have a Jake pirate pizza party, this year along with his trip to Disneyland, will have an Angry Birds lunch.
     But like I said, it's not always roses. There are times that he acts really mean and spoiled. Those times are not really fun, but they are necessary to try to teach him lessons in life. Lord knows he has a hateful relationship with the 'time out' chair, but it get's him moving to do as he is told. But overall, I cannot complain. Javi is a great kid and I look forward to what is next.

" As you place your tiny hand in my hand and we walk together, I want you to know that we can brave any storm, we can brave any weather. Good times, there will be plenty, bad times must visit us as well, but together I know that we will become stronger because of them, learning each and everyday. From the moment I saw you, the first time I heard you cry, to watching and cheering you on taking your first steps and many different milestones you have reached, it's been a crazy ride, but I love every minute of it. As we both get older and learn more about each other, just know that I will have your back, I will always have your best intentions at heart and I promise you more good times than bad, this way I know that what I have learned from my Dads, I can share with you so one day you will be a great Dad. Happy Birthday Javi, enjoy your very special day, Happy Birth son, Daddy loves you everyday" - Javi's Dad


Friday, February 19, 2016

It's been a long time.....

It's 2016 and I have not written anything in over a year. I guess I lost a track or just did not have the energy to sit down and write anything, or just I did not have anything to say. But today I feel inspired. Today is a new day.
2015 was a fun year for my family, friends and myself. We did many things. I attended WrestleMania 31 at Levi's Stadium, took my son to his first Giants game (and his second one as well on my birthday) My son started swimming classes, we celebrated many good times, birthdays and just tried to have fun. For 2014 I was able to keep my promise of not having alcohol at all for the whole year and in 2015 I made a promise to read 12 books in 12 months, I think I ended up reading 14. I guess for 2016, I promise to write more. I may continue writing about nonsense, I may write something that touches a nerve in someone, I may write something that no cares for, but I will write.
So stay tuned. I'll try to write about my WrestleMania 31 and my son's first Giants game experiences.
And yes, I will also write about my Giants and the state of the 49ers...
Have a great day