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Monday, March 18, 2013

Back at work.....

So, it's over now. My family leave has officially ended. I spent the last 6 weeks bonding with my little boy. It was a great experience to have. We spent lots of time together and I am pretty sure he enjoyed the time together. I sure know I did.
Javi will turn 6 months on the 28th, he has grown so much. It is amazing to see the transformation that he has helped us with. Ulisa is a great mother and is always on top of things for him, I am the one that likes to mess with him to push his limits, but then I cave in and cover him with kisses. He is growing up so fast. Getting bigger by the day. I love how he is now recognizing people faster and smiling a lot more.
Today was the first time that we had to put him in day care. Our original plans fell through and we had to go with our second option. He will not be there for too long during the day, but it still makes us feel a bit sad that he won't be with us or with someone we are familiar with. Ulisa had the unenviable task of dropping him off. I guess in the long run, this experience will help him with interacting with other children.
Just a quick update as I am back on the grind here at work, no one day grace period, just straight into the fire....
Have a nice day!