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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Random thoughts

Just a few random thoughts...
-My church wedding is; including today 47 days away. Everything is getting on track. Just reserved the Limo, My wife sent out the invitations today. We are still working on a few that she will be taking to work. So far we have every seat covered. We are waiting on RSVP's to see if we can accommodate a few extra people. It was tough to see who made the cut and who didn't. There may be a lot of disappointed people out there, but hey that's life and we are doing what we can.
-I really wish I could get a higher paying job. I am OK where I am at now; not satisfied or too happy, but OK, I can cover bills and life expenses but I need to get paid more. We are going to try and start a family soon and this is not cutting it. Positive thinking brings positive results, I know I will find that position and be great at it. I pray to God every day and night to help me out with finding this job. But right now it is hard out there. I remain positive and I know I will get there.
-So far, I have lost 24.8 lbs. since I started my calorie counting program with It really works. I have been working hard, going to the gym, eating less and making better eating decisions. I did not think that I could lose that much weight. My starting weight was 268.8 lbs, my goal was 245 lbs. My last official weigh in (Sundays) was 244 lbs. I plan to lose more, but for now I am trying to focus more on my upper body muscles.
-The San Francisco Giants were dealt a hard blow last week (May 25, 2011) 2010 Rookie of the Year and potential All-Star Starting catcher Buster Posey was lit up by a Marlins player (Cousins) and broke his Fibula. He will be out for the whole year. It amazes me to think that after that accident how the 'fans' of the Giants gave up on the season. These same 'fans' are making actual Giants fans look pathetic by crying about how the game needs a rule change. I understand that the play at the plate is a dangerous one. I don't think that Cousins intentions were bad, but it happened, it is part of the game and now the Giants have to dust themselves off and play like defending champions. There are other guys on the field, sure Buster was a big name in our line up, but we can still do this. As a real 'Fan' you should be able to cheer and support your team at all times. I still and will always have faith in my Giants.
-On the same day that Posey went down, we got some news before the game that my Uncle Luis; my Dad's brother, passed away in Nicaragua on the way to the hospital. My Dad told my sister and she told us. I did know my Uncle, not too well but well enough. He had his bad habits like smoking, but in one way or the other we all have our bad habits. I remember hanging out with him and my Dad in front of my Dad's house in Jinotepe, the cold breeze coming in, trying to break bottles with rocks and sling shots, while drinking some beers or having some Flor de Cana. I know that it must be hard on my Dad, since he has been down there he has seen two of his brothers pass away and has had trouble with his nieces and nephews down there. What the future holds for my Dad now is up in the air. But for right now I can only say I hope that my Uncle Luis Narvaez is resting in peace.
-Last Friday my friend had us over for taco night. The food was delicious. Had about 8 beers, a couple of shots of tequila and 8 tacos (not an official count as I lost count due to the alcohol consumption) We had a good time, making jokes and talking about some odd things.
-We saw the Hangover 2 last Sunday. I liked it. It did go a bit far with some things, but that was expected because that's how all sequels are. I did laugh a lot, it was a good time out with my wife. We had some Round Table Pizza, Kettle corn, ICEE and some sour candies.
-So, this is my last entry for the month of May. I hope June brings me more opportunity to write more and have more news, good news to pass on. I know there are a few events coming up that will be worth writing about. I will be back soon...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Next Thirty Years

So this is the big post. The big 3-0 post. I was thinking of a way to write this. I decided to do something different. Many people are still surprised by the fact that I like country music. So I thought it would be fitting to use a Tim McGraw song in this post. I will write the lyrics to the song and in between the lyrics I will tell you about my day as it happened. If you have not heard the song, it is a good one it is called "My Next Thirty Years"
'I think I'll take a moment, to celebrate my age
The ending of an era and the turning of a page.
Now it's time to focus in on where I go from here
Lord have mercy on my next thirty years'
-> I woke up in the morning and as always thanked God for another day of life, but in this case another year of life. I was so tired and I wanted to sleep more (old age I guess) but I knew I already had made plans to go to the gym and to spinning class. My wife wished me a happy birthday, I got early morning texts from my sister and best friend. Got ready and went to the gym to workout. On this day the first part of spin class did not feel like the normal 'kick your @$$' class that other instructors have, but the second half did get us some good fat burning work.
'In my next thirty years, I'm gonna have some fun
Try to forget about all the crazy things I've done
Maybe now I've conquered all my adolescent fears
And I'll do better in my next thirty years'
->We got home and for breakfast I had a healthy serving of mixed vegetables. Amilcar called me and invited me to lunch. On the way to meet him, my Arnel called and we spoke about activities that we were doing. He was hyped about the Pacquiao vs Mosley fight. I got to Amilcar's workplace and my nephew was there, we went over to eat at the Westlake Cafe. I have the Tuna melt sandwich with half of the fries. We sat around and talked for about an hour. After that I headed back home.
'My next thirty years I'm gonna settle all the scores
Cry a little less, laugh a little more
Find a world of happiness without the hate and fear
Figure out just what I'm doing here
In my next thirty years'
-> I had to go shopping for the last of the Mother's day gifts that I needed and I also went out to get me my birthday gift to myself. I got myself the book 'Worth the Wait', the 2010 San Francisco Giants year book and a t-shirt that had a world series ring on it. I was also able to walk around the mall for a bit to get some more exercise and to see what else I could get for myself. But that was it.
'Oh my next thirty years, I'm gonna watch my weight
Eat a few more salads and not stay up so late
Drink a little lemonade and not so many beers
Maybe I'll remember my next thirty years'
->So we got ready to go out to dinner at Bucca Di Beppo's in San Francisco. The guest list included my wife, mom, step-dad, mother-in-law, niece(God daughter), Nephew and his girlfriend, brother, sister, brother-in-law, best friend, cousin-in-law and his wife and of course me. We had a great meal, we had pizza, pasta and garlic cheese bread. It was a great time, the waiter and staff came out and sang happy birthday. All in all a good time out. As a gift my wife took care of the bill. Thank you =)
'My next thirty years will be the best years of my life
Raise a little family and hang out with my wife
Spend precious moments with the ones that I hold dear
Make up for lost time here, in my next thirty years'
->After the dinner, we were supposed to go out to some pub, but that did not work out so we just hung out at our apartment and watched Kevin Hart and me and Amilcar had a few drinks, Oscar, Monica and Ulisa just watched. It was a fun night, very relaxing, just the way I like it. Now that this is out of the way, we can focus on the wedding, honeymoon and next some babies =)
I do not know what the next thirty years hold for me, but as long as I am still with my wife and we have a family and are raising our children in a healthy and fun way. I would be happy. That was pretty much my day.