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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Almost time to say goodbye to July....

Here we are, it's July 26th, my wife is now 30 weeks along into her pregnancy with our first child. 10 more weeks to go, we are really excited. We have already begun to get gifts from family for the baby. Both sides have been very generous and we appreciate it. So how has July been? well here is a recap...
* July 4th, Independence day! we went up to my Mom's house in Petaluma for a BBQ. We gathered, had some burgers, hot dogs and beer. A few small fireworks for the children and some good times shared by all. I can't wait for next year so "Peanut" can join in the fun. On the way home we were able to see the fireworks show in the City from the Golden Gate Bridge, it felt like they were celebrating me coming back home!
*July 9th.... Finally, Edwin has come back....Home! I got moved from my desk and sent to another building. The building I got sent to I had already worked at before. When I was with Arriba Juntos I used to run the One Stop activities and WIA monies in this building, when we were transferred out I told a few folks that I would make my way back here to them as a city employee. It took me about a year, but I am back. It was a great feeling to see everyone that I was close to once again. Make the transition a lot easier.
*July 16th- One year ago on this day, my wife and I had our church wedding and reception. It was an awesome event, once again we thank everyone who was a part of it, it will be hard for us to top that party, but we look forward to it when we renew our vows on our 25th anniversary ;) This day also marked the 11th year of us being together. There are a lot of things you learn about someone and about yourself in 11 years. With every relationship there are ups and downs, I am very lucky to a lot more ups then downs. I look forward to many many more years... I love you everyday!
*July 20th.. Was my wife's 29th birthday! Very relaxed day, she went out with her mom and then we hung out. The next day was for celebrating.
*July 21st... I went out in the morning to hang out with Arnel, Amilcar and Frankie at the Outback, I had 2 margaritas and some appetizers. After that I went home and chilled for a bit. My wife and I then went to K-mart to look for some toys for our niece and nephews. We got my niece (also my God daughter) a Nightmare Before Christmas poster and for the two little ones we got one an Alberto Del Rio toy and for the other one we got him the Alberto Del Rio and Brodus Clay Rumbler pack. We held off on our other two nephews as those will be taken in September. At 7 we had reservations at Benihana's, we were celebrating my wife's and my cousin Monica's birthday. Food was delicious and service was great from the cook Solis. After our meal we went to see "The Dark Knight Rises" I really enjoyed the movie as I am a big Batman fan, I could have done without the strange voice box on Bane, but I like it.
*July 23rd... was my 6th month here at my current job. By my count I have passed probation and I am doing really well. I really enjoy doing this.
*Birthdays in July 7/4 Craig L, 7/16 Brian C, 7/19 Tia Nora, 7/20 Ulisa!!! 7/23 Monica.. A very Happy Birthday to you all!
My San Francisco Giants are doing really well. Timmy looks like he is lost, but I still believe that he can help the team out. Those who criticize need to remember how well they pitch when they go out there every five days.. oh wait, you don't play, but have an opinion...
San Francisco 49ers are about to start camp, looking forward to the upcoming season! Alex Smith is my quarterback!
The Olympics 2012 in London start Friday! Can't wait!
#Raw1000 was very well put together, it had a great old school and new school feel to it. Hope they can continue with it as Raw goes 3 hours now every week...
Happy trails to you, until we meet again!

Monday, July 2, 2012

June in a nutshell

Wow, it's been a busy month of June. So busy in fact that I am blogging for the first time since the end of May. So what has happened. Lets start from the begining.
*June 1st: our new place was ready for us to start moving things in. Which meant that we would have to go over and clean up since we had two apartments for that month. My Mom, mother-in-law and Aunts helped us clean up a lot. The place was not really kept up that well, so we went in for a pre deep cleaning. It took us two weekends to get everything in order there. While that was going on we were packing up and cleaning up the old place and throwing a lot of things out.
*June 9th: we went to Chili's to celebrate my God daughters 15th birthday. It was a family event and we all had fun. My wofe and I were a bit tired due to the fact that we had been cleaning up the new place for the first half of the day. After dinner, we went to watch 'Snow White and the Huntsman'. It was ok, I really was not to thrilled with it, but oh well.
*June 13th: Matt Cain of the San Francisco Giants tossed a Perfect Game! The first in Giants history. I started watching the game at my sisters house, got home and my wife changed the channel to some show. I was online and heard the play that Gregor Blanco made and then took notice. I went to the room to watch the end of the game. Baseball is a funny game with many unwritten rules, even watching baseball fans follow these rules. I went to the living room, told my wife to put the game on and to not say anything, just to watch. Then Arias threw out the runner at first to end the perfect game! I am really happy for Cain, he is a great pitcher and truly deserves the honor!
*June 14th was my God daughters actual Birthday. Other birthdays of note this month were my Aunt Miriam, my sister-in-law Rita and my brother-in-law Danny.
*June 16th: Moving day! We were helped by Amilcar, Oscar, Arnel, Brian and Alexia. Amilcar and I had moved a majority of the boxes and some furniture during the weeks leading up to this day. My wife enjoyed the interactions that we all had during the move. The way I had planned it was to have the least amount of heavy furniture possible to be done within a 2 hour window. We were able to do that. I am truly gratetful that my friends came by to help.
*June 17th: Father's day! I got my Dad a Giants t-shirt, on the back it has a number 1 and says DAD. For my step-father I got him an Alan Jackson cd. We ate at Sizzler's and it was a big table and it was full. It was a bit disorganized on their part, but none the less, we had fun. Next year, 'Peanut' will be with us where ever we go.
*June 25th, was the 3rd Anniversary of Michael Jackson passing. Still, in my opinion, the greatest entertainer ever!
*June 26th was the 3rd anniversary of our civil ceremony. Another wonderful day in the journey that my wife and I have together. We got each other cards and just hung out together.
*June 29th we went to the Giants game. It was the Garlic Festival! but it wasn't good. We had expectations that were not met. We thought they would have better garlic foods, but they only had garlic fries, garlic bread and garlic calamari. The Giants lost 5-1 to the Reds. Panda homered and I had a Cha-Cha bowl. Over all; besides the loss, a really good night.
*June 30th, we turned in the keys to our first apartment. 3 years of our lives were spent there, our journey began in a one bedroom apartment, now we upgraded to a 2 bedroom. It felt really good to turn in the keys and to leave, we had outgrown the area. The neighbors were getting to disrespectful, they were inconsiderate and in a community with a 'strict' no pet policy, their dogs would bark like Lionel Riche (All night long).
Oh well, that was June in a nutshell. July is here, my wife's birthday is coming soon! and in a few more months so will 'Peanut'.... Have a great day!
*Just a quick note, the Giants had a 2002 team reunion. It was great to see them back on the field. Really wish they would have brought that title home. Dusty Baker got a great ovation. He was a great manager for the Giants. For his tenure here, I really only disagreed with 3 things he did.. 1) Solamon Torress starting the last game in LA in 1993. 2) Taking out Russ Ortiz in game 6 of the 2002 World Series. He got out of jams all season, but Dusty listened to the critics and took him out early and 3) having Livan Hernandez pitch Game 7. Like I said before and I will say again, and will continue saying forever... Woody (Kirk Rueter) should have pitched game 7. I think he would have given the Giants a way better chance to win then that a-hole Hernandez.