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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Early September

So, it is September now. Last year around this time we were setting up for the arrival of 'Peanut' and we were eagerly anticipating meeting him. So that means that soon he will be 1 year old! We plan to celebrate this milestone with him by taking him up to Disneyland for his birthday weekend. We are looking forward to a few days away to celebrate with him and see how he reacts to the characters and we can't wait to see how his first picture with Mickey Mouse looks.
Over Labor day weekend we went camping to Folsom Lake, we had fun. We went up there with my friend and his family. The weather was nice, it was Javi's first time camping and he seemed to enjoy it. We had got him a little kiddie pool and we filled it up with water and placed him in it, but he didn't like the feeling. I guess it might have been too cold for his liking. After that I was able to put him down for a nap. Later we took him down to the lake and had him go in, my wife and I took turns holding him while he finally got the idea of splashing around. At night, he was all over the place. Javi is a sleep crawler, so he was moving all over the air mattress and almost fell off. I had to position myself to have him sleeping half on me and the other half on the air mattress.
I am really happy that we are able to start doing these types of things with him. Next up will be a San Francisco Giants game. But that will come next season as the timing is not good for us this year. It works out better as he will be more alert and ready to take in the surroundings more.
I am also looking forward to the upcoming football season. The Niners play the Packers on 9/8/13. It will be our first full football season together rooting on our favorite team on their #QuestForSix
Birthdays this month:
Edgard, Lil Will, Charles and of course turning 1 is Javi!!!!