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Friday, September 7, 2012

Our Bright Gift From The Sun

When my wife and I talked about having children, we had our names picked out. We had agreed that she would get to name our first daughter and I would name our first son. I knew and still know how important it is to her to give our first daughter (if God is willing to bless us with one) the names she selected. I agreed to it because it was important to me what our first sons name will be. A few of the reasons I will share with you in a moment. Some of you may already know 'Peanut's' name, for those of you that don't I hope this blog will enlighten you and give you some insight on his new moniker.
For our son, I wanted him to have a strong name. I did not want him to be 'Edwin Jr.' (Trust me, he'll thank me later for that) and I did not want him to be an exact name as someone else. What I did want for sure was to pay tribute to a man that has had a great influence in my life. My father.
My Father's name is Jose Heliodoro Narvaez, he was and is my role model, he always gave a great example, took care of us and provided for us and always showed us love. I wanted our son to have his first initial "J" and to carry out the rest of his name Heliodoro Narvaez. I know that 'Heliodoro' may not be a popular name in our society or amongst others, but I can honestly say that in my opinion, there was not a greater man to have that name then my father and our son will carry that with him to honor my father. Since, Jose was not an option for our son, as that would be a typical thing to call a Latino child Jose, I wanted something different, something biblical, but at the same time not archaic.
The name I wanted for our son was "JERICHO". What does it mean? well, according to many definitions, Jericho is the 'City of the Moon' (quick note, one of the nicknames my wife has is Luna.. coincidence???). Contrary to the belief of many, the reason I like the name is not because of WWE superstar Chris Jericho, although I will admit when I heard it on TV, I looked it up, according to the scriptures the city of Jericho was visited by Jesus Christ on his last journey to Jerusalem. On a bonus note, if 'peanut' would have been called 'Jericho' he would have had his own countdown, theme music and when he ran for any student office or even more he could call his supporters "Jerichoholics", but I guess that last part put some people off as they thought he would be mocked and not supported.
By definition: Jericho (city of the moon) Heliodoro (gift from the sun) Narvaez (dweller on a plain in the mountain). I thought that it was cool, representing the moon, the sun and nature.
But after much discussion and push back, my wishes were not fulfilled. I had to sacrifice one name, I was not going to sacrifice Heliodoro and I would not let go of the initial 'J'. One of the names considered was Jason, then Jacob, finally... Javier.
By definition: Javier (Bright) Heliodoro (gift from the sun) Narvaez (dweller on a plain in the mountain) Makes sense as well, our little "bright gift from the sun"
This experience that my wife and I have gone through, her feeling 'Peanut' move in her belly, me feeling him move with my hand on top of her belly has been great. If you are wondering why I still called him 'Peanut', I did it because, as many parents know, we rarely call our children by their names, we give them nicknames, I don't know if 'Peanut' will be a permanent nickname for him, or if one will come to me when I hold him for the first time, or when his personality starts to show.
One thing for sure is that my wife and I will try our hardest to help him become a great person, learn and understand where he came from and who his family is and to help him make a name for himself and help change the world for the better....
There you have it, 'Our Bright Gift from the Sun'... Javier Heliodoro Narvaez... A.K.A. Peanut!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

August in a flash

Wow, time flies by in the blink of an eye... Just a few more weeks and "Peanut" will be here with us. My wife is doing real well, ready to get the pregnancy over with. This experience for her has fortunately been very well, considering what other women go through. But I am sure she is really happy to have had a chance to experience it, as there are some who cannot. So, it's September and now I will fill you in on August and the month that was....
Just a few items of noteworthiness...
August 11th was our God Daughters baptism. It was a great moment in her young life. We can only hope that we are able to not only participate in her life, but to be role models to her and show her that we love and support her.
August 12th we attended the San Francisco 49ers fan fest. It was a different experience, this is the first one that I have attended. I usually go to the Giants fan fest. What I liked about this event was that we saw the team practice and that is something that I have never seen. The sun was out and I had not been at the 'Stick in years... It brought back so many memories. I am looking forward to the upcoming season.
August 18th we went and did the 4D ultra sound for "Peanut" we confirmed he was a boy! The pictures were awesome, they made me more anxious to meet the little guy. I am so excited that he is coming soon.
August 25th was our baby shower. It was a really good time. We received a lot of gifts, very useful gifts. We played the games that people play at baby showers and had a great time with family and friends who are just as excited and anxious to meet our new little boy.
August went by so fast. September is here and soon so will be "Peanut" sometime this week we will be setting up his crib and his room. The countdown is getting closer to zero..... Just as quick as August flew by, this entry will as well....