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Monday, February 11, 2013

5 yards short

So, the #QuestForSix came up 5 yards short. For two weeks, Niner fans eagerly anticipated kick off and the chance for the franchise to remain undefeated in the Super Bowl. There were many quotes and stories that were brought to the front page, but it mainly seemed that the NFL was hell bent on making this game all about Ray Lewis and his magical tears.
Before the game I had 2 concerns, the first one was how the Ravens defensive line puts their hands up and tip balls and create turnovers. The second one was that the Niners could not spot the Ravens any points. The Niners took care of 1, but could not take care of both. After less then a minute in the 3rd quarter the Niners were down 28-6. There were 3 plays that I feel that should have flags thrown on. The first was on the kick off return, 2 Ravens players held one of the Niners players on coverage. Plain as day, he was sandwiched between them, it was close to looking like it was two police officers holding a suspect. The second play was on the 2 point conversion, it seemed to me and everyone where I was at that Reed was offsides before the snap. The last play was the hold on Crabtree. He was held and it should have been a penalty. Putting those 3 plays aside, I will have to say that the Niners did not help their cause by having such a poor first half. The Ravens did what they should have done, take advantage.
At the end of the day, the Niners shot themselves in the foot. They should have not been in that position to begin with. A few big defensive plays and scoring drives in the first half, would have made a great deal of difference. Even though this is no consolation, the Niners showed heart and came within 5 yards of taking the lead. Should they have run the ball down there? yes, but hindsight is 20/20. But what we have now is a Niner franchise that is now 5-1 in the Super Bowl. But I predict that the Niners will win 2 to 3 Superbowls in the next 6 years. I am very proud of my team, the 49ers will be back. I will continue to support as a real fan does. For me, being a Niners fan is not a part time thing, it is a commitment for life. The #QuestForSix has already begun.
San Francisco Giants fan fest was on February 9th. We went over to AT&T park because I really wanted a family picture with both World Series Trophies. I really liked the way that it was set up, they had the players in the actual stadium and Pier 48 was dubbed the Trophy Pavilion. This was a blessing as we were able to get in and get out. The excitement of this upcoming season for the Giants is very big for me. My first passion and love in sports is and always will be Baseball and Football is a close second. So, some early predictions: Giants win the World Series again, this time Timmy will toss a no-hitter, Zito gets at least 13 wins. Panda will have a over 30 Home runs and Posey will repeat as MVP.

So there it is, now I will go back to bonding time with Javier. Have a great day!