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Monday, August 26, 2013

it's been awhile...

Wow, I cannot believe that it has been since April that I last been on here. Wow, so what has happened since then.

April 2013-
This was a fun month, we went to Reno for my best friend's bachelor party. It was a 3 day event and we had a blast. We had dinner, gambled a bit and had lots of drinks. Great times with great people.
May 2013-
I turned 32! My brother turned 36 and my friend Arnel turned 30! It was a busy month. This was the first time that we were able to celebrate my birthday and mother's day with Javier.
June 2013-
My best friend and his fiance got married on 6/1/2013. It was a really nice wedding. Very sweet and simple ceremony. the reception was fun, I fulfilled my duties as the best man and had a blast doing it. My God daughter turned 16, my sister had a sweet sixteen party for her. That was a fun night as well, the only issue was that Javi was sick. I was able to spend my first father's day with Javi. Although it didn't turn out like I expected, I was happy that I finally got to celebrate one. My wife and I also celebrated 4 years of marriage together.
July 2013-
A whole lot happened this month. My wife and I celebrated 12 years together. My wife turned 30! My friend Brian turned 30 and our son Javier was Baptised. We picked my best friend Amilcar as his God father and my wife picked her best friend Elmira as the God mother. It was a great time and also my wife had her friends over to visit.
August 2013-
Pre-seaon football has begun and in 2 weeks that start of the regular season and of course the Niners #QuestforSix. We are setting up for Javier's first camping trip and we are about a month aways from his first birthday that we will be celebrating at Disneyland! That's about it, happy trails!