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Monday, June 9, 2014

"Oh the last goodbye's the hardest one to say. This is where the cowboy walks away.."

It is always hard to say goodbye to anyone. But this one really hurts. On Saturday, June 7, 2014; My family lost an important piece to our family structure. My Mother lost her husband, my niece, nephews and son lost their Grandfather, my wife lost a Father-in-Law, my brother, Sisters and I lost our Father.
David Michael Thomas was called up to Heaven to watch over us from a better place, where he will be without pain. As I sit here trying not to cry while writing this, I am comforted by all of the warm memories I have of him. I cannot speak for my Mom, siblings or niece and nephew, so I can only speak about what I am going through and what I feel.
With every Father and Son relationship there are many peaks and valleys. There are learning moments and times where you may butt heads. David was 'old school', it was not always easy to talk to him because of that. He did not take well to excuses and if he was not satisfied with the answer, he kept on asking questions. I often felt intimidated and uncomfortable at times because he was so knowledgeable about a lot of subjects. He loved to read and to be up on current events. Be it local or national politics, sports and electronics to name a few. But I would not have changed it for anything.
I was really young when Dave came into my life. To me he was Mr. Thomas until I was 18, then he gave the go ahead to call him Dave. I was able to experience a lot of things because of my Mom and him. I am so grateful that they helped me with my education and many other things. I was and am so proud to have shared many of my great life moments with him.
Dave shared with us my High School and College Graduation. My civil and Church wedding and the birth of my son. When I look back on those moments and I look at the pictures, the smile he had was so big and bright and I will have those pictures and memories forever.  One of the things that I know that will always get me is that my son only have 20 months with him, but I know that he will know about him and any future children I have will know about him.
When my Mom told me that Dave's time was coming sooner rather than later, I sat down and I wrote down my thoughts. We had already planned to go up there to visit on Sunday, also celebrate Father's day with him the following week. On Saturday my Sister called me to tell me that he did not look good and that he probably would not make it through the night. I could not move, I cried, but then my Wife encouraged me to go. I left alone, wishing that the phone would not ring. But it did, I missed the call and I called back to hear that he was gone.
I was driving on the Great Highway and my eyes filled with tears, I could not breathe well, but I kept driving. On the drive up to the house, I cried on and off. When I got there I parked the car and I could not get out.  When I finally did, I was pacing back and forth for some time. When I finally found the strength to walk in, I saw my sister Vanessa first and we embraced and cried. Then I embraced my Sister Karen and my Mom. I missed Dave by an hour or so. But when I saw him he looked at peace. Resting without pain, although I was very saddened, I felt relief that he was no longer in pain.
I was able to tell him in private that I was thankful for everything. For treating my Mom so well, for treating us like his own children, for treating our children like his own Grandchildren. I told him that I love him and that I will miss him and that I will not let his memory fade. My Sister Karen and I stayed with my Mom that night, we were helping her sort out some things and helped pick out his suit for the services. He will wear the suit he wore at my Church wedding,so needless to say, he will be looking great.
It is going to be a long and difficult road up ahead with the tough decisions that my Mom and us have to make. I wanted to share with you what I wrote that day I found out that the Doctor's gave him '2 more months' to live:
'It's not fair, it's just not fair.
For so many years you have taken good care of my Mom.
You have taken us in as your own kids and have loved us as such.
There have been many times that you have given advice and we did not follow it,
but you were there to help support us each time.
When I heard what was going on, I did not and still do no want to believe it.
Praying everyday for a miracle to cure what is taking you away from my Mom and us.
I truly believed this would be that one in a million shot.
But now they say it's gotten worse and only a few more memories we will be able to make.
When I look back on the many memories we have shared, graduations, birthdays, my wedding day, the birth of my first son, his baptism, my first Father's Day and Javier's 1st birthday.
I smile and thank God that I was able to have those moments to share with you.
When people ask my about my parents, I always mention that I have 3. My Mom and 2 Dads.
I can never repay you or show you how much I appreciate what you have done for my Mom, for me, Ulisa and Javier.
I can only say thank you and that I will make sure that Javier knows all about what a great man you are.
I still can't believe what is going on and my world will be a lot different when you are gone.
But I will take the many lessons and the words of advice you have given me and share them with my kids.
I know that if I said these words out loud, they may not be heard correctly, so I had to write them down to do them justice.
I know you will watch over Mom and all of us.
I love you Dave.
I'll miss you Dad."

"Oh the last goodbye's the hardest one to say, this is where the cowboy rides away...' -George Strait