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Monday, February 27, 2012

February Randomness

It's time, it's time, it's blogging time!
So it's been over a month since I was last on here. So let's see what has been going on. As usual, I hope everyone out there reading this (the one, maybe two of you) is having a great year so far.
Work- So as you know I started this new job with the city and we have been training for the last month, it has been a blast. We have learned a lot and we continue learning everyday. I know that this is the calm before the storm as once we start going live there will be many cases that will be challenging and I have to step it up to make sure that I am able and capable of serving the client to ensure they get their benefit. Today was the first time that I was able to help a client get his benefits and it was a good experience, tomorrow I will have another and gain more experience and momentum in my journey.
Family-everyone is doing well, same as always. Finally my nephew is getting off of diapers! it's been almost 4 years and that little guy was still in those huggies. We finally got to see pictures of our new nephew that was born last month in Nicaragua. Call me crazy but I feel this may be the year of babies! There are a few more on the way... exciting times here.
Baseball-Spring training is just around the corner, my Giants look to start another run at the World Series title. This year should be different from last year, the team should be healthy and should be hitting better. There were some players that I was sad to see leave, but the time had come for them and the team to move on. Calling it now, Cain and/or Lincecum tosses a no-hitter this season! Can't wait for the season to start... Let's go Giants!
WWE- So, WrestleMania 28 is around the corner and the card seems to be building up very well, a Hell in a Cell match for HHH and the Undertaker, The title for "Best in the World" is on the line between CM Punk and Chris Jericho, the 'Great White' Sheamus goes up against Daniel Bryan and John (I'm here everyday) Cena and The Rock. So my opinion on the Rock being a headliner at WM28 is that he deserves it, there is no one else on the roster that can take his spot on the card. When the Rock said he was 'back' and 'never leaving' he did not mean it literally, he is not going to be at house shows, every Monday, it just is what it is, Dwayne Johnson has paid his dues and can make his own schedule. If the 'boy's in the back don't like it, step up and make yourselves marketable. Plain and simple, The Rock being there will get you a bigger payday and at the end of the day it's really all about the money. For those Cena fans, don't for one second believe that if Hollywood came calling and he was successful and had actual movies that were not produced be WWE (Which make sure he is there every Monday night for Raw) that he would say "no thanks" and stay. Remember like the "Million Dollar Man" used to say "Everybody has a price" it's just that nobody wants to pay to see Cena. I already predict that the way the business goes, the Rock will put over Cena and pass the torch and finally put to end this horrible feud where I have to listen to Cena b*tch and complain about how the Rock isn't there every week and he is and blah blah blah....
Oh well, until next time folks.... Have a great time!