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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End on chapter 2013....

So it's December 31, 2013. Another year about to be in the books. The last page of this chapter in our lives. There are many wonderful things that happened this year. So many great times and like any other year there were some heartbreaks. But the important thing is that we are still standing and going strong. As we stand on the doorstep of 2014, I look forward to many new adventures, triumphs, failures, heartaches and successes. 
What I am thankful for was that I was granted another great year with family and friends. The birthday celebrations, the dinner parties, the good laughs we all shared, the memories we relived and the new ones created. Big milestones this year included my wife turning 30. My son's Baptism, turning 1 and our first family trip to Disneyland. 
This year has also been challenging. Work had created an obstacle for my family, I was moved from my previous program and put into a whole new program, new building, new schedule and new co-workers. There was great stress during this time of uncertainty, but in life we are given challenges and opportunities to accomplish things that we may not have originally wanted to take on, but in the end we overcome the stress, overcome the challenge and make it our own and share the triumph with those who supported us. I'm coming up on 2 years with the City and County of San Francisco and yes, the position can be challenging, it can stressful. Clients can and are going to get under your skin, but there are also some clients that make your work, your efforts, your dedication to help people worth it. With this Affordable Care Act (Obama Care if you will) there has been so much uncertainty, so much miss-communication that has frustrated everyone. When I am assisting these clients who are signing up for ACA, they have so many questions that I wish I had better answers for, but they appreciate the effort that I am making. Some of them even insist on coming by and meeting me. For those who actually know me, they know that the effort I put in to helping others, I do it, not for recognition, not for 'likes' on social media, but I just do it, because I like helping people. 
 Sports wise, the Giants fell short of the post season. Once again, key injuries stalled a possible title defense. But there were also many issues that needed to be worked on as a whole. I always have high expectations with my Giants, I expect them to win the World Series every year. 2014 should be no different. The 49ers quest for six ended about 5 yards short. I have already said what I needed to say about this matter and I have moved on. Right now, the Niners are on a new quest for six. Green Bay is their first opponent. Just like with the Giants, I have high expectations of the Niners. I expect them to win Super Bowl XLVIII. One thing about challenges, heartbreaks and failures is that in order to 'fail' you had to have tried and they make the good times even better. Like they say 'Sunny days would not be special, if it wasn't for rain'
There are moments in life that we all look back on and relive and rejoice in them. Last year my wife and I were able to celebrate with our son our very first NYE and this year New Years day. Although little guy was asleep and did not know what was going on, it was still special. In May we celebrated our first Mother's day with our son in attendance. Same went in June for Father's day. Although events that day were not what I expected, but it was still special because it was the first Father's day with my mini me. My niece/God daughter had her sweet sixteen party the night before. It was fun and everyone had a great time.
In April, we ventured to a bachelor party weekend in Reno for my best friend. It had to be done right, so I delegated the tasks to the folks in attendance that was right up their alley. Everything worked out well. Had a lot of drinks, some gambling and some good food. It was a night to remember to forget. So after the bachelor party comes the wedding. My best friend and his now wife tied the knot on 6/1/2013. It was  great event for them. As best man I had the honor to give the first toast of the night, I was stuck in between reading off of a piece of paper or just letting it flow from the heart. Never to be the one to let the crowd down, I just talked. The day and night was perfect for them. Lots of pictures, lots of dancing, lots of drinking, some blood was shed but it was all in good fun. 
A few of my friends turned 30 this year, including my wife. We had a great dinner at a Brazilian restaurant in San Mateo. The food was awesome, so delicious. Later in July our son was baptized at the same church we were married in. Friends came from Nicaragua and New Orleans to celebrate with family and friends we have near. In September we decided to celebrate little mans' 1st birthday in Disneyland. We loaded up the car and drove down the day before his big day and spent 2 days in both parks. His first rides, first picture with Mickey, our first long road trip as a family. He even took a few steps after that night of his birthday and now is walking better everyday. 
For Halloween we dressed up as a Toy Story family. I was Buzz, my wife was Jesse and our son was Woody. We had so much fun. As this year comes to a close, I am so thankful for family, friends, good health, good times, good memories and I look forward to even more things to be thankful for. 
One final thought, I did not complete my new year's resolution for 2013, so I am stepping up the challenge. 
1) No chocolate until 10/31/2014
2) No sodas
3) Cooking more at home
4) No alcohol 
If you do not challenge yourself with something, you get lazy and forget what the thrill of accomplishment is. Have a great and safe new year!